All-Star Issue With Full Paid Bid Not Covering The Cost

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Mama O said:
Why can't the venue be changed. Alternate years, One year at Orlando, the next year at Las Vegas. Hotels are cheap in Vegas and there is alot to do for fun besides gambling and drinking. This way the "west coasters" would get a break one year and "east coaster" the next. Besides, I am done with Mickey. We aren't even competing in the "Milk House" anymore. :(

I think it's more of a tradition type thing. IMO, when people think Worlds, they think of Disney.
I'm sure the value of these tickets go down for special events, but if I wanted to buy myself 3 day park hoppers to the Disney Parks, it would cost $278. (without the Hopper option $224.) I feel like these should be an optional addition and not automatically added to save money.
No way Vegas would be a good option for Worlds. With all the stuff that goes on at Worlds at Disney I can only imagine how much worse it would be in Vegas. I would not want to send my kid to Vegas to compete and be around even more drunk people. Vegas is a great place, but it is not a "family" spot no matter how you spin it. I would love for Worlds to be held somewhere else but i'll pass on Vegas that's for sure. :)
Everyone needs to think of it logistically. And from a few angles.... If you can think of something that would meet all of this criteria and then some, please let us know... and the USASF/IASF. So you all might not like the price of the competition, but it makes sense from a lot of angles AND i think the majority of people have a great time.

First, worlds is the most prestigious competition of the season (or so thats what they want you to think)
So you need a great venue to give that atmosphere.
Next you need a family environment. That is what cheerleading is about. Every competition says the routine needs to be suitable for family viewing. And you need something for people to do while not at the competition. It isn't about sitting there and watching every team for a lot of families
Next you need hotels that are convenient to the venue and you need to provide transportation to and from the venue to the hotel. also you need to house a large number of people. With disney you are dealing with one group to book hotels. If you go to individual hotels, then you have different prices for each hotel and limited space.
Next you need transportation to and from the airport to the hotel. (disney takes care of this so its one less thing iasf needs to worry about)
Some place to hold the block party that children can go to without their parents (who is going to let their child walk down the strip in vegas at 11pm)
It needs to be a place that people will got on a plane for over 12 hours to come to. Atlanta and Dallas really aren't that appealing for foreign visitors.
It needs to have good weather... if there is the posibility of bad weather, then you have to deal with people not being able to make it.
Everyone needs to think of it logistically. And from a few angles.... If you can think of something that would meet all of this criteria and then some, please let us know... and the USASF/IASF. So you all might not like the price of the competition, but it makes sense from a lot of angles AND i think the majority of people have a great time.

First, worlds is the most prestigious competition of the season (or so thats what they want you to think)
So you need a great venue to give that atmosphere.
Next you need a family environment. That is what cheerleading is about. Every competition says the routine needs to be suitable for family viewing. And you need something for people to do while not at the competition. It isn't about sitting there and watching every team for a lot of families
Next you need hotels that are convenient to the venue and you need to provide transportation to and from the venue to the hotel. also you need to house a large number of people. With disney you are dealing with one group to book hotels. If you go to individual hotels, then you have different prices for each hotel and limited space.
Next you need transportation to and from the airport to the hotel. (disney takes care of this so its one less thing iasf needs to worry about)
Some place to hold the block party that children can go to without their parents (who is going to let their child walk down the strip in vegas at 11pm)
It needs to be a place that people will got on a plane for over 12 hours to come to. Atlanta and Dallas really aren't that appealing for foreign visitors.
It needs to have good weather... if there is the posibility of bad weather, then you have to deal with people not being able to make it.

Just a comment about the party, I've been at the "party" on Sunday and its NOT a family environment!
Just a comment about the party, I've been at the "party" on Sunday and its NOT a family environment!
I would agree with you there. But how often is a high school dance a place you want your parents or younger siblings... almost never.
Anyone know why they went from 25,000 to 14,300 for small teams?

thdey just stopped giving the standard 25k to all paid bids and are giving 650...I would imagine it is because of the small vs large issue....not sure though...:/
Just a comment about the party, I've been at the "party" on Sunday and its NOT a family environment!
My family has a blast at the party...we go together...ride the two thriller rides...get an ice cream...then we go to toy story line...we get to ride over and over some times not even having to get off the's so much fun....but I do know the activity at the dance is less than wholesome and we avoid it...:)
Yet it is impossible to stay only 2 nights without having a schedule. You could be the first division on saturday morning (Which will be likely for small limited and small senior because of prelims and semi-finals) and then they could be the last division on sunday night. So you have to fly in friday night. and you can't leave until monday morning.
This would only work if driving there.

agree...but I think the bids are awarded on minimum amounts and most gyms fundraise for the difference...I think they might drop the "full paid " label.....hee hee
Another logistical issue that keeps Disney in the lead is transportation once you have arrived on property. The buses that run from the WWOS to the All Star Village is handled by Disney & something that very few other locations can handle at that volume and without having to outsource. They also have the ability to handle 3 full arenas and warm-ups, which wouldn't be able to happen just anywhere.

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