All-Star The Majors Teams & Event Talk

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In the All-Star Industry it's all about Worlds i two was at the first and this paled in comparison. Sure there were shiny lights, but definatly did not compare...

Were you at both? We were and I can tell with absolute certainty that Worlds 2004 was not in the same league as Majors 2012 from a staging and experience point of view. They did a great job in 2004 given the circumstances, and Worlds has improved leaps and bounds since then, but let's not go overboard about 2004.

I can compare the two scoring systems and see that with these performances the results would have been completly different had this been on the worlds score sheet...

... and the teams probably would have had different routines if they knew they were going to be using the Worlds score sheets.

However, please explain exactly how the results would have been different and why. What specifically would get rewarded more/less on the different scoring systems and how would that have altered the ranking, in your opinion?
I went to the majors this weekend, knowing in that it would probs be a my expectations were a little low. Having a daughter participating in the majors made me WANT it to be spectacular and fun for her and her team. The girls ReALLY enjoyed it!!! the banquet, the individual recognition for ALL the athletes and then the meet and greet, the autographs and photos!! It was a blast...and i have to add, somewhat surreal to have young men and woman standing in line to get a photo or autograph from MY daughter!! as a parent of a young, dedicated athlete, it did my heart proud to see her and her teammates graciously standing for photos, when what they really wanted to do was go relax and get a bite to eat!! To see people tweeting that they'd met her and how got a photo with her! So exciting for her and so nice for me to see her so poised and relaxed in front of it all.

We can rip it apart, debate scores, create a massive thread about who we like and dislike and why, but the important thing i took away was celebrating each and every athlete on those teams. as i said (on f/b btw) when it was all said and done.....2nd place felt like 1st and MANY MANY of the parents and athletes agreed!! It was a GREAT experience and it was really a pleasure to be a part of it.
I totally agree, I was in the audience watching and while I enjoyed the performances, I could of done without the videos and personal introduction.... lol... JMO

As a spectator I thought "exclusiveness" and athlete/coach recognition was really cool. I felt it was a bit drawn out, 2 hours for 9 teams is a bit much. Main issue with that is that so many people that were there to watch have to compete Sunday and I felt a long day was unnessarily drawn out.
The energy and "feel" of the event I agree was really cool.
I totally agree, I was in the audience watching and while I enjoyed the performances, I could of done without the videos and personal introduction.... lol... JMO
I wasn't against the videos and thought the individual introductions were cool but 9 teams in 2 hours, that's a bit much. There was a lot of dead time, but honestly I would have waited longer to see those teams, cool concept, I'm sure kinks will be worked out for their future events!
Even from my bedroom watching it on the computer I loved it. For a first time event I think they did what the aimed to do. The interviews and opening footage made it feel like you were at a concert and they show the little mini movie before certain songs. Kudos to Jamfest for going outside the box and doing something like this to take people back to when worlds first started and it was just a few teams.
I also must say I was super jealous to not be there because I wanted to see Panthers and Cheetahs live for the first time so badly. Cheer Athletics have gained a fan with those two performances and routines.

I just wanted to add to mine after seeing another post I made, seeing the sportsmanship between Panthers and F5 when it was down to the final 2 all girl teams made me realize that while all the nasty comments were being throw around on twitter and the other social networking sites these athletes had each others backs. It is always refreshing to see two team show that sort of support for each other even when they are both competing for something that big. Kudos to Twisters and Cheer Athletics. *i feel like i am turning into a fangirl for these two programs*
I just wanted to add to mine after seeing another post I made, seeing the sportsmanship between Panthers and F5 when it was down to the final 2 all girl teams made me realize that while all the nasty comments were being throw around on twitter and the other social networking sites these athletes had each others backs. It is always refreshing to see two team show that sort of support for each other even when they are both competing for something that big. Kudos to Twisters and Cheer Athletics. *i feel like i am turning into a fangirl for these two programs*

