All-Star Restricting Tumbling To Your All Star Gym Only??

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Just because you don't like one policy doesn't mean you should have to leave the gym. What if a coach AT that gym leaves after 5 years, and your kid ALWAYS tumbled with that coach. And that coach goes to Gym B down the road. If my child wishes to continue with that coach because she has done well with him/her, I do NOT believe it is anyone's place to restrict me from paying for those services if I so choose. Doesn't mean I want my kid cheering on a team at Gym B, but that is where my kid wants to tumble. I should be able to have that choice.
My point was that I don't feel this is based on an isolated incident, probably an accumulation of several problems with kids going to other gyms and having issues. I'd also like to add that I don't feel it appropriate to put on blast a PARTICULAR GYM and IT'S policy without their permission. I'm sorry but I feel this thread should have been approached differently, putting a gym on blast like this is inappropriate, period, regardless of whether we agree or not.
How could safety be an issue if the athlete was tumbling at a well-known, successful gym? (Cheer Athletics, World Cup, California, Stingrays, ect)

I think the issue isn't so much going to a well known successful gym, but going to a gym where the techniques could be questionable. Our gym doesn't like it when kids tumble somewhere else because we have had kids get hurt doing that in the past - but when we were going to be in New Jersey last summer, and my daughter asked her coach if she could go to an open gym at World Cup, her coach was fine with it.
My point was that I don't feel this is based on an isolated incident, probably an accumulation of several problems with kids going to other gyms and having issues. I'd also like to add that I don't feel it appropriate to put on blast a PARTICULAR GYM and IT'S policy without their permission. I'm sorry but I feel this thread should have been approached differently, putting a gym on blast like this is inappropriate, period, regardless of whether we agree or not.

Maybe, but if a business has a policy, and the policy is stated in a publicly accessible handbook, the policy is open knowledge anyway, and we're free to discuss. But only in THIS thread. That's the only warning being given.
I completely understand where this gym is coming from. When you are a part of a TEAM, your teammates depend on you and the skills you were put on the team with. If you are irresponsibile about what type of tumbling instruction you receive, you could get injured unnecessarily and let your team down.

There are lots of coaches that prey on the moms and kids that want it NOW. You know, the Suzies that can't do a layout but want a double next week to be on a world's team. The coach that promises ..."if you come to my gym, you will be doing doubles in no time!" (what they are really saying is, "I want your money and I don't have anthing (a team) invested in your child or their health. I have nothing to loose if they get hurt") I have seen kids get hurt in the middle of a season by an irresponsible coach having them try passes they were not ready to do.

I think if you live too far from your gym to drive to a one hour tumbling class, you should discuss with whom and what type of supplemental tumbling instruction you can arrange closer to home. This way your gym can help and take responsibility (you owe it to the other 35 girls) in keeping you safe. Never hurts to ask!
My point was that I don't feel this is based on an isolated incident, probably an accumulation of several problems with kids going to other gyms and having issues. I'd also like to add that I don't feel it appropriate to put on blast a PARTICULAR GYM and IT'S policy without their permission. I'm sorry but I feel this thread should have been approached differently, putting a gym on blast like this is inappropriate, period, regardless of whether we agree or not.

I agree 100%. You could have very easily asked this question without copying an email that was sent out from your gym.
What if they are seeking out training because, while the ECN feel they are providing top notch services, their customers don't agree? Who regulates what track and at what rate of progression is acceptable?

Some gyms are like karate where the progression of belts is slow - to recieve maximum profit? Parents aren't as dumb and uniformed as before.....
Kids get hurt tumbling, it's just a part of it. I think to often if a child gets hurt tumbling at another gym people are so quick to jump to conclusions that it was the gyms fault without trying to find out the whole truth. My daughter broke her femur while under the supervision of the tumbling coach she had tumbled with since she was 8yrs old, however never once did I think he was at fault or was not properly supervising. It's easy to automatically blame the "other" gym but it's not always the case. This rule is not a "safety" rule, it's a control freak rule and a fear of losing athletes rule. I would not have my daughter cheer at a gym that tried to dictate where she could tumble. It's like not allowing your all-star kids to wear shirts from other gyms......GET OVER IT! As long as your doing YOUR job and the kids and parents are happy they won't be leaving YOUR gym. :)
Maybe, but if a business has a policy, and the policy is stated in a publicly accessible handbook, the policy is open knowledge anyway, and we're free to discuss. But only in THIS thread. That's the only warning being given.
I never said it couldn't be done, I just said its inappropriate.
What if they are seeking out training because, while the ECN feel they are providing top notch services, their customers don't agree? Who regulates what track and at what rate of progression is acceptable?

Some gyms are like karate where the progression of belts is slow - to recieve maximum profit? Parents aren't as dumb and uniformed as before.....

If you don't trust the judgement of the gym you are a member are at the wrong gym!
My thoughts EXACTLY My3KidsMom. I hate this rule in any state at any gym. They are my kids, it is my money, it is my choice. I understand that gyms don't want to lose revenue, etc. But this is silly. JMO. My kids are loyal to their gym, their coaches and their teammates. And thus far, they have expressed NO interest ever of leaving that gym for any reason. However, the person they have tumbled with for their entire lives works somewhere else. If I want to take them there, I am free to do so. I do not feel that my loyalty or my kids' loyalty is any less to their gym just because they want to tumble occasionally (or a lot, whatever) with a different instructor that happens to be at another gym. They would never leave their gym because of where they tumble. And their gym knew that. Kicking someone OUT of a gym for that reason, to me, seems to cut off your nose to spite your face a little. That does NOT seem like a good business move at all.
I never said it couldn't be done, I just said its inappropriate.

I disagree. On any other topic, we use real life examples (team a beat team b) and give the reasons. This is no different from the other real life examples we use on the thousands of other threads. And, judging by the posts piling up on this thread it's a viable and real issue that people have a host of opinions on. Thank you for your thoughts.
If you don't trust the judgement of the gym you are a member are at the wrong gym!

I ask myself the same question.. But still have no educated or supported and intelligent sounding answer lol
If you don't trust the judgement of the gym you are a member are at the wrong gym!

To me, it has nothing to do with trusting where you are at. I COMPLETELY trust the coaches at the gym my kids tumble at. For a while, it had to do with comfort level in learning new, very high level skills. They felt comfortable with someone they had been tumbling with their entire lives. So that is where they continued to want to tumble...nothing to do with the GYM, just the instructor. And they continued to tumble with him for a couple of years and there was never any doubt that they would stay at the gym they are at. Tumbling elsewhere had no bearing on where they wanted to cheer. So they are NOT at the wrong gym. Not at all. They LOVE it there and love their coaches.

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