All-Star I'm Done Apologizing And Being The Bad The Bad Person

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Lol, I'm so wrong everything I do. Because I like to take up for my self on Social Media, I don't know how to run a business or care about the safety of my kids lol.
It is the way you are going about things, as everyone here has repeatedly tried to tell you. As a professional you don't have the luxury of ranting at those who attack you, on social media or face to face. You also lost a lot of trust and respect by lying about your experience and past affiliations, threatening people with police action, ect.These mistakes highlight your immaturity and point to the fact that , no you are not ready to run a business or to be trusted with the safety of children. I wouldn't give you my money or trust you with my kid.

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No I'm not calling the cops on you. I'm just leaving this board all together. For people who seem to "not care" about what I post or have to say, you guys surely keep my threads going a lot. To a specific user who said I had a second account, I'll go check and see if its active, that's really desperate of you. I'm tired of coming on here, then you guys always start arguments with me for no reason.
I posted a question about dance for my cousin because there is no ACTIVE place like Fierce Board that would get immediate answers for dance questions. To those of you who think that I have no idea what I'm talking about, USASF has every right to have dance as a second program. Yea dancers can attend other competitions where they're is Jazz and Hip Hop. However, YOU HAVE TO BE AFFILIATED WITH A DANCE STUDIO. You can't just sign your self up as a random dancer or group, to attend those competitions. There are also a lot of other competitions that you can do Pom at as well. There is Mid-American Pom Pon, and few other Pom dance competitions that's strictly for high kick and Pom. That being said, those competitions are predominately for school teams. So USASF is the only place for dancers to go who want to do dance competitively, without joining a dance studio. Dance competitions that accepts all styles such as Star power, In10sity and so forth, YOU HAVE TO BE WITH A STUDIO whether you want to believe it or not. Those competitions are for studio dancers only. Not everyone can afford studio dance. I'll tell you why.

1. You have to sign up for classes. Sometimes just one hour of classes could start at 67.00 some start at 80.00 .That's only a starting point. If you want to do dance competitively at a dance studio, you have to be taking more then one dance genre. You often times have to take at least three different dance genre's DEPENDING ON THE STUDIO. Which can easily cost you up to 200.00 a month. Some parents, just don't have that. Often times, STUDIOS DO NOT ALLOW FUNDRAISERS. I have yet to go to a studio where my cousin once was, and they allowed dancers to do a fundraiser to pay for your dues.

2. USASF programs allows plenty of fundraiser opportunities to earn your money and pay for your dues. Studios OFTEN TIMES do not. You're either signed up for the studio with the required amount of classes to take and you pay your dues every month out of pocket, or you just don't dance. That's the beauty of All star programs. They allow fundraising for MOST dues. WHICH TRULY ENDS UP BEING A MONEY SAVER VERSE PAYING EVERYTHING OUT OF POCKET AT A DANCE STUDIO.

3. Finally, there are dancers out here who care about USASF dance and take it just as seriously as some of you all star cheerleaders take USASF Cheer. There is no need to get butt hurt over USASF not focusing on just cheer.

I'm tired of being the bad guy. Every time I post, some of you just comment to say something because you know I'll have a reaction to it. Then when I do have a reaction to it, you want to sit here and call me crazy for it and get all butt hurt and get the entire Fierce Board against me. You guys are always posting these sarcastic pictures on my threads, MOCKING ME, and then expect me not to say anything. When I do, I'm considered crazy and I get banned for taken up for my self.

Yet, anyone can just come on here and say what they want to me, but if I dare speak back, there's going to be a WWIII. Not everyone likes sarcasm. Some people just wants answers that you can give to the best of your ability without all the extra comments and insulting language. If you don't think MOCKING me is insulting me, harassing me or bullying me, it is. Don't say you guys don't mock me. Because I have seen plenty of your comments where a user will state, @blank, its okay blah blah as long as you don't "disown" her its going to be okay, AND SO FORTH. That's mocking me and its a form of bullying. ESPECIALLY WITH THE WAY YOU GUYS ARE GOING ABOUT IT. It would be different, if you were using at a joke and just teasing along with me, but no. You guys are using it because you don't believe a word I say and you take me as a joke and you mock me and my every post. So there for its bullying.

