All-Star The Thing That Irritates Me The Most Is

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This is what I don't get....

Lvl 5 can't whip full but... Lvl 4 can whip layout!?
How is that fair?

Lvl 5 can't round off double but lvl 4 can round off layout and lvl 3 can round off tuck...

Doesn't seem right...

I've seen tons of bust on lvl 3 and 4 so why just target lvl 5!?
This is what I don't get....

Lvl 5 can't whip full but... Lvl 4 can whip layout!?
How is that fair?

Lvl 5 can't round off double but lvl 4 can round off layout and lvl 3 can round off tuck...

Doesn't seem right...

I've seen tons of bust on lvl 3 and 4 so why just target lvl 5!?
I don't think these are all correctly interpreted. My understanding is lvl 5 can whip full, but not whip double. Also roundoff doubles I think are legal as well.
Standing fulls and bounding twisting passes are still legal in high school and college. To paraphrase a colleague "I think the absolute worst tumbling coach in allstar is better than 95% of the high school coaches out there. A high school team is lucky to have a good coach. Most of the time they have wrestling mats in a cafeteria and are run by a science teacher. How can that be better than a gym with equipment who spend their livelihoods trying to learn how to teach tumbling better?"

Hey now...a good physics teacher could make an AWESOME cheer coach :p
I don't think these are all correctly interpreted. My understanding is lvl 5 can whip full, but not whip double. Also roundoff doubles I think are legal as well.

You are halfway correct from what I've heard. Whip fulls are legal, yes. But roundoff doubles are not. Doubles must have a back handspring entry.
I sort of take offense, and I think its sad that so many people on the all-star side put down high school cheerleading so much! I've done both and I've coached both. I know there are a lot of bad schools out there but there are A LOT of bad gyms as well. How many times do you look at a comp schedule and half of the teams in your division are no name random gyms with scary performances. The school squad I coach is far better and more advanced that the two closet gyms to me. I'm not even sure the closest gym to me even knows what the USASF is. They just figured out there is such a thing as levels last season and they still don't really follow them! I know for a fact the teachers teaching tumbling are not qualified nor do they know what they're talking about. I can almost guarantee that random science teacher coaching on a wresting mat in a cafeteria doesn't even know what a bounding pass is, much less wants their girls attempting it. The random bad gym does and they need that pass to be competitive so they push for it and injuries happen. At the end of the day I try not to take offense to things because I realize I live in an area with strong school cheer and coaches and its not the norm, but I hear and see so much crap all the time!

I think a lot of it should go back to EP's. In high school competitions a team can win with a clean preps over a team with 2 man stretch fulls. Teams risk less because they are heavily penalized for busting or dropping. In allstars if you throw and bust you are still given credit for majority and points for attempting difficulty. I bet there aren't any injuries (or at least very few) from standing fulls and bouding passes in high school cheer, because they're not typically done. High school cheer has been having stuff taken away for years now. I think if people would have cared enough to try to fight it then maybe the governing bodies wouldn't think they could keep taking with no opposition. Too many people didn't care that they were taking stuff out of schools and now they care when it starts effecting them.
I don't think some of you guys give high school enough credit....
where I come from there's maybe two high school teams that take cheer seriously.the rest of the teams have girls that are in it for the skirts and have a Max of level 3 skills since they don't care whether or not they practice as long as they can wear their uniforms to school on Fridays. So personally I don't think that they deserve the credit.
I'm getting pretty tired of this, "allstar is better than high school cheer" rhetoric...It's just plain ignorant to believe an allstar cheerleading coach is more qualified than a high school coach by default.

It may be foolish to base my opinion on my own experience, but my high school and first allstar coach were night and day, in terms of qualification. My high school coach, had years of experience in high school, allstar and college cheer (she cheered at Louisville) and was a(n)? USASF certified judge. The owner of my first allstar gym, on the other hand, taught himself to tumble and cheered for the one year he was in college...

The mentality of my allstar gym was, "You just got your punch front through to full on the rod floor?! Now you're going to do it in the routine four counts after your two full! Wait, let's make that a one to full!" In contrast, my high school coach wouldn't let you throw your standing tuck until she saw you do it twenty times, landing with your chest up at the end of a full out routine. Might I add, this allstar gym (that I left after two season) is still open and doing very well (in terms of business, maybe not injuries ;)).

It's very possible my high school was in the minority, but I think it's time we eliminate the stereotype of high school cheer practice taking place in the low-ceiling cafeteria, on an old wrestling mat being coached by some Geometry teacher who has never cheered and just saw "Bring It On" for the first time this weekend and wants to try a Wolf Wall!

The top high school teams in Georgia are cleaner than 95% of the level 5 allstar teams out there, anyways...IMO
Hey now...a good physics teacher could make an AWESOME cheer coach :p

How come a teacher can't coach - my assistant coach is an English teacher in the school but cheered competitively for all stars and her
College - I'm confused how she
Wouldn't be qualified solely on the fact she teaches in the school. I also
Love how no Allstars programs have less then perfect coaches - sarcastic
Sorry but yes SOME high schools have poor coaches and some Allstar programs have poor
Coaching as well Let's not solely bash high school poor
Coaching is everywhere not specific to high school
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There's a difference between recognizing a couple high schools have excellent coaching or that most are run by science teachers. High school cheerleaders outnumber Allstar somewhere around 20 to 1.
Well I can say I'm glad my daughters High School Coach was named Coach of the Year this year, and honor that was long over due. The squad has won State 5 times in a row and from the time she took over the team they have been no less than 2nd in the State :)
I don't think y'all understand what Kingston is trying to say. I don't think he's knocking high school cheer. I think he's pointing out that statistically, the great hs gyms w/qualified instructors and equipment are far and few between; therefore, why would they be allowed to have skills that pretty much every Allstar gym's athletes throw on a daily basis inside a gym w/proper equipment at the very least, and decent instructors comparatively?..we're looking at numbers here. Y'all (hs) have a higher rate of getting injured theoretically if you throw these passes based on sheer numbers and the number of unqualified tumbling instructors & equipment.
I think the point of this thread was that it isn't fair college and high school can do these skills yet all star can't. Not bashing high school. Just sayin.

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