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I try to bring humour and good looks into everything I do, and I find that I do both effortlessly.
@ 2 snaps Up chyeeaaa69!!!!!:fro:
I really thought I was going to take a day off the boards but I'm seeing this isn't going to happen.

And empire? You say this like it's a bad thing. Local girls make her dreams and the dreams of her kids come true. I can see why this would bother people!!
You set your expectation way too high sweetheart. hahahha
wow, I saw this thread and was thinking it would be an intelligent, level headed discussion.... why I would have such expectations is beyond me. :rolleyes:
This will never ever ever exist on the boards. That is the funniest expectation I have ever heard ;D hahahhaa too funny, thank you for making my night, because I did just bust out laughing! haha :)
mstealtoyou - just tagging you so you see I saw your tag

So I've read bits and pieces of this thread and all I can say is leave CSP to run her business as she pleases. What does it matter to anyone if she expands to another state or city, what have you. I mean everyone on here saying they've lost respect for her etc are acting like the obsessed cheer fans everyone was talking about in the dangers of cheerlebrity thread. What gives you the right to criticize someone for building up a successful business that other people are willing to pay for.

There's a saying in the creative world - those that can do, those that can't teach. In this case it seems those that can't come on here and complain about those that can for being successful and expanding their brand.:wasntme:

I realize as I type the above statement some might say I'm being hypocritical as I started a thread complaining about a persons actions. But I was complaining about their actions as an individual and how that affects the sport, not about his business. Although that's another thread on its own. :shaka:

Oh and as for an empire, plenty of gyms across the country have multiple locations in different states and cities. As I've said before, at the end of the day this is a for profit industry. If we want to talk empire we can discuss the 800 lbs gorilla in the middle of the room whose event's we all attend, buy their uniforms, wear their shoes, go to their camps and I think even read their magazine. Now THAT is an empire. :fro:

I'm pretty convinced those people never had it for her anyway tbh :rolleyes:
I think people are focusing too much on the person and not enough on the basic principle behind what she's doing. It's Business 101, if your business is successful you expand and take over others that are not. If a bank is failing or doing poorly, they are bought out by another bank. Even in professional sports team, if your franchise is doing poorly, you sell it to a new buyer or a new city looking for a team.
Why was no one freaking out about this when Cali expanded over to Vegas?
I'm probably completely wrong about this but maybe because there aren't as many gyms in that area? I have no idea about Nevada cheerleading but this is just my assumption.

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