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I wanna be in on the 'fun' :(
haha...well prox imploded because there was a core group of posters who felt the admins were overstepping. Deleting posts and threads for no reason, banning posters cause they didn't like them ect. This board was created after prox crashed and wasn't coming back. Many of those in that core group were made admin, full of promises that there would be full disclosure on this new board. My post was because @cheers2win was an admin on prox when this all happened.

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I don't want to get banned for asking but why won't anyone say why they were banned? I am confused why PM-ing others would get someone banned. I keep reading on here that we should PM people about anything controversial rather than post, so how does PM-ing now get you banned? Now I'm scarred to PM and possibly post. I have seen things deleted mysteriously and always thought... Admins should do a quick "a comment/post was removed because of ..." It would be a great help to know what is banning or deleting worthy and why? Some thing's are common sense but I am often perplexed why....

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't want to get banned for asking but why won't anyone say why they were banned? I am confused why PM-ing others would get someone banned. I keep reading on here that we should PM people about anything controversial rather than post, so how does PM-ing now get you banned? Now I'm scarred to PM and possibly post. I have seen things deleted mysteriously and always thought... Admins should do a quick "a comment/post was removed because of ..." It would be a great help to know what is banning or deleting worthy and why? Some thing's are common sense but I am often perplexed why....

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have no idea about this situation, but I would imagine bullying by PM could get you banned.
I don't want to get banned for asking but why won't anyone say why they were banned? I am confused why PM-ing others would get someone banned. I keep reading on here that we should PM people about anything controversial rather than post, so how does PM-ing now get you banned? Now I'm scarred to PM and possibly post. I have seen things deleted mysteriously and always thought... Admins should do a quick "a comment/post was removed because of ..." It would be a great help to know what is banning or deleting worthy and why? Some thing's are common sense but I am often perplexed why....

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I will be honest in saying I am going to say why as soon as I get through everything and re-read everything. Here is the deal, it wasn't a knee jerk reaction to anything. I have changed some of the boards editting policies for all admins (all editting is well documented on the back end and now you can only soft delete things.. meaning they are just hidden from view NOT actually deleted). Being that it is summer and lots of people are away I do believe that idle hands are the devils play thing... as well policies lapse because some of use are just not around to enforce them.

TBH the board is functioning fine and is meant to handle bumps in the road like this without crashing. Banning people is part of running a message board, and so are many things. There have to be multiple admins to help run a board and you have to trust them in their decisions and stand behind them when they make them. If you don't then you might as well not let them be admins.

And, last, this is cheerleading. In a month things will go on like they always have. Everyone has a quick emotional reaction and then everyone moves on.
I will be honest in saying I am going to say why as soon as I get through everything and re-read everything. Here is the deal, it wasn't a knee jerk reaction to anything. I have changed some of the boards editting policies for all admins (all editting is well documented on the back end and now you can only soft delete things.. meaning they are just hidden from view NOT actually deleted). Being that it is summer and lots of people are away I do believe that idle hands are the devils play thing... as well policies lapse because some of use are just not around to enforce them.

TBH the board is functioning fine and is meant to handle bumps in the road like this without crashing. Banning people is part of running a message board, and so are many things. There have to be multiple admins to help run a board and you have to trust them in their decisions and stand behind them when they make them. If you don't then you might as well not let them be admins.

And, last, this is cheerleading. In a month things will go on like they always have. Everyone has a quick emotional reaction and then everyone moves on.

Thank you! Posting and updating these new policies might be helpful too. I am sure no one wants to be banned so letting us know the what and why people are being banned would help a lot, as well as the what and why of the deleting or "hiding" posts! If there are legitimate reasons for these decisions by the admins, then they need not be secret. Right??? I don't understand the need to blindly "trust" the admins if their is a need to keep the reasoning of their decisions secret. Kinda seems like it would be similar to trusting judges at a comp but not being allowed to know how teams are scored/deducted or what the scores were...???

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Judges get paid. Admins are volunteers. I've done it once and failed miserably as I could not keep my emotions out of it when someone dogged my kid.

