OT 25 Facts

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My kids had been at the school since kindergarten. We switched in the middle of 8th grade.

My oldest was in high school there. I moved her too. We went out of district. It ended up being a better fit for her too. Lots more opportunities!

That is good! We moved to our house to get our elementary of choice, but it also meant using the same middle and HS my husband and I went to. However, there will likely be a new middle school built in time for my kids to use it and we now have so many Magnet school options; going out of area for HS won't be difficult.
1- I got pregnant 3 times while on different birth controls. So, all 3 of my wonderful children were surprises. Now my tubes are tied.
2- I took my mom's car without permission (when she was sleeping) to search for new kids on the block, when they were rumored to be at the Houston airport. I was 15 and did not have a driver's license. My Mom never found out. I found 4 of them, but Joey my favorite was not there.
3- I am too old for crushes, but have a crush on Coach Orby. Yes, I know he is gay and very happy with Eddie, but the crush is real. LOL
4- When I was 4 (under the care of a sitter) I dumped all of our clothes (clean & dirty) into our swimming pool. My plan was to surprise and wash them for my Mom. Our baby sitter got fired.
5- I put Ketchup on almost everything that I eat. I put it on tacos, fajitas, spaghetti, crackers, chips, bread, chicken, turkey, sandwiches, etc.
6- I am very, very sensitive about animals. I can't handle movies where an animal dies, but I am usually fine if a person dies in a movie.
7- I picked the 6 winning numbers for the Texas lotto when I was a teen. I gave my mom a dollar and asked her to buy that specific ticket for our family. I was too young to buy one. She said she would. I picked the winning numbers, but she never actually bought the ticket. :( I have tried ever since to do it again, but the most I have gotten right since then is 3 numbers.
8-I have had a paranormal experience.
9- In second grade our teacher got angry because the class was being too loud. She yelled to our class, don't say another word. I then said "word". She yanked me up, took me to hall, and spanked me with a big wooden paddle. I freaked out and threw up on her shoes. Now I am a teacher.
* I am too lazy/tired to type 25 facts. I will try to come back & finish the list later.
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I'm bored in my recovery room so this seems like the logical way to pass time. Because the TV channels here suck and I'm tired of watching Alaskan bush people.

1. I became a mom at 316 Tuesday morning to an adorable little girl.

2. I had to have a csection at 36 weeks, 6 days because I was in active labor, but she was breech with her feet up by her shoulders and couldn't flip herself.

3. I'm continuously amazed at how two people could create something so beautiful and complete. And how she was able to fit inside of me because she's pretty long. And I'm pretty tiny.

4. I have two degrees (mass communications and journalism) and want to go back to law school for media law.

5. I have a two and a half year old havanese/shih tzu puppy who is the coolest dog ever. And he looks like an ewok.

6. I only started cheerleading because I had to quit gymnastics and I wanted an excuse to hang out in my old gym again.

7. I ended up falling in love with All Star, and was involved in it longer than I ever was in gymnastics.

8. But I don't want my daughter to cheer because I'm afraid of the way the industry is moving and I don't think any gym in my area is going to teach her with the correct "perfection before progression" mindset and she will end up getting hurt doing something she's not ready for.

9. I met my future husband/ father of my child at work. He was my boss at one point.

10. Personality wise, we are the exact opposite. He's very quiet, reserved, level-headed and stoic. I'm loud, outgoing, and sassy. We even each other out and compliment each other perfectly.

11. My dad is from England and his family is all over there. If I can get my self worked up within my company to have them send Neto an international branch/position, we will do it in a heart beat. I would love to spend a few years with that side of my family consistently.

12. My favorite type of TV shows are crime solving. CSI, Bones, Psych, Dexter, etc.

13. I love to read and my book collection is my favorite thing. My daughter has had a bookshelf that I started the week we found out she was coming because I think it's important to get her started reading young.

14. My childhood was the Harry Potter series. I started reading the books in 2nd grade, and the final movie was released my senior year of college.

15. I was telling hubs how anxious I was for our girl to be old enough to read them to. He's never read the books and got offended when I said that because "I want to read them and experience them for the first time with her. I want that to be a Daddy/Kayden thing." I melted.

16. I miss cheerleading. I miss the adrenaline rush of competing and the feeling of hitting the routine. But mostly I miss tumbling, and can't wait to get into the gym again once I'm healed up.

17. Hollywood Undead is one of my favorite bands and anyone who ever hears me listen to them is floored that I like such angry, angsty music.

