OT 25 Facts

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  1. I like sleep---and not just like sleep, but can sleep for over 12 hours at a time if I’m not interrupted.
  2. I met my husband at 15; it caused an explosion in the social circles of our high school. No one thought we’d last...we’ve been married for over a decade and have 2 daughters.

  3. When cp decided to go cheer, I cringed---I danced, why couldn’t she? At least I didn’t feel like a fish out of water.

  4. By the time I’m done with school I’ll be licensed to do what I’ve been doing all my life

  5. When I was 3 I was diagnosed with 4th Stage Leukemia & Lymphoma; if I had only had one I’d be dead.

  6. I coupon so well I was once scouted for Extreme Couponing---I said no

  7. I write---I will never publish any of it---but, I write

  8. I’m a picky grammar nazi; there/their/they’re and you/your/you’re annoy me, but common misspellings or not so obvious grammar errors don’t bug me.

  9. I graduated from high school and with my first college degree in the same year

  10. When I was younger, I said I wanted 13 kids...then 6 kids and settled on 2. I can’t even imagine 3!

  11. I’m a little obsessive when it comes to survival stories; Holocaust, Korean War, Civil War...etc. I don’t discriminate.

  12. I’m pretty sarcastic, witty, and a fast thinker; but you wouldn’t know it in real life. I tend not to talk unless I’m interested in the conversation or I’ve been insulted.

  13. I once hugged Justin Timberlake---and subsequently lost my best friend in middle school because of it

  14. I play World of Warcraft because it’s mind numbingly easy when I need a break from life

  15. My favorite class in school was history

  16. I’m a little obsessed with Thor and all things Avengers

  17. I liked Twilight but didn’t even give Hunger Games a shot

  18. I’ve never read a single Harry Potter book

  19. CP got her name from my favorite movie growing up ‘Now and Then’

  20. Non-CP would be named Tallulah Belle if DH didn’t change his mind at the last minute

  21. Speaking of names, my parents should be jailed because of how much I hate my name

  22. I’d rather text than call; I’d rather e-mail than text

  23. I love giving gifts, but I’m not the best gift receiver

  24. I want to take a cruise with my girl’s, but the last time I tried I had to be drugged to sleep because of the motion sickness

  25. If I could decorate my entire house in baby blue and brown, I would
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  1. I like sleep---and not just like sleep, but can sleep for over 12 hours at a time if I’m not interrupted.
  2. I met my husband at 15; it caused an explosion in the social circles of our high school. No one thought we’d last...we’ve been married for over a decade and have 2 daughters.

  3. When cp decided to go cheer, I cringed---I danced, why couldn’t she? At least I didn’t feel like a fish out of water.

  4. By the time I’m done with school I’ll be licensed to do what I’ve been doing all my life

  5. When I was 3 I was diagnosed with 4th Stage Leukemia & Lymphoma; if I had only had one I’d be dead.

  6. I coupon so well I was once scouted for Extreme Couponing---I said no

  7. I write---I will never publish any of it---but, I write

  8. I’m a picky grammar nazi; there/their/they’re and you/your/you’re annoy me, but common misspellings or not so obvious grammar errors don’t bug me.

  9. I graduated from high school and with my first college degree in the same year

  10. When I was younger, I said I wanted 13 kids...then 6 kids and settled on 2. I can’t even imagine 3!

  11. I’m a little obsessive when it comes to survival stories; Holocaust, Korean War, Civil War...etc. I don’t discriminate.

  12. I’m pretty sarcastic, witty, and a fast thinker; but you wouldn’t know it in real life. I tend not to talk unless I’m interested in the conversation or I’ve been insulted.

  13. I once hugged Justin Timberlake---and subsequently lost my best friend in middle school because of it

  14. I play World of Warcraft because it’s mind numbingly easy when I need a break from life

  15. My favorite class in school was history

  16. I’m a little obsessed with Thor and all things Avengers

  17. I liked Twilight but didn’t even give Hunger Games a shot

  18. I’ve never read a single Harry Potter book

  19. CP got her name from my favorite movie growing up ‘Now and Then’

  20. Non-CP would be named Tallulah Belle if DH didn’t change his mind at the last minute

  21. Speaking of names, my parents should be jailed because of how much I hate my name

  22. I’d rather text than call; I’d rather e-mail than text

  23. I love giving gifts, but I’m not the best gift receiver

  24. I want to take a cruise with my girl’s, but the last time I tried I had to be drugged to sleep because of the motion sickness

  25. If I could decorate my entire house in baby blue and brown, I would
I haven't read many here but yours were super interesting! I love extreme couponing lol. why'd you say no?
I haven't read many here but yours were super interesting! I love extreme couponing lol. why'd you say no?

