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From the north and am jealous to hear of the generosity you all have shown.
Cheer Dad = broke dad
My first 43 years, yes I'm old, were spent in Detroit and St. Louis, the last 7 in Atlanta. I know my Northern friends would pull together just the same, but it was truly an incredible experience to witness firsthand. And as a Northerner/Midwesterner, we stopped laughing the first snow we were here. Atlanta traffic on ice is downright terrifying no matter where you're from. It's supposed to be in the 50's and 60's today and tomorrow, all will be back to normal soon.
From the north and am jealous to hear of the generosity you all have shown.

Cheer Dad = broke dad
In defense of the north, we're pretty good when it comes down to pulling together over major catastrophes (9/11, Sandy). Over snow though we're willing to kill each other over milk and bread.

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I'm a born and raised Texan and I'll admit I've rolled my eyes when the National news is all about 'the oppressive heat in the North'. It's usually only around 100*. Then I'm reminded they aren't prepared for that. Lots of houses and cars don't have central AC and their bodies aren't acclimated to extended high temps.
It's all perspective. But, y'all can have your cold back. I'm over it. "Um, weather...I'm gonna need you to at least stay in one season for a few consecutive days. That'd be greeeaaat. Thanks"
I will freely admit I giggled a little when they started reporting 2 inches of snow shut down the south. In the last week and a half or so we've had snowfall of 14 inches, 2 inches, 2 inches. However, they were not reporting ice at first. Ice changes EVERYTHING. I spun out, went into the woods, crossed 3 lanes of traffic and down a median last year on a patch of black ice. I do not play with ice. I hope everyone has recovered from the storm, and things get back to normal as quick as possible. It's not until something like this happens for you to realize how wonderful your neighbors truly are.
@NJCoach, I agree, as a long time Northerner I giggled more than a few times. I hope no one takes my comment wrong, it is just an observation that Northerners love to pick on their Southern counterparts much more than the reverse.
@NJCoach, I agree, as a long time Northerner I giggled more than a few times. I hope no one takes my comment wrong, it is just an observation that Northerners love to pick on their Southern counterparts much more than the reverse.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard up here that Sandy wasn't a big deal cause it was only a Cat 1 when she made landfall. It's a 2 way street anytime people are hit with something they don't usually have to deal with.
Any hurricane is a big deal no matter where it lands.
Agreed. It used to really get to me, especially since everyday I drive past places that still don't exist, or steps that used to lead to homes. Now I just chalk it up to ignorance. People like to make others feel inferior to them. We northerners are better than you cause we can deal with snow, you southerners are better than us cause you can deal with hurricanes. Personally, I'd like to give the snow and hurricanes to someone else and let them deal with it.
My cheer backpack broke and I want an nfinity sparkle backpack soooo bad but they're backordered again. My mom told me she'd get me one but I have to "wait till the first of the month" but even if I order it then I won't get it for another month :( :(
Northerners make fun of us for flipping out over snow....but seriously...we can't treat the roads here properly...we have no other option than to shut down

We can't treat the roads here properly either. I hear that from people in the South a lot, but my street hasn't been salted or plowed in weeks. We've probably gotten a total of 14 inches of snow since the last time they salted/plowed. Many years ago this may have been true, but with city budgets the way they are these days I don't think most roads are treated properly, North or south. :(

Chicago is especially pathetic at this. It seems like the southern States are actually BETTER at dealing with snow and ice now! They seem to at least realize it's dangerous to drive on, whereas up here they're like "you should be used to this" (there is no way to get "used to" driving on ice!). Not a good place to cut the budget.

We sold our car, and it's cold. But good lord it's nice not to deal with these roads and parking here!

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I just had a 2 hour work day. I went to work at 3pm, 20 minutes later they announced we'd be closing at 5pm because of the icy roads (normally the library closes at 8pm and it was my night to work)...

Thank goodness because as I was leaving my mom sent me a text letting me know that our cousin was in a wreck (slid on ice) and her 7 yr old daughter broke her femur, was was currently in surgery and will be in a full body cast for 8 weeks

Northerners make fun of us for flipping out over snow....but seriously...we can't treat the roads here properly...we have no other option than to shut down

It annoys me too and I live in Northeast Ohio! I know how to drive in the snow just from practice but it honestly terrifies me every time. I constantly slide and there's a hill up to my house that has a huuuuuge ditch on the side so if I slipped even the slightest bit I'd be gone. If I didn't know just to go slow and not pound the gas while I'm turning (and have a couple years of practice now) I don't think I'd go anywhere during snow storms.
Ahhh I'm doing it!!! I'm so nervous about it though, I hope I can actually finish it without dying. Good luck!

(sorry for the double post)

That's so awesome that you got in!! Have you done a half before? Just think of the firefighters with the Tiffany necklace at the end and you'll get there I promise :p I find out at 5 today and I honestly cannot concentrate on anything else. Too bad I have chem at 4 that will be pretty much pointless today.
(sorry for the double post)

That's so awesome that you got in!! Have you done a half before? Just think of the firefighters with the Tiffany necklace at the end and you'll get there I promise :p I find out at 5 today and I honestly cannot concentrate on anything else. Too bad I have chem at 4 that will be pretty much pointless today.
Students get automatic entry with ID so thats how I got in. Over half of my class is doing it together and we've been training and doing smaller races like 10Ks and 10 milers. I know I'll be fine, but it is my first half, though hopefully not my last and I am planning on doing the Disney World marathon next year. 3 months ago I couldn't even run a mile and now I'm up to 8, so I'm on my way!

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