18. My parents and I had a terrible relationship while I was growing up. We've worked through it and are very close now. But it took almost 23 years.

19. I am, however, amazed at the level of selflessness my parents have. They just adopted my 15 year old niece from London so she wouldn't go into foster care and try and help her get her life figured out and not become a part of the system. They haven't asked for 1 penny from my sister, brother in law, etc. to cover getting her over here, legal fees, clothes, extra curriculars, the car they're going to get her for her birthday, the knowledge of having to send a third kid to college, or anything. My parents had just gotten both my little sister and I out of the house and then they adopted a freshman in high school.

20. My daughter won't sleep right now, won't eat and is so fussy unless she's being held. Daddy is holding her and she's just staring at him with her big blue eyes and I'm falling in love with him all over again.

21. Indian food, specifically chicken korma with coconut, is my favorite meal of all time.

22. I can't wait for college basketball season. #goheels

23. I love roller coasters and theme parks and will ride just about any coaster ever without a doubt.

24. Other thrill seeking things on my bucket list- sky diving and bungee jumping.

25. I want to visit as many places as I can. But must see places include Greece (specifically Athens). Italy (specifically Rome and Pompeii). And Australia (specifically diving the Reef and Sydney).

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@tuckxandxtwist congratulations on your daughter. It is s wonderful and magical experience.

**Sometimes I day dream Cheer Son is almost as good as Susie and then reality sets in**
I'm bored in my recovery room so this seems like the logical way to pass time. Because the TV channels here suck and I'm tired of watching Alaskan bush people.

1. I became a mom at 316 Tuesday morning to an adorable little girl.

2. I had to have a csection at 36 weeks, 6 days because I was in active labor, but she was breech with her feet up by her shoulders and couldn't flip herself.

3. I'm continuously amazed at how two people could create something so beautiful and complete. And how she was able to fit inside of me because she's pretty long. And I'm pretty tiny.

4. I have two degrees (mass communications and journalism) and want to go back to law school for media law.

5. I have a two and a half year old havanese/shih tzu puppy who is the coolest dog ever. And he looks like an ewok.

6. I only started cheerleading because I had to quit gymnastics and I wanted an excuse to hang out in my old gym again.

7. I ended up falling in love with All Star, and was involved in it longer than I ever was in gymnastics.

8. But I don't want my daughter to cheer because I'm afraid of the way the industry is moving and I don't think any gym in my area is going to teach her with the correct "perfection before progression" mindset and she will end up getting hurt doing something she's not ready for.

9. I met my future husband/ father of my child at work. He was my boss at one point.

10. Personality wise, we are the exact opposite. He's very quiet, reserved, level-headed and stoic. I'm loud, outgoing, and sassy. We even each other out and compliment each other perfectly.

11. My dad is from England and his family is all over there. If I can get my self worked up within my company to have them send Neto an international branch/position, we will do it in a heart beat. I would love to spend a few years with that side of my family consistently.

12. My favorite type of TV shows are crime solving. CSI, Bones, Psych, Dexter, etc.

13. I love to read and my book collection is my favorite thing. My daughter has had a bookshelf that I started the week we found out she was coming because I think it's important to get her started reading young.

14. My childhood was the Harry Potter series. I started reading the books in 2nd grade, and the final movie was released my senior year of college.

15. I was telling hubs how anxious I was for our girl to be old enough to read them to. He's never read the books and got offended when I said that because "I want to read them and experience them for the first time with her. I want that to be a Daddy/Kayden thing." I melted.

16. I miss cheerleading. I miss the adrenaline rush of competing and the feeling of hitting the routine. But mostly I miss tumbling, and can't wait to get into the gym again once I'm healed up.

17. Hollywood Undead is one of my favorite bands and anyone who ever hears me listen to them is floored that I like such angry, angsty music.

18. My parents and I had a terrible relationship while I was growing up. We've worked through it and are very close now. But it took almost 23 years.

19. I am, however, amazed at the level of selflessness my parents have. They just adopted my 15 year old niece from London so she wouldn't go into foster care and try and help her get her life figured out and not become a part of the system. They haven't asked for 1 penny from my sister, brother in law, etc. to cover getting her over here, legal fees, clothes, extra curriculars, the car they're going to get her for her birthday, the knowledge of having to send a third kid to college, or anything. My parents had just gotten both my little sister and I out of the house and then they adopted a freshman in high school.

