All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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It is okay for everyone to have opinions I've learned airing dirty laundry will get you no where and i learned that the hard way but what i don't get is how people are saying it's unfair to be posting negative comments about teammates and how we were bullying etc which is true it was not okay.. but now lets look at whats being said about my team and my coaches.. calling my coaches arrogant and say that they're unprofessional, making comments about how certain athletes aren't strong enough for smoed.. That is exactly what my teammates got crap for and now parents who got pissy at us for it are doing it thats my main issue. I don't understand why this thread has god knows how many pages over ONE athlete who is not associated with our program anymore. It may not be my place what so ever to be posting what i am on this site but i'm tired of just my team getting beat down when there is SO much more to this than anyone realizes.

With all due respect, you and your team consented to this reality show. So when an episode comes out that tells a seemingly untruthful story about an athlete, and quite honestly does paint your team in a less-than-positive light when you place it against other evidence, you should be prepared for backlash.

And please don't confuse all of this discussion for disrespect for your teammates or your program. It's not that, it's just reaction to a dramatic series of events that does certainly appear to be bullying against an 18-year-old kid. Personally, I consider it unprofessional for coaches to consent to an episode being produced that paints one of their former athletes this way and opens up their kids to this much criticism, but that's just my opinion.
It is okay for everyone to have opinions I've learned airing dirty laundry will get you no where and i learned that the hard way but what i don't get is how people are saying it's unfair to be posting negative comments about teammates and how we were bullying etc which is true it was not okay.. but now lets look at whats being said about my team and my coaches.. calling my coaches arrogant and say that they're unprofessional, making comments about how certain athletes aren't strong enough for smoed.. That is exactly what my teammates got crap for and now parents who got pissy at us for it are doing it thats my main issue. I don't understand why this thread has god knows how many pages over ONE athlete who is not associated with our program anymore. It may not be my place what so ever to be posting what i am on this site but i'm tired of just my team getting beat down when there is SO much more to this than anyone realizes.

Kass, you have every right to post here. And you're doing a great job of explaining how you feel. Doesn't mean everyone will take to it but many people will forgive when an apology is offered. And you have offered one. ;)
I'm sorry but I don't see how you can read those emails and not get a bitter taste in your mouth from the things that were said by Eddie. I'm positive he is a good guy, and that everyone at CA are good people but it seems like the show has really gotten to their heads. Bashing Coed Elite for not having three world titles? Not cool. Large coed might have fewer teams but it is jam packed with talent. We get it, smoed has won worlds and y'all train really hard. But at one time, smoed didn't have any titles either. Every team starts somewhere. Not that Coed Elite is an up and coming team. They've always been talented, hence their Majors, NCA, and many more titles. If an athlete feels more at home at one gym compared to another, world championships mean nothing.
You know what I find really sad, everything I was told about what went down with Dylan, his leaving and Cali's reaction to it has turned out to be true. I so hoped it was exaggerated, because it didn't even seem like something that could be real. Who goes to Immigration because someone quit your team? I'm just disappointed in the whole thing really.
Keep in mind, this is a thread dedicated to the show Cheerleader's. While SMOED is the team on the show, it's not a SMOED only thread. There are separate areas where stuff like bids, uniforms, videos...etc, get shared and that is where non-show/team only stuff gets discussed for the most part. This coming week's episode, which was up online (assuming it goes up at some point), is the current topic of discussion...hence why Dylan's situation has continually come up.

As for people's assessment, it is crystal clear that you are fiercely loyal and probably won't see things from any other side than your own. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but for the people who watch the show, follow the team, and have watched the changes from season to season; you have to understand that those people (like me) aren't going to be quite so protective or loyal. For me personally, and you can go back to like the first few pages of this thread, I stated that this season felt different, almost Dance Mom-ish. Unfortunately, and I truly mean unfortunately, it appears that what I picked up on at the beginning may not have been so far off the mark. I have no doubts that your gym is completely different than what we see on the show, nor am I naive enough to assume I (or anyone not directly on the team) knows every single detail that happens...but this is about a show, a show your team has consented to for three years in a row. And a show, that right now, is hurting the image of your team at least for this season.

Tonight was a dramatic night given the information that has been brought to light. While you may not appreciate the scrutiny that puts your team and coaches under, it's part of life. In this case, it's a web series; but this type of discussion/reaction/reveal could be applied to almost any life situation from a fight among friends to a company falling apart over bad PR.

