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Can I just say how much I love little kids?!?! I was phone banking tonight (I volunteer with the Obama campaign here in FL and call people seeing if they're voting and if they'd like to volunteer) and the teacher from our school's Young Democrat's club brought his 1 year old daughter and she is absolutely ADORABLE. She didn't even complain when he had me hold her while he was busy. When I become a mom some day I want a little girl so I can dress her in cute outfits, put bows in her hair, and drive her to cheer practice. :p
Second- Is it that some people are way too easily offended, or that we as a culture have become insensitive, particularly to things about race/gender?

I'm just curious..things I think about in my spare time haha!

I had this thought recently as well.. Last semester I was taking epidemiology and while epi is traditionally statistics/disease/mortality/morbidity type things, it was required that the class have a history element to it. (not sure why?)

But anyway, because of the need for history, most of our assignments had to do with real life historical disease outbreaks. One particular assignment was some outbreak on a boat that happened to be carrying slaves in the 1500's. Other than the brief paragraph describing the factual HISTORY of the outbreak, you could have substituted any scenario in and just did the math. when it came down to it, the story didn't even matter. you just needed to do the math to get a grade.

well one african american girl in the class started SCREAMING at my professor that this project was disrespectful and she refuses to do it and the professor was an "ignorant b**ch." mind you, my professor was an immigrant herself from russia. the outburst made me almost lose respect for this girl, though. my poor teacher looked like she was going to burst out in tears.. she was just being so disrespectful by telling the teacher that she was disrespectful to her culture.

Am I wrong in thinking that the girl was being ridiculous? or is she right? I am white - with grandparents and great grandparents both from ireland and germany who were involved in potato famines/plagues/nazi army (and I don't flip out when people merely mention the history) - but maybe i don't get it? maybe she was right to flip out?

that was a very long story.. with no real point other than I am on the same page as you and these are random things i ponder throughout the day. was my teacher insensitive or was this girl way too easily offended?
did i read somewhere that they are making a movie of fifty shades of grey.....? I feel like I read it on fierceboard but im not sure. idk if id go see that movie out in public haha, ive read the book and idt itd make a great movie....
One of my friends told me that they were making a movie out of it but I'm not 100% sure.
One of my friends told me that they were making a movie out of it but I'm not 100% sure.
yes they are i believe theyve picked a screen writer for it already as well, we were talking about it at work today my friend Micheal has come to the conclusion the movie is for men and the book is for women... shaking my head at society
So the guy I've been "Talking" to for almost two months told me that he didn't want to date me, he just wanted to be friends with benifits. Of course I told him know. But it hurts me because I liked him a lot. Oh well, its obviously not what God wanted for me.
So the guy I've been "Talking" to for almost two months told me that he didn't want to date me, he just wanted to be friends with benifits. Of course I told him know. But it hurts me because I liked him a lot. Oh well, its obviously not what God wanted for me.
Awww it will be okay! He is obviously not a good guy and not the right one for you! You'll find the perfect guy one day:)

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