20. My daughter won't sleep right now, won't eat and is so fussy unless she's being held. Daddy is holding her and she's just staring at him with her big blue eyes and I'm falling in love with him all over again.

21. Indian food, specifically chicken korma with coconut, is my favorite meal of all time.

22. I can't wait for college basketball season. #goheels

23. I love roller coasters and theme parks and will ride just about any coaster ever without a doubt.

24. Other thrill seeking things on my bucket list- sky diving and bungee jumping.

25. I want to visit as many places as I can. But must see places include Greece (specifically Athens). Italy (specifically Rome and Pompeii). And Australia (specifically diving the Reef and Sydney).

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Congratulations! How is your little one doing? Non-CP was born at 36w6d last year and struggled a little at first but you'd never know it now!
Congratulations! How is your little one doing? Non-CP was born at 36w6d last year and struggled a little at first but you'd never know it now!

They kept her in the nursery most of yesterday just to monitor her because she couldn't expel some of the fluid in her respiratory system and had some labored breathing but they brought her back to me last night. Only other problem may be she's a lazy sucker since she hadn't quite developed that reflex. She's been having some problems once she latches but other than that--which is pretty minor--she's a beautiful, happy, healthy little girl :)

And thank you @Cheer Dad !! :) I am in awe of her. So perfect and precious and I can't believe I made that.

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1. I have an English Bulldog named Vito (The Dogfather) and a Boston Terrier named J-Moo (short for Jaquobeem Mugatu (zoolander)
2. At night I pray for each of my cheerleaders in order of stunt group.
3. I recorded Hocus Pocus on my DVR 2 Halloweens ago and watch it year round, almost always on a cloudy day... Pretend it's fall
4. Panera Bread just stopped serving Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup and Ive been actively pouting for 3 days.
5. My comp ritual involves a Venti Hot dirty Chai tea and watching our practice video exactly 17 times.
6. I mentally never accepted Britney Spear's "break down"... It just never happened in my eyes.
7. I'm a speed reader...
8. I've been to Disneyworld and Disneyland more times than I'd like to admit. I have the Premier pass for both Florida and California)
9. My favorite color is yellow, because it's a happy color
10. Pet peeve is people who don't text back... I retaliate (not) text back if people take too long.
11. I have a Lululemon problem
12. I can't stand Miley Cirus... She reminds me of Cynthia... The doll on RugRats...
13. I hate watermelon flavored anything
14. I'm allergic to tomatoes
15. If I don't like the way I write something... I'll erase it multiple times until I feel it looks the way It should.
16. I'm obsessed with scarves and have tons of them... I think I have at least 50
17. My absolute favorite thing is sleeping in freshly laundered sheets in a perfectly made bed. I call them "crispy sheets".
18. I can't leave the house without earrings
19. I'm mildly irritated by the way shows broadcast a few episodes,take a week or two hiatus and then return... So much that sometimes I refuse to watch the show again.
20. I'll admit I'm one of those people who are are throughly confused and frustrated by Pretty Little Liars but still watch to see what Ashley Bensen and Lucy Hale are wearing.
21. I don't understand the " Dorito eye"... (Fierce eye)...
22. I don't like cake
23. The frosting ON the cake... Even worse
24. I'm a crazy football fan and can watch hours of film with my husband.
25. Looking back, I actually consider myself the worst cheerleader on my high school cheerleading squad.
14. My childhood was the Harry Potter series. I started reading the books in 2nd grade, and the final movie was released my senior year of college.

15. I was telling hubs how anxious I was for our girl to be old enough to read them to. He's never read the books and got offended when I said that because "I want to read them and experience them for the first time with her. I want that to be a Daddy/Kayden thing." I melted.
That is the sweetest thing ever! This generation was so lucky to have experienced Harry Potter.

12. I can't stand Miley Cirus... She reminds me of Cynthia... The doll on RugRats...
LMAO! She does! And she tries way too hard for attention, IMO.
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I'm bored in my recovery room so this seems like the logical way to pass time. Because the TV channels here suck and I'm tired of watching Alaskan bush people.

1. I became a mom at 316 Tuesday morning to an adorable little girl.

2. I had to have a csection at 36 weeks, 6 days because I was in active labor, but she was breech with her feet up by her shoulders and couldn't flip herself.

3. I'm continuously amazed at how two people could create something so beautiful and complete. And how she was able to fit inside of me because she's pretty long. And I'm pretty tiny.