Unless Kingston can find some good Vulcans to hire, he is just going to have to trust his admins or not have this board as he has that pesky job thing. If you read all that stuff you sign when you join the board that shows the board's policies and is a good clue as to what could get you banned.
Judges get paid. Admins are volunteers. I've done it once and failed miserably as I could not keep my emotions out of it when someone dogged my kid.

Unless Kingston can find some good Vulcans to hire, he is just going to have to trust his admins or not have this board as he has that pesky job thing. If you read all that stuff you sign when you join the board that shows the board's policies and is a good clue as to what could get you banned.

Right I don't think Kingston implied that we need to blindly accept the admins' actions - I think he meant that he has to support his fellow admins' decisions, or else it defeats the purpose of having them there.
*cringe I used "their" for there. Ugh

I fully respect King and the admins!!! I just believe in full disclosure and worry when things take a secretive turn that the reasons are never good. If someone does or posts something they don't want on here then there shouldn't be any problem saying, "we removed this because of this and we banned someone because of that." IMO #easybreezy
I imagine we'd all support/respect these decisions even when/if we may respectfully disagreed from time to time.

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
*cringe I used "their" for there. Ugh

I fully respect King and the admins!!! I just believe in full disclosure and worry when things take a secretive turn that the reasons are never good. If someone does or posts something they don't want on here then there shouldn't be any problem saying, "we removed this because of this and we banned someone because of that." IMO #easybreezy
I imagine we'd all support/respect these decisions even when/if we may respectfully disagreed from time to time.

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL! The worst part of Kingston's taking personal responsibility for your posts...the no edit feature. I hate when I make a typo.
In an effort to add some more transparency the default action of admins will be to lock threads with a reason.

As well there has never been a Gestapo like banning of anyone, ever. Fear of posting ones opinion? So many different ones posted on hear all the time that you have to be a little obtuse as to think it was one action once that would ever get someone banned (outside any posting the sex life of a minor... And that's just common sense).

I've had so many... Let's call them debates... On here and I've always had the ability to edit delete or ban who I want. But I don't. Why the heck would you want a board full of people who agree all the time? It be boring.

From what I can tell and have read it seems like people who continually have caused trouble for the sake of trouble finally pushed an admin to the point of banning. I think the only surprise was that their actions finally had consequences.
In an effort to add some more transparency the default action of admins will be to lock threads with a reason.

As well there has never been a Gestapo like banning of anyone, ever. Fear of posting ones opinion? So many different ones posted on hear all the time that you have to be a little obtuse as to think it was one action once that would ever get someone banned (outside any posting the sex life of a minor... And that's just common sense).

I've had so many... Let's call them debates... On here and I've always had the ability to edit delete or ban who I want. But I don't. Why the heck would you want a board full of people who agree all the time? It be boring.

From what I can tell and have read it seems like people who continually have caused trouble for the sake of trouble finally pushed an admin to the point of banning. I think the only surprise was that their actions finally had consequences.

Transparency is always good when running anything. I can only imagine how difficult admin-ing can be with some of the heated debates and differing opinions that get thrown out there sometimes!

I have actually learned so much and have had some of my own perceptions changed after reading some of these heated discussions. This board is one of the MOST INFORMATIVE places for cheer info and is soooo educational in all thing cheer!


This is just a cheer board tho, so I don't see ANY reason to not be completely open about ANY admin actions. (I'm sure I'd/we'd agree 99% if we knew or understood the whys)

Ex. Admin- USER So&So has been banned for continued personal badgering & heckling over the deletion of an inappropriate post concerning a minor.

Ex. Admin- post by USER So&So was deleted: derogatory comments about a specific minor.

P.S. I don't consider myself obtuse or a Gestapo conspiracy theorist, I'm just a Cheer Fan that appreciates what you offer here and hopes to continue learning from the many who think/look/see things in a different way than I might.

I like to hear others thoughts on things even when they differ from mine. It's how we grow sometimes. That is all.

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OMG.......I can't believe you keep posting the same thing over and over again.

Going to the beach for 8 days. And I NEED it.
OMG.......I can't believe you keep posting the same thing over and over again.

Going to the beach for 8 days. And I NEED it.

Ur funny!
I was just replying back, probably should have PM'ed tho. Didn't mean to irritate anyone w/redundancy! :confused:
Enjoy your 8 days at the beach! 8)

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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