OT Roommate Rants

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My roommate came in at 2 in the morning, woke me up, turned the heater up, and started tapping away at her computer with the screen on full brightness. She then decides to sleep an hour later and promptly starts snoring. Finally, I get to sleep, then at 7am she gets up and gets dressed really loudly and then comes back 45 minutes later and goes back to sleep. She is constantly waking me up.
Like on Monday (a no-school holiday!) she came in at 5am from staying in a guys room, turns up the heat, and falls asleep almost immediately then starts snoring. Then at like 10am, after I've gotten barely any sleep she wakes up, opens up the blinds, turns on all the lights, and starts listening to music. When I'm still trying to sleep.
She'll turn up the heat so high I'll start sweating, and she knows this! Her excuse is that she meant to leave it on for just 5 minutes, but was too lazy to get up and turn it off... it's three feet away from the head of her bed!
I have tried so hard to like her and be nice, but I just can't. She's driving me crazy. I'm getting like 4 hours of sleep a night. Only 12 more weeks to go....
I live in a house with three other people and i really love them BUT one of them always turns the heating off. We live in England, it's cold in the winter, the house is old, the windows are leaking , it's just not fun. So why in the world does he have to turn the heating off all the time? I already talked to him about it and we agreed on leaving it on at night and turning it off in the morning , but he still does it!!! He is usually the last one to go to bed, and when he does, he turns it off. UGH!!!!!!!!! It's like a never ending war!!!
Second thing is he showers twice a day, which is fine , but it takes him 45 minutes each time, and after he is done, the whole bathroom is dripping wet. I don't even wanna know what he is doing in there but it is irritating to say the least. Last night when i came home from practice i had to wait for 40 minutes until i was able to shower because he blocked the bathroom.
Ahh it feels so good to get this off my chest haha :D
I live on the second floor and every night my roommate will close the window curtains at the weirdest times. Like one night at about 5:30 she was leaving for dinner and I was about to leave so she goes and closes the curtains. I don't understand why. Nobody was in the room, so why do they need to be closed? And last night she got back from like bible group or something at 9 and the first thing she did after taking her coat off was go and close the curtains. Then she went to take a shower. Confused on why they need to be closed while she's in the shower and I'm doing homework (okay more like Fierceboard...) on my computer. I just don't get it. Plus the window is over my bed.

And she never has the lights on. Whenever I walk in I'm not sure if she's there or not because they are always off. The other night I opened the door and did a little happy dance in my head because the lights were off and I assumed she wasn't there. So I turned them all on and there she was on her bed on her phone or something.
I don't have a roomate problem but a neighbor above me problem...

There are 8 asians living upstairs in a 3 bedroom apartment! They are LOUD 24/7 and have had numerous complaints brought against them and now it's in legal action to get them evicted but since that's a process I have no idea when they'll actually get the boot...it's ridiculous and they all take showers at night after 11 until about 4 am since they ALL shower...

I also have nothing against asians and if that's how you live in your country..awesome..but in my province it's actually against the apartment buildings and landlord and tenant laws to have that many people living in a 3 bedroom apartment. Not to mention a fire hazard I would assume.. and did I mention there's only 1.5 bathrooms so..ONE shower -_-
My roommate my freshman year of college was a 300lb nudist. No joke.

She only wore clothes when she was leaving our hall. There was a big to do about it but it was ultimately decided that it was freedom of expression and they did not make her wear clothes. I used to beg her to get dressed when people would come over. Eventually no one came anymore and I just went to them. Lol. She would sit there in the nude slathering her lotion all over herself and singing gospel music. I lived with her an entire year before I could get new housing.

you win.
I don't live with roommates anymore because this is what I've had to deal with:

Freshman year:
--One girl ended up not coming back after Thanksgiving, but she actually wasn't bad. We just weren't close.
--One girl was just bizarre. I moved in a day earlier because of my orientation date. I was asleep the morning she moved in (at 8 AM), and she was being ridiculously loud, and I like half asleep rolled over and kinda looked to see what was going on, and she sets a fishtank down, and proceeds to tell me "Hi, this is my fish. His name is Ajhbad (from the Ergon books?), but you can just call him fish. No one in my family calls him by his name, they just call him fish too." Great first impression. Then one night, I had practice, but it was the UNC/Duke game, and I wanted to watch the end of it when I got back, so I asked them that morning if I could have the tv as soon as we got back, and they all said it was fine...then I get back, and she's watching the Pet Olympics and wouldn't give me the tv because she wanted to see which puppy won.... She wasn't a bad roommate, she was just weird.
--the third girl was the worst out of the group--constantly drunk off her booty, bringing guys back to the room all the time, typical party girl. I listened to her throwing up more than I didn't. And one night, she came back from a party completely wasted and proceeded to have skype sex while I was trying to sleep. So awkward.