4. I have two degrees (mass communications and journalism) and want to go back to law school for media law.

5. I have a two and a half year old havanese/shih tzu puppy who is the coolest dog ever. And he looks like an ewok.

6. I only started cheerleading because I had to quit gymnastics and I wanted an excuse to hang out in my old gym again.

7. I ended up falling in love with All Star, and was involved in it longer than I ever was in gymnastics.

8. But I don't want my daughter to cheer because I'm afraid of the way the industry is moving and I don't think any gym in my area is going to teach her with the correct "perfection before progression" mindset and she will end up getting hurt doing something she's not ready for.

9. I met my future husband/ father of my child at work. He was my boss at one point.

10. Personality wise, we are the exact opposite. He's very quiet, reserved, level-headed and stoic. I'm loud, outgoing, and sassy. We even each other out and compliment each other perfectly.

11. My dad is from England and his family is all over there. If I can get my self worked up within my company to have them send Neto an international branch/position, we will do it in a heart beat. I would love to spend a few years with that side of my family consistently.

12. My favorite type of TV shows are crime solving. CSI, Bones, Psych, Dexter, etc.

13. I love to read and my book collection is my favorite thing. My daughter has had a bookshelf that I started the week we found out she was coming because I think it's important to get her started reading young.

14. My childhood was the Harry Potter series. I started reading the books in 2nd grade, and the final movie was released my senior year of college.

15. I was telling hubs how anxious I was for our girl to be old enough to read them to. He's never read the books and got offended when I said that because "I want to read them and experience them for the first time with her. I want that to be a Daddy/Kayden thing." I melted.

16. I miss cheerleading. I miss the adrenaline rush of competing and the feeling of hitting the routine. But mostly I miss tumbling, and can't wait to get into the gym again once I'm healed up.

17. Hollywood Undead is one of my favorite bands and anyone who ever hears me listen to them is floored that I like such angry, angsty music.

18. My parents and I had a terrible relationship while I was growing up. We've worked through it and are very close now. But it took almost 23 years.

19. I am, however, amazed at the level of selflessness my parents have. They just adopted my 15 year old niece from London so she wouldn't go into foster care and try and help her get her life figured out and not become a part of the system. They haven't asked for 1 penny from my sister, brother in law, etc. to cover getting her over here, legal fees, clothes, extra curriculars, the car they're going to get her for her birthday, the knowledge of having to send a third kid to college, or anything. My parents had just gotten both my little sister and I out of the house and then they adopted a freshman in high school.

20. My daughter won't sleep right now, won't eat and is so fussy unless she's being held. Daddy is holding her and she's just staring at him with her big blue eyes and I'm falling in love with him all over again.

21. Indian food, specifically chicken korma with coconut, is my favorite meal of all time.

22. I can't wait for college basketball season. #goheels

23. I love roller coasters and theme parks and will ride just about any coaster ever without a doubt.

24. Other thrill seeking things on my bucket list- sky diving and bungee jumping.

25. I want to visit as many places as I can. But must see places include Greece (specifically Athens). Italy (specifically Rome and Pompeii). And Australia (specifically diving the Reef and Sydney).

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Congrats!!!!! Yay!!!!!
I'm bored in my recovery room so this seems like the logical way to pass time. Because the TV channels here suck and I'm tired of watching Alaskan bush people.

1. I became a mom at 316 Tuesday morning to an adorable little girl.

2. I had to have a csection at 36 weeks, 6 days because I was in active labor, but she was breech with her feet up by her shoulders and couldn't flip herself.

3. I'm continuously amazed at how two people could create something so beautiful and complete. And how she was able to fit inside of me because she's pretty long. And I'm pretty tiny.

4. I have two degrees (mass communications and journalism) and want to go back to law school for media law.

5. I have a two and a half year old havanese/shih tzu puppy who is the coolest dog ever. And he looks like an ewok.

6. I only started cheerleading because I had to quit gymnastics and I wanted an excuse to hang out in my old gym again.

7. I ended up falling in love with All Star, and was involved in it longer than I ever was in gymnastics.

8. But I don't want my daughter to cheer because I'm afraid of the way the industry is moving and I don't think any gym in my area is going to teach her with the correct "perfection before progression" mindset and she will end up getting hurt doing something she's not ready for.

9. I met my future husband/ father of my child at work. He was my boss at one point.

10. Personality wise, we are the exact opposite. He's very quiet, reserved, level-headed and stoic. I'm loud, outgoing, and sassy. We even each other out and compliment each other perfectly.

