All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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*decided that they don't/never like/d someone based on captured, selected and edited verbiage/behavior, of which totals 10 minutes tops, and several tweets*... such excellent analytical skills. lol

i havent seen the episode, since i dont have an apple based device, but i'll wait till this weekend to draw any conclusions/critiques, since the reporting back from users on tweets/fb happenings/videos has been shown to be filled with hysteria, exaggerations, misinformation or flat out falsities.

"Who you pretend to be is who you become, so be careful who you pretend to be."

Like it or not, perception is reality. How you present yourself online is how people will perceive you. Even if the identity you present yourself as is "false"

And by you, I am not talking about you specifically.

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"Who you pretend to be is who you become, so be careful who you pretend to be."

Like it or not, perception is reality. How you present yourself online is how people will perceive you. Even if the identity you present yourself as is "false"

And by you, I am not talking about you specifically.

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perception is NOT reality, as an absolute. if i see a picture of a giant thumb over peoples heads in a photograph, due to the camera holder placing their thumb over the lens, does that mean that a giant thumb was actually over the peoples heads? niether does edited and highly specific camera footage of a person, that totals 10 minutes tops, over the past ~3 years/1,500,000 minutes.

Mind projection fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
he did not cite any issues. he kept it vague and didnt mention any specifics. this is what he wrote:

After being unhappy with several aspects of being in California since I arrived, a week ago I made the extremely difficult decision to leave Smoed & pursue other options in the USA.

and that was it. youre actually one of the people that likes to exaggerate and spread misinformation. this past week it was "angelina's stunt was falling" and this time it was "dylan cited specifics". even when you claim to double check, you still get it wrong. lol

If you want to play on words, have at it. When I said cited, I didn't mean specifically---I meant he cited that HE had several issues. IE, there were several issues from his POV. He doesn't have to be specific to gather that from his statement.

As for the latter, I apologized for that because when I watched the video, I got the two girl's wrong.

It's no secret you'll come out and defend a program you claim to have no ties to, just because...well, just because, there has never been a reason. And that's fine because that is your POV, but deciding to question every single person for having a different opinion doesn't make your opinion anymore valid than theirs.
perception is NOT reality. if i see a picture of a giant thumb over peoples heads in a photograph, due to the camera holder placing their thumb over the lens, does that mean that a giant thumb was actually over the peoples heads? niether does edited and highly specific camera footage of a person, that totals 10 minutes tops, over the past ~3 years/1,500,000 minutes.

Mind projection fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not speaking literally here. And with all due respect, you're wrong.

If a girl busts a backhand spring and sees two coaches laughing immediately after, she is going to think it was because of her. Because that is her perception of the situation. I can say this is true because this DID happen to me, and I was one of the coaches in the situation. The other coach and I were laughing about something completely unrelated, but that was not how it appeared.

So yes, perception is reality.

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Where was this supposed announcement explaining why he left... Just curious
I searched his name and found his facebook page... this is his whole post. (couldn't figure out how to show it so i copy+pasted it)..

"Some of you may have heard rumours or speculation about me this week on social media, so just to clear things up so I can move on & keep doing what I love doing.......
After being unhappy with several aspects of being in California since I arrived, a week ago I made the extremely difficult decision to leave Smoed & pursue other options in the USA.
I understand that there will be many who will not fully understand my decision but I had to do what felt right for me. This was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make in my life.
This week I moved across the USA to North Carolina to join Cheer Extreme Allstars Coed Elite & will be continuing the season with them. Thank you to CEA for wanting me to be part of their program.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me & everyone at CA/Smoed for the opportunity to be part of their program & wish them all the best for the season."

I also saw on twitter a screen shot of a comment made by his father

This is the part that gets me the most:

I've heard "a stunt is a group effort" more times than I need to in my lifetime. I know from experience that when you have a "weak" person in your group then it becomes a lot harder for that group to hit. That stunt group had been struggling for a while (or so they say on the show). So why is it, when Dylan left, Jessica got kicked off because "she was the weakest base and the stunt wasn't working". Are they blaming the whole stunt for not working on Jessica, even though they say over and over that a group succeeds together and a group fails together? So why not get rid of the whole stunt group? Get rid of Madi, get rid of Riley. Bring in a whole new group. They competed last month with 21 on the floor, with a new flyer in Madi's place. Why not kick Madi off too if the stunt could not hit with her? Or why not bring in a 22nd person for Jessica? They were already over the 20 person limit.

