All-Star Drinking Pictures On Fb?

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Dec 2, 2011
I'm not sure if this has been posted before, it just came to my mind. I know a lot of teenagers drink alcohol and do drugs. If you were a coach and you saw pictures of your cheerleaders online smoking/drinking/etc, what would you do?
As a coach, I would talk to the athlete and tell them to take it down/untag it. The picture might not show them drinking while wearing _______ Allstars apparel but it's likely that they advertise on their profile that they cheer at ______. That could reflect poorly on both the individual and the gym.
Usually in your team "contract" there's something written about a drug/alocohol policy, no? However, as with all rules- I think follow through is the most important (and most forgotten about) part.

Personal opinion? You're not 21? Byyyye- have fun telling your parents why they still need to pay for the rest of the season but you don't get to cheer. #sorryimnotsorry
If they are dumb enough to put up photos of them drinking/smoking/etc. online, then I don't need them on my team. They have bigger problems that they need to sort out in their life before cheerleading.

Fun fact: Once something is uploaded to the internet, it is always there! So in another 10 years when these kids are searching for jobs, these photos can still be found........
Our gym always had a smoking/drinking/drugs policy. It was pretty blunt stating if your under the legal age of drinking/smoking and they find out then they are off the team and our parents would be brought in for a meeting stating why they were kicked off. You were never aloud to do anything in our uniforms because of representing our team in a bad way.

So if they are dumb enough to do it and post it, they should be kicked off.
the thing i dont understand is when girls have pictures of themselves in gyms apparel drunk as ____ and they have their coaches tagged in some pictures and are doing way more then drinking and drugs i just do not get it
If Susie comes to practice or comp drunk or high and someone gets hurt... Not so sure the gym's liability waivers are going to be worth the price of paper they were printed on!
they say you experiment starting at 16.
my 16 year old brother got drunk with out even me knowing i found out when he asked me to pick him up from practice cause he was throwing up.
i went to his practice and cause i coach the same school he plays asked the coach to let him stay he was in tears. i told him if he wants to drink like an adult act like one suck it up and do what you have to do. needless to say e hates drinking and still hates me a litte :)
IMO its apart of growing up.
the kids are going to get caught eventually.
i did when i was 17 i ate drinking more then anything im not even 21 yet and the fact that people ae promising me drinks this summer scares me.

*plays baseball.

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