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day 2 and chiropractic school is no joke :eek: i guess this is farewell, boards. though i'm sure i'll be visiting when my mind needs a break. thank god my break between semesters is worlds week. phew.
day 2 and chiropractic school is no joke :eek: i guess this is farewell, boards. though i'm sure i'll be visiting when my mind needs a break. thank god my break between semesters is worlds week. phew.
Haha jealous it's the weekend before finals start for me so no live feed for me this year. Yea I'm not on here as frequently as I used to be, PT school is really intense also (as is probably every Doctorate program) so I feel your pain, this is pretty much my last week of freedom for 16 weeks until the next break, although I should be studying right now. (2.5 more years to go:cheering:)
Haha jealous it's the weekend before finals start for me so no live feed for me this year. Yea I'm not on here as frequently as I used to be, PT school is really intense also (as is probably every Doctorate program) so I feel your pain, this is pretty much my last week of freedom for 16 weeks until the next break, although I should be studying right now. (2.5 more years to go:cheering:)

haha ugh 3.3 more for me (well 2.3 in the classroom and then a year of clinical actually practicing woohoo!) the first year is basically the exact same curriculum as med-school with a couple intro-chiro classes mixed in. then all 5 board exams, then the hardcore chiro, radiology, diagnostics classes start. i know PT is different, but it's definitely just as difficult and semi-overwhelming! we run on trimesters, so i have a random 2week-ish break right at worlds time. i'll probably be so out of the loop by then lol and then class again from mid-may to mid-August. it's only syllabus week and i have a paper, 2 quizzes, and a test to study for. like undergrad did not prepare me for 32 credits of 6000-level courses a semester. and all of your teachers counting down until your first anxiety attack isn't helping lol. ugh, i'm scared!

and good luck this semester!
@GForce @LeahofthePack @BuegeSmalls

My mom started to talk about how dedicated Packers fans are since the weather is calling for single digit degrees and snow for the game tonight. I told her there are 3 girls on Fierce Board who cheer for the packers and she said good luck to you three :)

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I read this a little late, but tell her thanks :) we all made it through the game without losing any fingers to frostbite
They just dont have the sparkly backpack anymore and the regular one is 74.99 so you still have to pay for shipping.
I would call them if you really want the regular one. They are usually very nice. They may waive the shipping for the penny if you speak to an actual person.

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soo while I've been dealing with all the BS of the classes I'll have to take and what not to go to PA school, I've been contemplating just going the whole nine yards and apply to med school. But then I look at the fact that I would be in school/residency for another 10-12 years and I think, ehhh better not.

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