I don't want you to think that your posts aren't welcomed, because everyone should be able to have a hand in this conversation and be treated with respect. I'd only advise you to just try to look at this from all sides. And, keep in mind, yes right now Dylan is who is being talked about, but he's not the only ex teammate who we've all witnessed be torn to shreds on social media by members of your team. Had this been a first time event, I don't think you'd be reading the reactions or seeing the strong negativity that there is now, but it looks like a pattern...a horrible, horrible pattern that I hope ends.
As a member of cali smoed and on behalf of myself i would like to just say from the other side of things there is a lot that outsiders, parents, cheerleaders etc don't know about California all stars as a program as well as Smoed. Just because there is a 7 to 10 minute show every sunday does not mean that it covers every little detail. It is sad that we get called bullies for what we say on social media because take a look at this thread 156 pages about a cheerleading team.. it's sad that it is full of arguments, people who think their judgement is right, or that they know every detail about the issues that go on. This is not what cheerleading is in my eyes. Every kid works to damn hard to be put down like this. Dylan made his decision and unfortunately not even smoed will know the entire story all we can do now is sit back give god the glory and be thankful for what he does for us. Everything happens for a reason and i think now my team is finally understanding that. If this rubs people the wrong way which im 99 percent sure it will, I can't say that i am sorry. I love my teammates more then i can possibly express my coaches are the worlds most incredible, gifted, kind hearted souls i have ever come across. Eddie and Orby are like my dads when i had no one and nothing they are who took care of me and not because of "favoritism" like some people like to think but because they are people who love to help and will give everything they have to someone in need. I hope at least one person on this thread can see a little of what i'm trying to get across. I'm not typing this for fan base or because i want people to love us or any of that, im saying this because i feel like i have to stick up for my family of 19 kids who haven't said a word on these boards. I will gladly take the the bashing, crap talking, blame for speaking out on this topic of answering. I hope every person can move on from this and we can focus on the beauty of cheerleading and how blessed we are to have such an amazing sport that only some are lucky to do.

Thank you
Kassidy Neary
I appreciate you posting on here and not joining the we hate Dylan fan club publicly. CA/Smoed does know the full story. I have never said you are bullies for what has been said on social media only for the threats to get Dylan deported from Eddie. Regardless of team members age you should all realize that what is posted on social media is a reflection of character and being in the public spot light you all should know better than putting people down for making a decision that many others have made before. Peoples decisions should be respected as it is their decision, no one else's. If you truly wanted to move on then you all wouldn't of been saying what you all did on the episode especially seeing you weren't even there at the time. It should never have been made or aired. Why didn't anyone say this stuff about Gabi leaving only a few weeks earlier? All I did was tell the truth and provide proof but CA doesn't want people to know the truth, just their version of it....that is not right. 'Dylan's story' is CA's story not Dylan's.
clearly i missed everything, cause i was stuck at work! boo no fun :p id be curious to see these so called emails, considering how bad everyone who has seen them says they are. and i do see both sides of the fence, however cali made the decision to let people see into their program. maybe they should just pull the plug at this point, i mean the drama gets worse and worse every season, they cant really expect it to get any better at this point.
And why should they consider it for a fourth year?

You didn't pose the question to me, but I have repeatedly said they keep the show going because people keep watching. They take shows off when people stop watching.

You didn't pose the question to me, but I have repeatedly said they keep the show going because people keep watching. They take shows off when people stop watching.

I'm not disagreeing with you at all---that is what will keep the show going, which is why I'm out, now that I got the one answer I wanted.

But the comment was, "This should be it's last year" and who I quoted replied with a NO!

I'm curious why she thinks it should keep going.
^ I agree with the assertion that the show should stop after this season.
It started off a cool way to get to know the kids on a successful team and actually showed how hard cheerleaders work, hence painting the sport in a positive light. But now it's like a mean-spirited soap opera, doing nothing to further the sport of cheerleading but rather making the team seem bitchy and harsh.
Well this just really solidifies me wanting BSB to demolish all of small coed at worlds.

I bet they're all sitting around right now, wearing their 100% pure Florida shirts, laughing at the craziness of the visa nonsense.

You said BSB and I immediately read it as "Backstreet Boys" and I was like...Backstreet Boys are performing at World's? Then I got to the FL part and was like "Oooooo" I need more sleep. :cheering:

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