Even with this thread, I can 100% guarantee you that someone will come on here and say well, "Maybe if you didn't do this and that, we wouldn't _____". Then some one will someone will go @____ I think ___ then go and mock me all over again.

Whether you want to believe it or not, you guys attack me for no reason and I'm sick of it. Just watch this thread go in to another mockery controversy here on FB. Also, why do some of you want to know if I have any of my personal information? Do you guys care about me that much? One of asked King that. I mean really, were you going to harass me on my personal Facebook page or something? why does that topic even matter? Also, to those of you who think my cousin doesn't know if I put her "number out there like that" THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE SAME INFORMATION HER FLYER WITH A LITTLE MORE DETAIL ABOUT FREAKING AUDITIONS. SO WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD SHE BE UPSET OVER THAT??? To those of you who think I'm just some kid behind the internet, no. I'm twenty years with more common sense then some of you so called adults. Its funny how I'm considered a kid when I react back to your BS comments that you guys post on my threads, and yet, you guys get all the praise and glory for mocking me and you guys are considered fully grown adults?? LOL that's crazy and funny.

You guys haven't even seen have of rude from me. I can even state my own opinion about topic on FB it can be JUST AS NICE AS IT CAN BE and NO HARM AT ALL. Yet, some of you always take it into offense. When I take your comments offensively, everything goes Hay-wire.

If you guys think its fair and okay to mock me, ESPECIALLY WHEN I HAVE SAID NOTHING TO YOU, then something is wrong with that picture.

Now I'm just going to sit back and watch you guys mock me and bully me. Then see who gets banned, oh wait, that's going to be no one..
I'm going to respond to this as a newbie. This is my first week posting here, but I've actually been on this board for about 6 months, sitting back, reading, watching how the members interact, learning the rules, seeing what flies and what doesn't. I wish you would have done that. This board is an insanely amazing mix of cheer fans, participants, ex-participants, parents, coaches, and industry insiders. This board could be such a boon to you if you treated it with the respect that it deserves.

The problem that you seem to have is your shortsightedness. You catfished this group. You lied to and misled this group over and over again and refused to just let it go and move on and learn and grow until it had Gone. Too. Far. Yes, I saw your public humbling and apology, and I thought that it took stones. But you expect complete absolution and forgiveness. You expect the slate to be wiped clean and respect to be given to you when you were completely disrespectful to them. It's mind blowing that you will come on to this board and post either an ignorant post or reply, and then get so offended when you are corrected by the above-mentioned group of industry and sport experts. You take offense when this group corrects your statements about cheer that are absolute, unfounded, or ignorant. You make statements that are untrue - and when you do that, this group WONDERS WHY YOU HAVENT LEARNED YOUR LESSON. This group sees you lie about allstar cheerleaders being high school team rejects or Smoed needing to stay away from Palm Springs, and they immediately, defensively, and Appropriately put their finger on the trigger ready to fight you, uncover another lie, or prove you wrong. They wonder how far you will take it this time, remember how far you took it last time, remember the energy they wasted on it, and shut you down. Your behavior is not deserving of the respect you ask for, and your lies make some worried about your competence. It would be easy. Learn. Grow. Throw some introspection your own way, and realize what it is that rubs us the wrong way about you. Don't set yourself up to fail.

All this being said, I hope you never actually read this. I hope you take some time away from this board. I hope you realize what you did wrong. I'm worried that won't happen, because the type of person that announces "I'm leaving, you guys are mean" spends an inordinate amount of time looking over their shoulder for an apology. But just my two cents.....
had I not posted some sort of contact information for my cousins business, everyone would have said it was fake. Or started bashing me about not having some sort of contact number. I don't use that account period. I only used it once.

I wasn't going to post but changed my mind. This response to @Cheer dad is a good example of the conflict. He posts a pretty helpful attempt to give guidance and you attack. It doesn't get much more clear than that.

I tried a couple of times to engage with you on a reasonable basis. I even questioned some of the "investigation" though you couldn't see it.