11. My dad is from England and his family is all over there. If I can get my self worked up within my company to have them send Neto an international branch/position, we will do it in a heart beat. I would love to spend a few years with that side of my family consistently.

12. My favorite type of TV shows are crime solving. CSI, Bones, Psych, Dexter, etc.

13. I love to read and my book collection is my favorite thing. My daughter has had a bookshelf that I started the week we found out she was coming because I think it's important to get her started reading young.

14. My childhood was the Harry Potter series. I started reading the books in 2nd grade, and the final movie was released my senior year of college.

15. I was telling hubs how anxious I was for our girl to be old enough to read them to. He's never read the books and got offended when I said that because "I want to read them and experience them for the first time with her. I want that to be a Daddy/Kayden thing." I melted.

16. I miss cheerleading. I miss the adrenaline rush of competing and the feeling of hitting the routine. But mostly I miss tumbling, and can't wait to get into the gym again once I'm healed up.

17. Hollywood Undead is one of my favorite bands and anyone who ever hears me listen to them is floored that I like such angry, angsty music.

18. My parents and I had a terrible relationship while I was growing up. We've worked through it and are very close now. But it took almost 23 years.

19. I am, however, amazed at the level of selflessness my parents have. They just adopted my 15 year old niece from London so she wouldn't go into foster care and try and help her get her life figured out and not become a part of the system. They haven't asked for 1 penny from my sister, brother in law, etc. to cover getting her over here, legal fees, clothes, extra curriculars, the car they're going to get her for her birthday, the knowledge of having to send a third kid to college, or anything. My parents had just gotten both my little sister and I out of the house and then they adopted a freshman in high school.

20. My daughter won't sleep right now, won't eat and is so fussy unless she's being held. Daddy is holding her and she's just staring at him with her big blue eyes and I'm falling in love with him all over again.

21. Indian food, specifically chicken korma with coconut, is my favorite meal of all time.

22. I can't wait for college basketball season. #goheels

23. I love roller coasters and theme parks and will ride just about any coaster ever without a doubt.

24. Other thrill seeking things on my bucket list- sky diving and bungee jumping.

25. I want to visit as many places as I can. But must see places include Greece (specifically Athens). Italy (specifically Rome and Pompeii). And Australia (specifically diving the Reef and Sydney).

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Congrats!!!!! I had a c/s with non-CP; if they haven't already told you, wrap your stomach. It helps so, so much when moving around and walking. I also never had to use a pillow to cough.
  1. I can’t stand to have miss labeled files on my computer, all documents/pictures titles have to be topical.
  2. I hate when there are songs/albums with thumbnails in my iTunes category so I always manually add one if necessary.
  3. I prefer Coke over Pepsi any day.
  4. I recently became a Godfather!
  5. I’m pursuing one of those worthless degrees in Communication emphasizing in Media Studies.
  6. I throw shade 24/7.
  7. I I plan to head to cosmetology school soon after completing my Bachelor’s.
  8. I currently regret not majoring in Digital Marketing.
  9. I have horrible luck.
  10. I have absolutely zero coordination, Im surprised I’ve made it this far tbh.
  11. I love cheerleading, I just don’t think it loves me back.
  12. Beyonce is my all time favorite artist, and will argue for hours with those who disagree.
  13. In 21 years the most important thing I have ever learned is that everything isn’t always worthy of a response.
  14. I fear daily something horrible will happen to my mother, she is bae.
  15. I hate mayonaise.
  16. I drown everything in hot sauce, I also it believe it gave me acid reflux.
  17. I have a weird obsession with backpacks, wallets, and phone cases.
  18. My ultimate goal is to work in education administration and coach a budding powerhouse high school cheer squad (UCA style)
  19. I regret starting cheer so late.
  20. Unfortunately I have picked up a random expensive sneaker addiction.
  21. I can’t sing but I am always singing loudly.
  22. I live on Youtube, I follow mostly family vlogs.
  23. I have always been told I should start a YT channel. I even bought a powerful DSLR to do so but I feel like its just awkward.
  24. I am the funniest person I know hands down, I favorite my own tweets to reminisce later on.
  25. I plan on designing my very cheerleading uniform with my personal idea colors, theme, style, and team/ gym names just to put it in a shadow box to marvel at it.
I'll bite. Most of these people on here probably already know.

