OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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My friend is on that team! Good luck, I ran for vice captain twice in my final year (the first girl to beat me wasn't eligible anymore as she's graduated) but I probably would have run for captain if I hadn't let my best friend run instead...

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Aww really, what's their name? It's a very daunting process but will just have to see how it goes. I feel like it's more of a popularity contest then anything because the team just votes to decide :(
I think that sounds good! We have had two dogs for a few years. When we first introduced the puppy to the older one we had to have them keep a little distance because one was so much older/more assertive than the puppy. After a few days they followed eachother everywhere! The puppy (well, not a puppy anymore lol) is afraid to do a lot of things, but he'll usually do whatever if the older dog is doing it!

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Thanks! We just found out tonight that while the rescue advertised the dog as being a year and a half old, he is actually 8 months old. And not 100% potty trained....It definitely won't keep us from bringing him home should the dogs do well together, but I am not looking forward to having to potty train a puppy again.
I applied for an internship during the first week of March and it took until a week ago for the person to contact me about an interview. I put in my cover letter that I am currently studying abroad in Wales and do not have an American phone number. She emailed back saying that she tried calling me to set up an interview but my number wasn't in service. I told her again that I was in Wales and my US number doesn't work here and that the best way to get ahold of me is email or Skype, but the next day I was leaving for a two week trip around Europe. She emailed me today asking if it was possible to do a FaceTime interview but I never know if/when I'm going to have wifi or if it will be strong enough/fast enough to do an interview over FaceTime. What should I tell her? I really want/need this internship but I don't want to commit to a time to have the interview if I might not be able to at that time.

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You need to set aside time where you will have Facetime access or whatever access they are asking for. I absolutely don't mean this in a mean way, but it is not this person's job to accommodate your crazy schedule. If you want the internship, make time. Tell her your availability and figure out how to make it work. Otherwise, wait until you are back in the States to start your search. Part of my job is Human Resources and interviews/hiring and I could fill that spot ten times over and I have 40 other people I have to phone screen. If someone makes it difficult for me to contact them I move on to the next candidate.
Deleted the pictures to save space....

Kids frames on Clearly Contacts go from roughly 91mmto 131mm wide from temple to temple. Mine are 116mm across. I also have a pair of sunglasses like those and they're a bit wide, but it's possible to bend the arms toward the head on each side to make them fit a bit better.
Thanks, this helps a lot! I was totally clueless, lol
We got an email at work today from our CEO that President was going to stop by our office on his way elsewhere to promote some small business initiative. We work near an air force base, so it's not completely illogical. We all KNEW it was just a joke, but went to the atrium as we were told to do and 3 black SUVs pulled up and these guys got out dressed like secret service and came in and started break dancing.

And then we all got ice cream! Happy April Fools!

I guess she meant when I got back to school. But there would be absolutely no way that I would be able to do an interview on this trip. It's currently 8 at night and this is the first time that I've had wifi since 9 this morning and it's not strong enough to do video calls. And since I didn't plan the trip (booked it through a tour group) we only know what we're doing a day or two in advance unfortunately.

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Well hopefully if you do get passed over for the internship you don't get too disappointed. You can't get really mad at someone who can't get a hold of you.
I feel like she didn't even read the cover letter or my resume though. I said on them that I was studying abroad in Wales and that I don't have a phone number and that the best way to contact me was email and yet she emailed me saying that she tried calling my number to set up an interview but couldn't get through. I was also told she needed to fill it asap, which to me means now not let's try to set up an interview three weeks after I sent the resume in. It sounds like she's willing to wait until I get back for an interview though.

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Hopefully she does wait. Good luck.

**Show of hands, who thinks their vague booking about changing gyms is so clever we don't understand it?**
I feel like she didn't even read the cover letter or my resume though. I said on them that I was studying abroad in Wales and that I don't have a phone number and that the best way to contact me was email and yet she emailed me saying that she tried calling my number to set up an interview but couldn't get through. I was also told she needed to fill it asap, which to me means now not let's try to set up an interview three weeks after I sent the resume in. It sounds like she's willing to wait until I get back for an interview though.

Welcome to the real world. They don't always read cover letters. Unfortunately, job hunting doesn't always happen on your schedule. Filling a position ASAP means as soon as I get around to starting to try and fill it.

I hope she's willing to wait for you!
I feel like she didn't even read the cover letter or my resume though. I said on them that I was studying abroad in Wales and that I don't have a phone number and that the best way to contact me was email and yet she emailed me saying that she tried calling my number to set up an interview but couldn't get through. I was also told she needed to fill it asap, which to me means now not let's try to set up an interview three weeks after I sent the resume in. It sounds like she's willing to wait until I get back for an interview though.

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Sometimes they don't read the cover letters at all, they look at the resume, if they're interested they'll contact you. I can't tell you how many times I got calls after sending in resumes and them not realizing I was in NY, not the state they were in. My address was in big letters at the top. Like one of the biggest thing on the page. Sometimes (most times) they don't care enough/are too busy to check all the details.

And I've had people who "needed to fill the position ASAP" call me back 3 months after the initial phone interview asking for me to come in and interview in person. Job searching/internship searching is weird.

But good luck!

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