There's only a handful of people in the world that are competing at the highest levels, so I'm sure there's a lot of common ground. Of course everyone's competitive and wants to win, but I've always had the sense that there's a huge amount of respect that the elite programs have for each other.
I just wanted to add to mine after seeing another post I made, seeing the sportsmanship between Panthers and F5 when it was down to the final 2 all girl teams made me realize that while all the nasty comments were being throw around on twitter and the other social networking sites these athletes had each others backs. It is always refreshing to see two team show that sort of support for each other even when they are both competing for something that big. Kudos to Twisters and Cheer Athletics. *i feel like i am turning into a fangirl for these two programs*
There ain't nothin wrong with that!
The sportsmanship between CA and all of the teams was great! Their coaches should be proud. They were some of the most humble, enthusiastic and polite kids I had ever met at a cheer competition. They genuinely seemed to be honored by the opportunity to compete.

As for the Majors as an event: of course there were foibles. It was the first one. You can plan the prettiest picnic, but no one can keep away all of the ants, or predict the weather! As a parent, I feel that this is what the cheer industry should be about. Honoring the very athletes without whom, there would be no industry. In no other sport do the athletes pay to compete, and the fans pay to watch them. As it is right now, you can have the most incredible season, but if you lose Worlds, you suck. That should not be. I really believe that its time for the athletes to be honored. For the industry to really be about them. For their hard work and dedication to be recognized. The Majors is a first step toward doing that. The effort should be applauded.
The sportsmanship between CA and all of the teams was great! Their coaches should be proud. They were some of the most humble, enthusiastic and polite kids I had ever met at a cheer competition. They genuinely seemed to be honored by the opportunity to compete.

As for the Majors as an event: of course there were foibles. It was the first one. You can plan the prettiest picnic, but no one can keep away all of the ants, or predict the weather! As a parent, I feel that this is what the cheer industry should be about. Honoring the very athletes without whom, there would be no industry. In no other sport do the athletes pay to compete, and the fans pay to watch them. As it is right now, you can have the most incredible season, but if you lose Worlds, you suck. That should not be. I really believe that its time for the athletes to be honored. For the industry to really be about them. For their hard work and dedication to be recognized. The Majors is a first step toward doing that. The effort should be applauded.

Wait am I in the wrong sports.. My kids have played all sports but football and basketball. I have had to pay tournament fees for each one of them to play at a competative level. Depending on the venue depends on whether or not I have to pay entry fees. Depends on the sport and the way the yearly fees are structured. Tournament baseball uses tax payer fields - I pay entry fees into that tournament but do not pay to attend, however if they attend a Cal Ripken event - I pay tournament fee and entry fee. Hockey - I pay for the ice time, therefore I am paying for the rental upfront therefore not need to pay spectator fee. If my son attends a Silverstick tournament - I pay entry fee and spectator fee (we did not pay for the ice time). To play at an elite level you pay one way or the other - its just a matter of how they structure it.

The outllook is the same in any sport you play - in hockey you can have a phenominal season or a phenominal tournament and in the end you can lose that championship. Does that mean you suck, absolutly not. It just wasn't meant to be...

Athletes are honored everday by their peers & coaches. That to me is the best honor to have.
In no other sport do the athletes pay to compete, and the fans pay to watch them.

I agree with the above post that it is pretty much the other way around. In practically every sport, you pay to play. Even in school sports, you may not pay directly to play, but you are paying through tuition or taxes.
That's a strange perception. No one thinks the team that loses at the Super Bowl sucks, or the NCAA Basketball 2nd place team sucks, or the silver medalist in the Olympics suck. Since when does this industry say a team sucks if they don't get a gold medal?
I don't think the INDUSTRY says that..but I feel like it's becoming the underground perception. Like it's World Champs or you're THAT other team..
I don't think the INDUSTRY says that..but I feel like it's becoming the underground perception. Like it's World Champs or you're THAT other team..

I really have to disagree. I believe this perception comes from a few gyms and their fans. There's thousands of gyms out there that are beyond proud to receive a silver or bronze medal, rank top ten, or even attend Worlds.

And in my very humble opinion, this whole Worlds isn't special anymore and "it's not fair if we lose Worlds" is a big campaign to discredit the event.

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