Everyone I knew from Season 1 regretted it after they saw how they edited it for TV. I was being recruited for it for their Season 2. Also, almost 95% of the deals I was doing (at that point) were on the military base we lived on and no commissary was going to allow them to film. So, in order to be filmed, I would have had to go through the Garrison Commander to get approval for them to shoot at my house, then learn another local (not as great to coupon at) store, to do the actual filming.

Gonna need this story.

I was at my BFF's sleepover for her birthday when my mom found a super small ad in the paper that said Joey Fatone was doing an Improv Workshop to raise money for Dr. Phillip's High School's Theater Department at the Beetlejuice set of Universal where he used to work. My mom talked to the director---this was long before the days of internet and smart phones, so it was pretty low key. Anyhow, she bought 2 tickets---one for me and my BFF.

When they arrived we realized we had tickets 19 and 20. At the time, Lance Bass was 20 years old so I said I was getting 20, she could have 19. What the director of the theater department told my mom, but failed to tell us was that JT was also going to be there. About 15 minutes into the thing, he actually jumps from a coffin.

Overall, I'd say there was maybe 200 people total---including both of their mom's and entourage at the back. My BFF and I sat relatively close---I think we were in row 4 of like an amphitheater...not huge.

Anyhow, they called ticket numbers to come on stage to do an improv thing with the guys. My ticket number was called so I went up with 2 other girl's. We had to take a cardboard tube and improv with it. The first girl got her promo poster and exited quickly, but the girl in front of me was talking JT's ear off about whether or not he remembered her from Walgreens. No, I'm not joking---anyhow, it was probably 30-45 seconds of her just talking, talking, talking...and JT was being truly polite, "Oh yeah, that's cool, thanks for coming..." finally when none of that helped, he turned towards me and asked if I wanted a hug. Who was I to turn down Justin Timberlake?

Let me just say, he smells as good as he looks. I then got my poster and went back to my seat.

I saw this meme on Facebook the other day and cracked up:

Until Justin Timberlake hugs you and it all went down hill from there! Though we kinda stayed friends, when I made the dance team and she didn't in high school---the friendship was gone forever. We had been friends since we were in diapers; we were in 8th grade when this happened.
1. I cheered for one year when I was 13. That's it, but I've been obsessed with all star ever since.

2. I have type one diabetes and Hashimoto's.

3. When my son was born last year, I hemorrhaged and almost died. I spent three days in ICU and received nine bags of blood.

4. I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd. My coworker and I spent an hour talking about hypothetical options for drunk wizards trying to get home.

5. I share a birthday with Jeff Goldblum and Zach Hanson.

6. CP is named after one of my favorite rock bands.

7. I went to Master's Commission, an Assemblies of God discipleship school after high school. I met DH there.

8. I started going to college for accounting after Master's Commission and changed to computer aided drafting/architecture.

9. I now work for my state's department of transportation in road design.

10. I can't do anything about pot holes or anything else wrong with the roads around here! :p

11. I had a dream a few days before non-CP was born that he had red hair. He does!

12. I met Goldberg once.

13. I can remember things that my mom confirms happened when I was 1 1/2-2 years old.

14. I have 6 tattoos. Two are the words that the Boondock Saints have on their hands.

15. I have horrible anxiety.

16. I am introverted and also have social anxiety, but I think it's getting a little better. I prefer texting, iming, forums, etc. to face-to-face.

17. I love loud music. I will be the crazy mom driving a mom car with dub step blaring out the windows.

18. I got married "young" by today's standards, although so did a lot of the people I graduated with.

19. I skipped kindergarten.

20. I played percussion in school and was also in color guard in marching band.

21. I choreograph cheer dances and winter guard routines in my head when I listen to music.

22. I want to move to Scotland.

23. I read lots of fanfiction.

24. I'm kind of addicted to soda for the carbonation.

25. I do not like animals. I like to see them from far away, that's it.
24. I'm kind of addicted to soda for the carbonation.

