OT Diet Diaries

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how do you guys deal with getting bloated? it seems like every day my stomach feels like a balloon is chilling inside of it.
how do you guys deal with getting bloated? it seems like every day my stomach feels like a balloon is chilling inside of it.
try to cut down on salt, friend foods, and processed foods. those all make your body retain water which in turn makes you feel bloated and puffy.
try to cut down on salt, friend foods, and processed foods. those all make your body retain water which in turn makes you feel bloated and puffy.

the thing is, i don't eat anything fried or processed, and i really dislike salty foods. the saltiest food in my house is low salt almonds. so i don't know why i feel so bloated. ughhh.
i made one of those myfitnesspal accounts today to help me track everything. so far, i'm a fan. :)

how has everyone else been doing?
i eat 1200 calories a day. for example, i did cycling today at the gym for 50 minutes..a very intense but fat burning workout. i burned between 500-600 calories, and i allow myself to eat those back. i don't eat them all back, because ending "under" is really great :)

make sure you eat BEFORE and AFTER a workout..super important. a banana is the best thing you can eat before a workout. low protein but high carbs, gives you a great boost. but protein is also great before and after. chocolate milk is great after doing a lot of hard muscle work, it will repair the muscles faster. by eat before and after i don't mean two full meals..small meals often are key for your whole day.

linds, bagels are not the best :( which sucks but it's true. try 100 calorie bagel thins..they sell them at grocery stores. i have one of those, a scrambled egg and a bowl of grapes for a good breakfast. most important part of breakfast is the protein aspect..make sure you are getting some. eggs, peanut butter, lean meat, etc. it will keep you full.

if you guys like "bars" the best ones around are CLIF and LUNA. both taste great and are filled with protein. special k also makes a good protein meal bar. try cutting it in half for before and after a workout. make sure you keep hydrated too..it is such an easy way to take off weight. cold water is better, you burn calories by drinking it! (your body has to make it warm for your body, which is your metabolism working faster)

eating cause your bored? chew gum and drink water. or if you don't know if you are really hungry do either of those. if your stomach is still grumbling then you know you're truly hungry :)

I love you, Julie! Looks like I will be starting my worlds diet..AT WORLDS. haha Gotta start sometime! haha I am definitely a "bar" girl..I love Luna bars so much and I eat special k bars pretty regularly especially while we were in season..they were a great after practice snack! I definitely need to work on my portion sizes along with my variety. I like your breakfast meal because it's very well rounded and contains a little bit of everything and is a great way to start the day! I don't normally eat a "well-balanced" breakfast so that is probably my first problem. So..you are officially my nutritionist! :) haha My main goal isn't really to lose weight its more of just eating healthy by maintaing a proper diet and allowing my body to tone itself..especially abs since I know diet is also a big factor!
This was actually the post I've been hoping for! Hopefully y'all can provide some motivation:
I've never been a bigger girl: I've always been at or under what's considered healthy for my size and age. I've always been athletic and until college I was always preparing for an athletic something-or-other. Game, meet, match, competition, you name it.

I'm not always 'thrilled' about working out, but I've come to enjoy what I call my creed and advancing that creed: my body is my temple, and I will work to preserve/protect it. I eat well, I am averagely active, and I treat myself but never over-indulge.

My problem now is that I want to work out more/be extra healthy, but I don't have a direct fitness 'goal.' I'm not fussed about losing pounds (It's not like I feel I have that many to lose-I'm at a healthy weight), I kinda want to get more toned (I miss the athletic look but don't want to bulk up like when I was a gymnast). But without a benefitting athletic activity (like cheer, volleybally, soccer etc) to work towards, I have ZERO motivation. Because I'm so 'average', and not in dire straights health-wise or working towards a specific goal (better tumbling, more height for my vball spike), I can't find the motivation to work out constantly. I do the workouts at http://www.bodyrock.tv (trust me: if you want a killer at-home workout with minimal equipment to do on your own time and under 20 minutes, do hers. They're NUTS) and I enjoy them, but without that extra drive I can't get dedicated. I need some type of competition or SERIOUS motivation: help?
I need some type of competition or SERIOUS motivation: help?

I felt like that for a while. You simply have to find someting that you enjoy doing. When I figured out I like hiking and boxing, those were the only 2 things I wanted to do and I do them all the time. But now, I know if I want to become a better hiker and boxer, Ill need to add on some other types of exercise that will tone and work the parts of my body that help with those skills.
You have to find that motivation from within and run with it. I could tell you a million times "you can do it!' but ultimately, its your decision. You want a change, you have to make it.
Dad just brought home girl scout cookies last night....this isn't good! I told him to hide it but he just laughed :(
Dad just brought home girl scout cookies last night....this isn't good! I told him to hide it but he just laughed :(

just pace yourself. allow yourself 2 cookies a day. and then eat one during lunch and one after dinner. thank goodness there were no girl scout cookies in my house this year or else i would have munched them all up!
just pace yourself. allow yourself 2 cookies a day. and then eat one during lunch and one after dinner. thank goodness there were no girl scout cookies in my house this year or else i would have munched them all up!

I bought a box from one of my co-workers daughters and never finished the box. Im pretty proud of myself. :)

Im starting a mild version of the raw foods diet tomorrow. Id like to start eating clean, or as Alicia Silverstone would say "eating kindly."
I Started Dieting In End Of February/Beginning Of March:
-I Counted My Calories, Having Only 1300 Calories A Day.
-Exercised 2x A Week
-Practice 3x A Week
-No Soft Drinks ( Mainly Water )
-Instead Of Chocolate And Ice Cream As Sweets I Had Yogurt (Yoplait Lite)

Ive Lost 20 lbs!

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