Let me know when you grow up.
I'm going to respond to this as a newbie. This is my first week posting here, but I've actually been on this board for about 6 months, sitting back, reading, watching how the members interact, learning the rules, seeing what flies and what doesn't. I wish you would have done that. This board is an insanely amazing mix of cheer fans, participants, ex-participants, parents, coaches, and industry insiders. This board could be such a boon to you if you treated it with the respect that it deserves.

The problem that you seem to have is your shortsightedness. You catfished this group. You lied to and misled this group over and over again and refused to just let it go and move on and learn and grow until it had Gone. Too. Far. Yes, I saw your public humbling and apology, and I thought that it took stones. But you expect complete absolution and forgiveness. You expect the slate to be wiped clean and respect to be given to you when you were completely disrespectful to them. It's mind blowing that you will come on to this board and post either an ignorant post or reply, and then get so offended when you are corrected by the above-mentioned group of industry and sport experts. You take offense when this group corrects your statements about cheer that are absolute, unfounded, or ignorant. You make statements that are untrue - and when you do that, this group WONDERS WHY YOU HAVENT LEARNED YOUR LESSON. This group sees you lie about allstar cheerleaders being high school team rejects or Smoed needing to stay away from Palm Springs, and they immediately, defensively, and Appropriately put their finger on the trigger ready to fight you, uncover another lie, or prove you wrong. They wonder how far you will take it this time, remember how far you took it last time, remember the energy they wasted on it, and shut you down. Your behavior is not deserving of the respect you ask for, and your lies make some worried about your competence. It would be easy. Learn. Grow. Throw some introspection your own way, and realize what it is that rubs us the wrong way about you. Don't set yourself up to fail.

All this being said, I hope you never actually read this. I hope you take some time away from this board. I hope you realize what you did wrong. I'm worried that won't happen, because the type of person that announces "I'm leaving, you guys are mean" spends an inordinate amount of time looking over their shoulder for an apology. But just my two cents.....
Yay for awesome newbies who did it right! :shimmy:
Coming from someone who HAS been in your situation, its honestly best to not start threads or reply to a topic if you feel it will offend ANYONE. A lot of times i write a response, but then end up saving it to my drafts and never posting it because i really, really try not to stir up a fight. I was once a newbie (still am, tbh) and i made poor decisions to be a jerk. Even after i wasn't being a jerk, people still teased me (which now i realize was just having fun). Then i made a new account (this one) and just stayed low. Only posted if i had something important or positive to say, or if it was negative, it wasn't rude.
You've made a lot of mistakes on this board that offended or angered some members. And until you own up to those mistakes and wait until the war dies down, you will still get the same treatment. No one is hear to bully you, but to tell you sometimes that what you're doing is not okay. There are some great people on here, smart ones too. They know an awful lot about cheerleading and life, and you need to realize that you are not above them.
Also, i feel like you need to realize that people WILL disagree with you. If you post something controversial, get ready. Thats when you just need to take a step back and focus on what you're saying, to make it a constructive argument, and not one that is so personal to you.
Just because susie disagrees with you about XYZ's uniform, doesn't mean she's calling you a bad person.

One thing i've learned from this board is that be careful about ANY thing you say. You never know who is lurking and what that person knows. I post every response as if my gym and my parents were watching, and reading. Oh, and i've also learned that 4.2 teams dont go to worlds. I learned that too. ;)

p.s. How old is this poster?
I wasn't going to post but changed my mind. This response to @Cheer dad is a good example of the conflict. He posts a pretty helpful attempt to give guidance and you attack. It doesn't get much more clear than that.

I tried a couple of times to engage with you on a reasonable basis. I even questioned some of the "investigation" though you couldn't see it.

Let me know when you grow up.
Yes you did try to engage her in a positive conversation. Your amount of personal and business experience could be extremely beneficial to anyone really wanting it.
I wasn't going to post but changed my mind. This response to @Cheer dad is a good example of the conflict. He posts a pretty helpful attempt to give guidance and you attack. It doesn't get much more clear than that.

I tried a couple of times to engage with you on a reasonable basis. I even questioned some of the "investigation" though you couldn't see it.

Let me know when you grow up.
How is that attacking him???? I just explained to him why I gave out the number? I don't see an attack in that.

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