Omg Im so glad someone else is feels this way! None of my friends ever understood that I didn't care what kind of soda it was, I just needed the carbonation. And it was like a straight up addiction! I've given up soda for the most part but sometimes I crave the carbonation for days.

I dont understand people who purposely make their soda flat before drinking it. Yuck!
Omg Im so glad someone else is feels this way! None of my friends ever understood that I didn't care what kind of soda it was, I just needed the carbonation. And it was like a straight up addiction! I've given up soda for the most part but sometimes I crave the carbonation for days.

I dont understand people who purposely make their soda flat before drinking it. Yuck!

People do that?! Gross!
1. I used to hate Cheerleading because of some Girls in school
2. I used to be a Figure Skater for about 13 years
3. I don't like to be alone, yet i need time by myself from time to time.
4. I hate talking on the phone
5. I worry too much about everything
6. I'm 6.1 and constantly get the '' Wow you're tall!'' ....as if i didn't know yet
7. Whenever i get an idea i need to get it done right away i can't wait and do it later
8. I'm Instagram obsessed, i post way too much on there
9. I read a book within a day. I'm a ridiculously fast reader
10. When i was younger i was seriously obsessed with the US, i even had an american flag hanging over my bed
11. My boyfriend is a World and NCA College Nationals Champion and sometimes i just stare at his rings whenever he's not home because i'm weird
12. I'm pretty bad at saying no, i tend to let people run all over me
13. I despise arguments
14. I can not stand any fishy things to eat, even the smell makes me sick
15. After graduating i traveled to Hawaii with my best friends an visited 4 islands in 4 weeks. it was amazing
16. I want to live in a small town on the beach in greece or italy when i'm old
17. I start crying about sad stories on the news or in magazines
18. I love my parents and am thankful for all they have done /are still doing for me
19. I'll be competing at USASF for the first time in 2016
20. I'm old and i don't want to talk about it
21. Ever since my friend in 10th grade died from an ED i get really mad whenever that topic is brought up
22. I can't understand the fitness hype that is going on all over social media right now, i hate running and i hate going to the gym, also i love eating so i just don't understand
23. I'm still trying to finish a book i started to write 2 years ago
24. I used to not be able to look people in the eyes
25. I'm crazy with hair products , i think i have bought every single shampoo or conditioner there is out there.
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  1. I like sleep---and not just like sleep, but can sleep for over 12 hours at a time if I’m not interrupted.
  2. I met my husband at 15; it caused an explosion in the social circles of our high school. No one thought we’d last...we’ve been married for over a decade and have 2 daughters.

  3. When cp decided to go cheer, I cringed---I danced, why couldn’t she? At least I didn’t feel like a fish out of water.

  4. By the time I’m done with school I’ll be licensed to do what I’ve been doing all my life

  5. When I was 3 I was diagnosed with 4th Stage Leukemia & Lymphoma; if I had only had one I’d be dead.

  6. I coupon so well I was once scouted for Extreme Couponing---I said no

  7. I write---I will never publish any of it---but, I write

  8. I’m a picky grammar nazi; there/their/they’re and you/your/you’re annoy me, but common misspellings or not so obvious grammar errors don’t bug me.

  9. I graduated from high school and with my first college degree in the same year

  10. When I was younger, I said I wanted 13 kids...then 6 kids and settled on 2. I can’t even imagine 3!

  11. I’m a little obsessive when it comes to survival stories; Holocaust, Korean War, Civil War...etc. I don’t discriminate.

  12. I’m pretty sarcastic, witty, and a fast thinker; but you wouldn’t know it in real life. I tend not to talk unless I’m interested in the conversation or I’ve been insulted.

  13. I once hugged Justin Timberlake---and subsequently lost my best friend in middle school because of it

  14. I play World of Warcraft because it’s mind numbingly easy when I need a break from life

  15. My favorite class in school was history

  16. I’m a little obsessed with Thor and all things Avengers

  17. I liked Twilight but didn’t even give Hunger Games a shot

  18. I’ve never read a single Harry Potter book

  19. CP got her name from my favorite movie growing up ‘Now and Then’

  20. Non-CP would be named Tallulah Belle if DH didn’t change his mind at the last minute

  21. Speaking of names, my parents should be jailed because of how much I hate my name

  22. I’d rather text than call; I’d rather e-mail than text

  23. I love giving gifts, but I’m not the best gift receiver

  24. I want to take a cruise with my girl’s, but the last time I tried I had to be drugged to sleep because of the motion sickness

