OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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None of this happened in the topic we are discussing so it has no relevancy. Unfortunately, I have to agree the only reason the students were able to get so far was because they were athletes and thats a problem in itself. When university administration goes silent on racially motivated incidents, they aren't silent they are definitely taking a side. Removing the chancellor will not solve all racially motivated incidents at the school, similar to the end of Jim Crow era did not abolish racism in this country but it is making steps toward progressive change. The student body honestly doesn't much power especially a divided one,. The few forces large enough to make change are athletes, administration, and university sponsors.

And this is where im either 100% with them or side eyeing the situation regardless of what it is. Colleges especially very football heavy colleges handle their programs and players with kid gloves, please dont get me started on a la jameis winston, or johnny manziel who to my knowledge also got away with a lot of crap and never got punished. As much as schools seem to bow down to their every want and need, they also protect them like crazy even when they are clearly in the wrong.
The school basically responded pretty quickly when the team protested playing, whether people want to believe the president willingly resigned, which find really hard to believe. That football team basically forced the school to fire or resign their president in order to protect their precious team/season. And im sure we will hear all about how they promoted change and good for the world, blah, blah, blah, when all they really did was get a guy fired.
I also dont think firing the guy is going to solve anything in the long run, to be honest. In a whole im over hearing about college football teams/players being babied by their school, football isnt everything and i wish some people would realize that.
And this is where im either 100% with them or side eyeing the situation regardless of what it is. Colleges especially very football heavy colleges handle their programs and players with kid gloves, please dont get me started on a la jameis winston, or johnny manziel who to my knowledge also got away with a lot of crap and never got punished. As much as schools seem to bow down to their every want and need, they also protect them like crazy even when they are clearly in the wrong.
The school basically responded pretty quickly when the team protested playing, whether people want to believe the president willingly resigned, which find really hard to believe. That football team basically forced the school to fire or resign their president in order to protect their precious team/season. And im sure we will hear all about how they promoted change and good for the world, blah, blah, blah, when all they really did was get a guy fired.
I also dont think firing the guy is going to solve anything in the long run, to be honest. In a whole im over hearing about college football teams/players being babied by their school, football isn't everything and i wish some people would realize that.
I agree with pretty much everything you just said but the original message behind the protest is important part. The players wanted to take a stand and prove a point that injustice of any kind shouldn't be tolerated. The whole football players being treated like a royalty on campuses is something thats a problem all in itself but in this circumstance it proved to be beneficial.
And this is where im either 100% with them or side eyeing the situation regardless of what it is. Colleges especially very football heavy colleges handle their programs and players with kid gloves, please dont get me started on a la jameis winston, or johnny manziel who to my knowledge also got away with a lot of crap and never got punished. As much as schools seem to bow down to their every want and need, they also protect them like crazy even when they are clearly in the wrong.
The school basically responded pretty quickly when the team protested playing, whether people want to believe the president willingly resigned, which find really hard to believe. That football team basically forced the school to fire or resign their president in order to protect their precious team/season. And im sure we will hear all about how they promoted change and good for the world, blah, blah, blah, when all they really did was get a guy fired.
I also dont think firing the guy is going to solve anything in the long run, to be honest. In a whole im over hearing about college football teams/players being babied by their school, football isnt everything and i wish some people would realize that.
Some players actually stated their protest a while before anything was done. It wasn't really until news about the protest got out and the school learned they'd be fined a million dollars if they didn't play that anything changed. Our football team sucks so I honestly don't know that anything would've changed without the fine... I mean, if you don't play you can't lose! ;)

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None of this happened in the topic we are discussing so it has no relevancy. Unfortunately, I have to agree the only reason the students were able to get so far was because they were athletes and thats a problem in itself. When university administration goes silent on racially motivated incidents, they aren't silent they are definitely taking a side. Removing the chancellor will not solve all racially motivated incidents at the school, similar to the end of Jim Crow era did not abolish racism in this country but it is making steps toward progressive change. The student body honestly doesn't much power especially a divided one,. The few forces large enough to make change are athletes, administration, and university sponsors.
This. Everything at Mizzou has been peaceful. And literally zero people think that anything was miraculously solved by Tim Wolfe resigning. I don't know why that seems to be what people think that the protestors think because it's not at all, and they have stated that. But if you can replace him with someone who truly cares about taking steps toward change, that does make a difference and help solve problems. Nobody at Mizzou (I repeat, NOBODY) thinks this is going to happen overnight, whether they agree with the protests or not.