1. I never did allstar cheer--just high school and a year of college.
2. I'm originally from Maine.
3. My first time leaving the USA was as part of a circus.
4. I majored in political science and minored in French.
5. Despite the French minor and the fact that literally everyone on my dad's side of the family spoke French before they spoke English, I cannot speak French. (Unless I've had a glass of wine.)
6. I'm mildly obsessed with Lilly Pulitzer.
7. I'm a former clogging champion.
8. I'm afraid of deep space and enjoy living in an area where it's hard to see the stars.
9. My first time having guacamole was at a Chipotle.
10. I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies from beginning to end, but I'm familiar enough with the story line to fake it.
11. I've seen every episode of Scrubs, The League, Rick and Morty, Criminal Minds, and Joan of Arcadia.
12. I know every word to the movie Legally Blonde and can basically recite the entire movie.
13. On the college hockey forum I also post frequently on, the other posters assumed I was a boy from my freshman year until halfway through my senior year of college.
14. I've seen my favorite band in concert three times in the past 13 months.
15. I went on a trip to North Dakota last October to see a hockey game/hang out with someone Acedad introduced me to on Twitter in real life. We're now good friends. (Thanks, Bill!)
16. In high school I won three student congress debate state championships and an ice hockey state championship.
17. I'm friends with quite a few Dominican friars and sisters. (The religious order, not the nationality) I recently went to a college friend's profession of first vows ceremony, which was one of the cooler things I've ever been to.
18. On the first day of preschool, surrounded by my crying classmates, I looked up at my mom and asked her when she was going to leave.
19. I try to run at least a 5k race every month.
20. I worked at Walmart as a cashier for two summers, and I credit those summers as the reason why I'm a funny person.
21. My father was a merchant marine, and as a result I have a weird interest in maritime law. This became awkwardly relevant at work one day when this happened, and I sounded a bit like rain man spouting off laws and explaining that we probably weren't under attack over a container ship.
22. The first school basketball game I ever attended was my first basketball game as a college cheerleader.
23. I've never been to a college football game, but I've been to roughly 100 college hockey games in the last five years. (23.5: seeing my school win the NCAA ice hockey national championship was the best day of my life by far.)
24. The first and last football games I cheered were at the same stadium. (Which was not at my high school nor were both games against the same team.) Both games the team I was cheering for lost.
25. I love driving my car and would gladly spend all day driving. The longest I've ever driven in one go is 12 hours.
So with you on number 25!... And knowing all the lines to Legally Blonde makes you one of the coolest people On this thread! #ElleforPresident!
I posted an original 25 facts way back when the thread was new, but things have changed since then so here goes...

1. I really love Texas and theres a chance I will permanently live here
2. Or at least for a few years after I graduate college and have a resume going for me, then maybe move back to California (SoCal specifically)
3. I'm a nursing major at Baylor University, so I got to live in Waco for two years and now I get to finish my last two years in Dallas
4. I miss cheer a lot, but at the same I don't, it's weird
5. I'm a junior in college, but still only 19 and won't be 20 until the end of november
6. I remember senior year of high school applying to Baylor and then being waitlisted because they didn't get my transcripts on time, and then a few days later receiving a phone call from the admissions office saying I was admitted--easily one of the best days for me
7. Same thing as above happened with nursing school, transcripts weren't there on time--waitlisted--then accepted a few days later so yay I'll be starting in January
8. I'm living with two random girls this year and don't know them that well still, but one of them has the cutest cat
9. I've gone to the gym four days in a row this week and have been eating better, so that's a big deal for me
10. This is a lot harder than I anticipated/also makes realize how uninteresting my life is
11. I miss all my friends in Waco, since I'm in Dallas
12. As of right now I want to be an RN in the emergency room, trauma unit, or in surgeries
13. Grey's Anatomy is my obsession, and I will loyally watch no matter who else dies
14. I have never changed my avatar on here, nor do I ever plan to
15. I love the beach and would love to live there if it weren't so dang expensive
16. I have a matching tattoo with my mom and my sister
17. I actually have three tattoos altogether and want a fourth, and eight piercings
18. Unfortunately I have to take all piercings up and cover tattoos (only one is actually visible) for nursing school
19. I'm really tall (6'....) and still love to wear heels
20. I really love any excuse to dress up
21. My favorite color is pink
22. I never cared about football until going to Baylor, sic 'em forever, and waiting on a 3peat of big 12 champs!
23. I'm double jointed in my shoulders and my thumb
24. I'm still pretty flexible for bascially never stretching anymore, and can still do the splits and pull heel stretches
25. I'm not artistic whatsoever, but I still like crafting (because who in a sorority doesn't)

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