  25. If I could decorate my entire house in baby blue and brown, I would
Well we know math and following directions weren't strong points since you only did 24 facts. [emoji23]

**I'm normal. It must be true gofriars610 said it**
Well we know math and following directions weren't strong points since you only did 24 facts. [emoji23]

**I'm normal. It must be true gofriars610 said it**

No, I did 25. 1. Starts the line below; I don't know why it did that. But unless I missed a number (which would have been Google's fault), there should be 25.
No, I did 25. 1. Starts the line below; I don't know why it did that. But unless I missed a number (which would have been Google's fault), there should be 25.
Curses. You renumbered.

**I'm normal. It must be true gofriars610 said it**
Curses. You renumbered.

**I'm normal. It must be true gofriars610 said it**

I didn't, I just put 1 where it should have been. I c/p'd it from Google Docs and it looked normal until I uploaded it.

I mean, if you're fishing for another fact I'm sure I can think of something

25. (officially 26.) I was in a Bunco group for a little over 2 years (made up of military spouses from Marines and Army0 and one of the last few months we played, they realized I was actually child 3 of 4---everyone assumed I was an only child because I'm kinda Type A, competitive, and I guess I never talk about my siblings.
Omg Im so glad someone else is feels this way! None of my friends ever understood that I didn't care what kind of soda it was, I just needed the carbonation. And it was like a straight up addiction! I've given up soda for the most part but sometimes I crave the carbonation for days.

I dont understand people who purposely make their soda flat before drinking it. Yuck!
I cannot stand flat things at all. I'm another big carbonation fan! I don't really drink soda but sparkling water and Hint drinks are my absolute favorite things. Or sparkling wine...
1) I first discovered cheerleading at the age of 5, and it was love at first sight.

2) I only cheered in 6th and 7th grade. My coaches didn't emphasize good tumbling technique AT ALL, and that combined with the fact that I have always been taller than average meant that I never learned how to tumble properly. I distinctly remember warming up forward rolls at practice on a Tuesday (my coaches had suddenly decided to start doing this), and that Thursday, we were working back handspring at our weekly tumbling class. Dead serious. Our team sucked. I chose not to cheer in 8th grade because I had just gotten glasses, and was worried about how they would affect my tumbling and backspotting. Just my luck, that year we got new coaches who dramatically improved the team.

3) I tried to write, produce, direct, and act in my own Bring It On sequel when I was 11/12. I was actually online, looking at clearance uniforms, choreographing routines, writing a script, planning out filming locations, informal casting, etc. My team was going to be named the Chiefs, colors red/black/bright gold (because I had found a REALLY cute top in those colors online on clearance for $10) and the rival team would be called the Jaguars (orange/black/white) It never happened LOL.

4) When I was in 5th grade, my best friend and I were trying to start a neighborhood cheer team. We had a falling out near the end of the school year, and decided to create rival teams that would compete against each other at the end of the summer. Her team was going to be named the Angels (metallic white and gold), and my team was going to be the Huskies (navy and white). I had already gotten matching skirts for my team (not actual cheer skirts, but short and comfortable ones). I had 4 girls (including myself) and 1 boy on my team. I was holding practices and everything, and even tried to teach tumbling (obviously, that didn't go well). W still needed more uniform pieces, so one day I went through the trash that all of my neighbors had put on their lawn, and pulled out stuff that I thought I would be able to resell. I amassed all of these things on my lawn, and when my mom came out and saw it, she was LIVID. She made me go inside for the rest of the day, and told me that I couldn't do cheerleading, talk about it, or even think about it. She took that back a few weeks later, when she told me that she noticed that "the light had left my eyes" and I wasn't happy anymore.

5) My YouTube channel is probably the one thing that makes me feel connected to the cheer world, and it brings me so much happiness.

6) For fun, I put together apparel collections for fictitious middle school, high school, college, and all-star cheer teams. I use package deals, products codes, and everything. I probably know enough to become a sales rep for 3 uniform companies haha. I expect that it will come in handy when I finally start coaching (fingers crossed).

7) The majority of my celebrity crushes have been Harry Potter actors. And yes, I think Alan Rickman is handsome. No shame.

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