Cheer Pet Peeves?

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With this is common because teams are excited to win. why wouldnt they go crazy and be happy. I know if i saw a team just win and they just stood there i would be like wow they dont even care they just won or wow they are ungrateful!!!! i dont know about you guys but thats my opinion

No it's good sportsmanship to WAIT until your team is announced to start celebrating.......that's what we teach our kids in my gym. Every team deserves their OWN time to celebrate, whether it's 10th place, 3rd, or 1st. Every team deserves the chance to celebrate as if they won 1st place. So as hard as it is for them to contain themselves, they try to hold it in until the 2nd place team is done jumping and hugging and crying, etc. Once their name is called for 1st, then they can celebrate and do standing fulls on the awards mat for all I care, lol. It's about respect. I don't expect them to sit there like complete drones, but they do not burst out in true celebration until they are called. To me, that's just common courtesy.
Sorry, I got so preoccupied with replying to another comment that I didn't answer the actual thread, lol.

Pet Peeves:

1) Wearing Uggz while wearing your uniform........that irks me to my core!

2) Unzipped/unbuttoned uniforms. You're in public, please dress as such.

3) Athletes that talk to their parents like they are children or incompetent........I see this too often at competitions....NO RESPECT!

4) BAD SPORTMANSHIP: "If we didn't drop that stunt we would have won"............... oh get over it. You dropped it and you lost, don't try to minimize or belittle the other teams win. They hit and you didn't, better luck next time.

5) ILLEGAL PLAYERS: Gyms using illegal athletes on teams. It's not that serious........In the end, cheaters never prosper.

6) Rude Fans/Cheer Moms/Cheer Dads: No matter what the situation, there's no need to yell obscenities in a arena full of young athletes. There's no need to bash another gym in the stands. And there's def no reason to discuss the inner workings of your gym. Let in house issues remain in house........this is how rumors are started.

7) The "FAKE" Injury: The girl/guy that messes up in the routine (falls from a stunt, touch down on tumbling, etc) and in order to soften the blow, they fake an injury the moment the music ends, or they can't breathe all of a sudden. Why be so dramatic?? You messed up, try harder next time.

8) People that don't like F5 Jason! How can you NOT like him? He's amazing.......

9) Popcorn People: I can't stand when girls/guys are bouncing all over the floor. Just bouncing for no reason. Walking to their spot....they're bouncing. Coming out of a cradle......they're bouncing. Doing an approach for a jump....oh guessed it.....they're bouncing. STOP BOUNCING. You look like a Jumping Bean sheesh!

10) Mad Bumpers: LOL. I hate the people that get mad when you bump them while walking in the hallway of a national competition. Mind you, there's like 20,000 people here, and about half of them are walking in the hall right now. If you get bumped, just keep moving. You're not going to die because someone touched your uniform. I promise you still have your magical powers.

I'm going to stop at 10 but I could go on forever, lol.
When people tuck up their fulls!!!!! Fulls need to be straight like a layout. Thats why you learn a back tuck then a layout then a full. Not back tuck full layout! If they aren't straight don't throw them.
when the middle flyer doesnt smile or make any expression in the mount..
when a flyers legs are too long and their always bent
slow tumbling
  • Wigs falling out.
  • Bows falling out.
  • People steping on bows that fall out.
  • Not being able to do your hair right.
  • Wearing your uniform with jeans/mini skirts/shorts... ANYTHING OTHER THAN YOUR SKIRT.
  • Bigger girls in the shorts uniform pants that dont help them at all.
  • People crying during the routine.
i honestly cant stand when stunt groups go with the blame game! for example when a stunt goes down and the flyer blames the bases and she didnt do anything wrong. or when the stunt goes down and the entire group blames the flyer. to be honest things happen and its a group effort to keep that stunt up!
Being sassy and getting the crowd to clap and stuff during your routine.

^^^ Which remineded me, I also don't like when guys/girls do the "slap hands, high 5, turn around, point, gun, wink, chest bump, hip bump, shake shake shake, shimmy, head twirl, wave, hug, hug another girl, hug a third girl, wave some more" and then walk to their opening spot. 1. it's annoying because it's choreographed and it takes you 30 seconds to get through and 2. it just looks dumb. Go to your spot and wait for the music to start....Thx Management.

when hands are glued to sides during a routine, so distracting! OH and toe touch baskets where the flyer's legs are at different heights/flyer doesn't arch.
^^^ Which remineded me, I also don't like when guys/girls do the "slap hands, high 5, turn around, point, gun, wink, chest bump, hip bump, shake shake shake, shimmy, head twirl, wave, hug, hug another girl, hug a third girl, wave some more" and then walk to their opening spot. 1. it's annoying because it's choreographed and it takes you 30 seconds to get through and 2. it just looks dumb. Go to your spot and wait for the music to start....Thx Management.


Gosh I hope a fin flip is ok

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