Sophomore year:
--One girl was actually not all that bad, but she was in an "open relationship" with her boyfriend, and she just had a slew of guys that she would bring back and hook up with...but we all had our own rooms, so it wasn't really that big of a deal.
--One girl was one of my best friends before we lived together...then her boyfriend became our 5th roommate...didn't help pay for anything. And she would never hang out because she was always with him. But the few times that she wasn't, she just expected me to hang out with her. and when I didn't I would get like 5 page long messages about how bad of a friend I was and if I didn't want to be her friend anymore to just tell her and blah blah blah. She never helped clean anything, ever. But she would always say "let's clean up the kitchen tonight." So that night, I'd go to her room and say I was going to start cleaning, and she'd say okay, i'll be out in a sec...and wouldn't appear until I was done. Then one time, I was away for a week--she knew when I was gone and when I'd be back. I come home to find out that she left two days before I got back. Left a bag of garbage sitting in the kitchen that had a hole in it leaking something nasty on our floor and it got stuck. There was an overflowing bag of trash in the trash can that had an infestation of flies, dirty dishes in the sink, crumbs all over our table, and a tray that she had cooked asparagus on sitting on top of the stove with asparagus still on it!
--the third girl had a lot of emotional problems, and could not control them at all, and was in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend who, eventually, we told was no longer welcome in our house. That caused a hell of a lot of problems. She was a mess, would never go to class, always just locked in her room crying at the top of her lungs, and the more we tried to help her the worse it got. Then she tried to commit suicide, and said one of the reasons was because we all hated her. Her parents got involved and her dad tried to like blame us for stuff...and eventually (the cable was in her name, so when she left we had to switch it to one of ours) he started harassing me to give him my social security number so he could "do the paperwork for it".....and got super nasty with me about it. She was just a super big handful. And then after her suicide attempt, the other two girls came up into my room one night (they had been drinking) and basically stood over me while I was laying in my bed and told me how I needed to take care of her more and do something about her because I was the only one that seemed to be able to get through to her and they just couldn't be bothered anymore to help her.

Sorry for the novel, but I hated living with these people. And they weren't all like tragic bad, but it was very stressful to live with--especially sophomore year. it took a toll on me emotionally because I felt like I was never doing enough, even when I was.
Oh I CANNOT wait for this.
Let me start off with: I don't hate my roommate.. but we're definitely not best friends. I have much worse stories but this is my current predicament:
I'm a freshman so at the beginning you make random friends that don't really last. My roommate and I started being friends with a lot of the girls on my floor just because it was easy. But I continued to be friends with them still just because I actually like them but she moved on and hung out with a bunch of her high school guy friends who are really nice but constantly over. Anyways, housing deposits were due yesterday so for weeks everyone has been trying to figure out their situation for next year. Obviously you need to have a little idea of what your plan is when you put down the deposit even though room sign ups are next week and the week after. So yesterday morning, my friend gets a text from my roommate asking who she was living with.. awkward because it's me. So of course my friend told me. My room is just one big awkward situation now. Basically the point I'm getting at which is kind of a reoccurring theme is that my roommate thinks that she's really good friends with my actual friends and it's so annoying. She thinks that because she hung out with my friends at the beginning of last semester and went out with them a couple times they'd make good roommates.. when in reality she actually barely knows them and anything that's going on in their life. Annoying.
The only time I had Bad roommates was my freshman year of college and my first roommate was a druggy and would come back to the room at all hours of the night and i would wake up. she would bring guys back and hook up with them in the room. but the final straw was one night I got back from a Football game and she had cut her very long hair up to her chin herself, but she had cut it on my bed!!! She left all the hair their and everything. That was the final straw I transferred to a new room at the halfway point of the year.

So my 2nd roommate started off great, she would get up oddly early to get ready but she was ok. But a little while later she started dating this really creepy guy from home and he would come visit and I was not allowed to be in the room for the entire weekend. Like she literally kicked me out. Then the boy got her so drunk she had to go to the hospital and he tried refusing to take her and tried saying I had to and that he was leaving....well I put him in his place and made him since it was his fault. The next day she was furious with me saying I should have been there and when I told her that he tried to leave she wouldn't believe me etc. It was great the last month of school we didnt talk.

The remaining 3 years of college I had great roommates because we could pick them ourselves thankfully!
my roommate was a cheerleader in high school and we actually competed against each other at states. We both watched states this year and I noticed her old high school took Panthers worlds 2011 dance exact move for move even that weird brittany spears thing in the beginning. I'm like Crystal, you know your old team stole that dance right? and she is like yeah we usually always did steal dances off YouTube. It was just annoying to me :p that nudist 300lb story takes the cake. That is hysterical and very sad at the same time haha.
This is more of a neighbor rant but its 520 AM and my neighbors just set off a huge fireworks show. I live in a massive housing complex so I don't know who did it but I'm going to hunt them down. I'm so angry. And did I mention we got almost a foot of snow yesterday?!? Why would you be out in a foot of snow at 5 AM anyway and then why would you ever think to set off fireworks at that time???
The worst part about my roommate situation is how I absolutely despise confrontation. So I just act mad and don't talk to my roommate but I haven't spoken to her all weekend because I'm just so fed up at this point.
My roommate first semester was THE WORST, thank god she dropped out..
She no joke had been with over 50 guys total... and she would bring guys back to the room and uhh "have fun" while me and my boyfriend were just sitting on the couch, in plain view. She also tried to hook up with my boyfriend multiple times when I was in the room. She NEVER left our room, not even to go to class and she ate all my food without asking or even offering to replace it...

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