I mean, I can tell you why only Jessica was kicked off. *cough* blatant favoritism *cough*

And they want to talk about what's ethical and unethical. K.
I wanted to say this so badly but couldn't put it into words. Thank you!!!
I'm just confused because Madi isn't even in the air anymore, and the new girl is really small. So would that not work for Jessica?
perception is NOT reality, as an absolute. if i see a picture of a giant thumb over peoples heads in a photograph, due to the camera holder placing their thumb over the lens, does that mean that a giant thumb was actually over the peoples heads? niether does edited and highly specific camera footage of a person, that totals 10 minutes tops, over the past ~3 years/1,500,000 minutes.

Mind projection fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry but I think you are wrong here.Perception is reality whether we like it or not. As many of you know I work with a business coach and one of the biggest trends in HR departments in the business world today is the issue of social media and how you present yourself on social media. Many people are being fired over what they are presenting on social media- whether its true or not true but based on the perception. Kids need to start understanding this concept that although they think its fun and games, it can actually impact their jobs at some point. It's actually becoming part of contracts and policies when you sign on to work for people. But on the plus side social media such as LinkedIn is wonderful to make connections.

For example: I had photos from my graduation trip to Europe and more specifically Amsterdam on my facebook page. It was 7 years ago but my boss told me I had to delete them as part of the contract I signed. He didn't want people to think that was representative of his brand. So to be honest this whole 'its only social media it doesn't matter" attitude actually does matter in the real world and if you think that you can just find another job-good luck! The job market is ridiculous right now and people need to hold onto the jobs they have.
I agree all opinions should be welcome. Which means it should also be okay to like the show, the gym, the Coaches, and the team members. Unfortunately, it seems like only bitter, hateful, angry, negative opinions are welcome. I don't get it.
Sorry but I think you are wrong here.Perception is reality whether we like it or not. As many of you know I work with a business coach and one of the biggest trends in HR departments in the business world today is the issue of social media and how you present yourself on social media. Many people are being fired over what they are presenting on social media- whether its true or not true but based on the perception. Kids need to start understanding this concept that although they think its fun and games, it can actually impact their jobs at some point. It's actually becoming part of contracts and policies when you sign on to work for people. But on the plus side social media such as LinkedIn is wonderful to make connections.

For example: I had photos from my graduation trip to Europe and more specifically Amsterdam on my facebook page. It was 7 years ago but my boss told me I had to delete them as part of the contract I signed. He didn't want people to think that was representative of his brand. So to be honest this whole 'its only social media it doesn't matter" attitude actually does matter in the real world and if you think that you can just find another job-good luck! The job market is ridiculous right now and people need to hold onto the jobs they have.

people may have perceptions that shape their reality, but their perception of reality doesn't mean that what they claim to have observed was/is true and isn't a warped perception of what they observed. just because you and i have pictures of ourselves in dam square or walking down the canals of amsterdam doesn't mean anything other than that; that we walked down the canals of amsterdam and hung out around dam square. if someone chooses to see those pictures and believe that that was just time off from our time in the red light district or coffee shops, where we supposedly spent our time and was our only reason for going there, then, yes, that may be their perception, but that doesnt mean that it's true.
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people may have perceptions that shape their reality, but their perception of reality doesn't mean that what they claim to have observed was/is true and isn't a warped perception of what they observed. just because you and i have pictures of ourselves in dam square or walking down the canals of amsterdam doesn't mean anything other than that; that we walked down the canals of amsterdam and hung out around dam square. if someone chooses to see those pictures and believe that that was just time off from our in time the red light district or coffee shops, where we supposedly spent our time and was our only reason for going there, then, yes, that may be their perception, but that doesnt mean that it's true.
Companies and people don't care. Most people don't have time to waste finding out. They go with what it can be perceived from that photo or that post. Its kind of like advertising- I am not an ad expert but I believe that it is within the first 10 seconds a consumer makes a decision if they are going to buy a product. People do and will make assumptions from what people post- whether it be right or wrong its the reality we live in.

BTW- if it was just me on the canals in my photos it would not have been a big deal but it wasn't.
I should also say I do enjoy the show. It's interesting to see how different gyms work and how practices are run etc. And plus coach Jon is very easy on the eyes

"I had leukemia when I was younger and my doctor said I had to keep my strength up."
*goes and picks one of the hardest sports known to man kind to "keep up his strength"*

Wow, that's crazy. I really enjoyed that video. I always like seeing him in the background of the episodes, I'm glad he got his own little video. He always has a smile on his face, I love it.

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