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^ lol. If we get Romo back when I think we are (2 weeks) we might still have a chance of making it. Glad Dez is back and Beasley is killin' it. There isn't a doubt in my mind that if we had Romo, the Cowboys would be 7-1, (1 being the patriots) all the teams we lost to were a TD away.

SN: I miss Murray in D :(
So I'm hearing that the KKK is on Mizzou's campus... seriously?
That hasn't been confirmed. I'm not on campus so I can't say whether it's true but I think it would've been confirmed by now if it was considering the rumor has been going around for three hours and MUPD is (reportedly) on campus investigating. Many rumors have been flying tonight so don't believe everything you hear. It is scary but many of the things that have been going around social media are simply untrue (for example, at one point people said the PHA President confirmed the presence of the KKK when she never said anything about it - and that's not only spreading false info but also could put her life in danger.)

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I personally think the media is oversimplifying the situation. Mind you I'm in Columbia, South Carolina and if you haven't heard of our struggles this past year then you clearly live under a rock.

Even from what has been covered I wholeheartedly support the football team, student groups and the grad student. However I still wonder if the situation was worse than what was let on, and not reported. I feel like there must be more to the story their outsiders aren't hearing.

Or maybe I've experienced racism so long that I'm desensitized to it.

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That hasn't been confirmed. I'm not on campus so I can't say whether it's true but I think it would've been confirmed by now if it was considering the rumor has been going around for three hours and MUPD is (reportedly) on campus investigating. Many rumors have been flying tonight so don't believe everything you hear. It is scary but many of the things that have been going around social media are simply untrue (for example, at one point people said the PHA President confirmed the presence of the KKK when she never said anything about it - and that's not only spreading false info but also could put her life in danger.)

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A friend on campus texted cp last night that there were threats to shoot the black students. She didn't say anything about the kkk being on campus at all though.

**There can be only one**
A friend on campus texted cp last night that there were threats to shoot the black students. She didn't say anything about the kkk being on campus at all though.

**There can be only one**
There were threats on yik yak last night and the person making them has reportedly been arrested. I'm still not going to class today.

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I personally think the media is oversimplifying the situation. Mind you I'm in Columbia, South Carolina and if you haven't heard of our struggles this past year then you clearly live under a rock.

Even from what has been covered I wholeheartedly support the football team, student groups and the grad student. However I still wonder if the situation was worse than what was let on, and not reported. I feel like there must be more to the story their outsiders aren't hearing.

Or maybe I've experienced racism so long that I'm desensitized to it.

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They most certainly are oversimplifying it. First of all they're making it out to be like the only reason students wanted Tim Wolfe gone is because of race issues on campus. But there were many reasons behind that - grad student issues, the planned parenthood issues, AND the fact that he didn't care to address racism on campus. The media is also portraying the resignation of Wolfe as the end goal which it definitely wasn't. These protests aren't the results of a few isolated problems as those opposed would like you to believe and they do have long term goals.
It's hard for me to explain everything in a single post so this is just a little bit of what the media has missed. If you have any specific questions about it, things you've heard that you don't know whether to believe, etc feel free to ask me and I can try to shed some light on the situation! (here or in a PM) I'm no expert but I do my best to stay educated on what's going on and have the opportunity to actually speak to students rather than just seeing what's presented in the media so I hope I can help!

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There were threats on yik yak last night and the person making them has reportedly been arrested. I'm still not going to class today.

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Pretty sure my friend is staying home today as well

**There can be only one**

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