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The Book of Mormon is highly inappropriate and amusing as heck. I highly recommend it, especially if you are a South Park fan (being that they created it and all). We haven't seen Kinky Boots but our friends did and loved it.

I was thinking BofM might be inappropriate because of the South park thing, but too funny to pass up. Truthfully idp is the one who wants to see kinky boots - because she saw it on Dance Moms! :D But I think it looks funny.

Mostly budget and seat availability will make our decision, but if there's anything we absolutely have to see - or something we definitely shouldn't - I'll take the advice!

Chicken fries from BK are still a thing..? What?

I thought the same thing! Aren't they gone? Cp19 cries about it every day, so if they're still a thing, we need to know!
What do y'all think about getting a brand new car for your 16th birthday?
I didn't get it for my birthday, but my parents did buy me a brand new car right before I was about to get my license. The concept of new being automatically more expensive is false. It's all about figuring out what makes the most sense financially. For me, used cars were in high demand at the time and were pretty expensive. It was cheaper to buy my new Hyundai than to buy a quality used car when you considered the warranty, etc.

I didn't make payments or pay my car insurance. My parents didn't want me to have any debt when I came out of college, so they paid for those things. I paid for all of my clothes, entertainment, gas, etc. I'm not a spoiled brat and I know how to work for what I want, so that's not a given just because my parents bought me a car.
How old is idp? I want to see Book of Mormon so bad, and I've heard nothing but good things about it! We saw the lion king when we were there and it's amazing, you won't regret it!

She's only 12. But she gets exposed to all kinds of inappropriate people just by being at the studio 24/7 with me (she's there when I'm working, so not just when the kids company is there, but when the adults are rehearsing all their craziness too)

And she watches South park and family guy.

I know... I'm probably not winning any parenting awards this year. But she sure will know the dance and theater worlds inside out! :oops::oops::oops:
Anyone have any good tips for budgeting for the first time? I have the Mint app which I don't use alot, because since I'm a waitress I carry cash around on me, I want to learn to budget my money and I try to put $100 in my savings every week...I eat out alot and I know thats where my money is going and I want to stop! If anyone has any fast yummy meals for one that I can make at home that wouldn't hurt ;)
I don't like Mint. I use BudgetSimple because it doesn't have screen scraping, so it's easier to budget cash. YNAB is really good too and they offer it free to students, you just have to look at their website for the correct promo code.
We're trying to go to NYC to see some shows. We are planning to go this winter (ideally over Christmas break, but that may be out if the budget).

First show will be the Lion King for sure - my boss is in it, so we can get tickets and go backstage, etc. She's also idp's artistic director/program director for her dance team (non Irish one obviously) - so Idp is about to expire from excitement at seeing her in the show. (she doesn't teach them anymore, but she comes and does choreography, costuming, etc - the kids loooooooooove her)

My question: we can't choose a 2nd show! We're going to try to see the rockettes too, but we also want to see another musical. We're looking at:
The Book of Mormon
Kinky Boots (too inappropriate?)

Wicked is a possibility, but it comes here all the time, so we could always catch it here.

Anyone seen these shows? Recommendations?

I've seen all but Motown, and go see Kinky Boots! It is one of the best musicals I've ever seen, and totally not inappropriate at all. Book of Mormon although hilarious is not appropriate for anyone under age 25 I'd say. Beyond the language, many of the jokes are adult humor that younger kids won't get at all.

KINKY BOOTS. Do it. :)
She's only 12. But she gets exposed to all kinds of inappropriate people just by being at the studio 24/7 with me (she's there when I'm working, so not just when the kids company is there, but when the adults are rehearsing all their craziness too)

And she watches South park and family guy.

I know... I'm probably not winning any parenting awards this year. But she sure will know the dance and theater worlds inside out! :oops::oops::oops:
Here is one of the songs. You may want to put this one on hold for a few more years if you are looking to bond with idp over Broadway musicals. I would suggest you file this one away with Avenue Q and instead take her for frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity after you have enjoyed The Lion King together.
We're trying to go to NYC to see some shows. We are planning to go this winter (ideally over Christmas break, but that may be out if the budget).

First show will be the Lion King for sure - my boss is in it, so we can get tickets and go backstage, etc. She's also idp's artistic director/program director for her dance team (non Irish one obviously) - so Idp is about to expire from excitement at seeing her in the show. (she doesn't teach them anymore, but she comes and does choreography, costuming, etc - the kids loooooooooove her)

My question: we can't choose a 2nd show! We're going to try to see the rockettes too, but we also want to see another musical. We're looking at:
The Book of Mormon
Kinky Boots (too inappropriate?)

Wicked is a possibility, but it comes here all the time, so we could always catch it here.

Anyone seen these shows? Recommendations?

So I've never seen any shows on broadway so I can't speak from experience but I follow the crap out of certain ones and listen to their soundtracks a lot more often than Id like to admit.

The Book of Mormon is very very explicit. Like super explicit. I can send you some videos or links to a couple of songs and you can judge for yourself if you'd like. If you think ldp is mature enough to see it then I say go for it. It is hysterical. But again it's really explicit and I'd really check it out before you make a decision about it.

Newsies is great. Since your daughter does dance, I think she'll really love newsies for that alone. It has amazing dance numbers. Like amazing. (YouTube the Newsies Tonys 2012 performance and see for yourself). And the Newsies in it aren't bad to look at either ;)

Matilda the Musical is kinda new I guess to broadway but I love it so much. I feel like it is really underestimated. The music is great and the whole production is adorable. I can't say enough positive things about it. I know that people of all ages love it, not just kids. It has a lot to offer for grown ups too. Last I checked it's also probably one of the cheaper shows to get tickets to. Ya know, with all that child labor :p and I'm pretty sure the Dance Moms girls saw this show once too. I remember watching an interview with one of the girls in the musical and she mentioned they came and she was really excited.

I'm so jealous you're going to see shows! I'm sure you'll have a blast! My mom practically raised me on broadway hits so seeing them all is on my bucket list.
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So I've never seen any shows on broadway so I can't speak from experience but I follow the crap out of certain ones and listen to their soundtracks a lot more often than Id like to admit.

The Book of Mormon is very very explicit. Like super explicit. I can send you some videos or links to a couple of songs and you can judge for yourself if you'd like. If you think ldp is mature enough to see it then I say go for it. It is hysterical. But again it's really explicit and I'd really check it out before you make a decision about it.

Newsies is great. Since your daughter does dance, I think she'll really love newsies for that alone. It has amazing dance numbers. Like amazing. (YouTube the Newsies Tonys 2013 performance and see for yourself). And the Newsies in it aren't bad to look at either ;)

Matilda the Musical is kinda new I guess to broadway but I love it so much. I feel like it is really underestimated. The music is great and the whole production is adorable. I can't say enough positive things about it. I know that people of all ages love it, not just kids. It has a lot to offer for grown ups too. Last I checked it's also probably one of the cheaper shows to get tickets to. Ya know, with all that child labor :p and I'm pretty sure the Dance Moms girls saw this show once too. I remember watching an interview with one of the girls in the musical and she mentioned they came and she was really excited.

I'm so jealous you're going to see shows! I'm sure you'll have a blast! My mom practically raised me on broadway hits so seeing them all is on my bucket list.
I think (but I may be wrong) that Newsies closed in May or June. I know one of my employees was obsessed with it and saw it a few times in it's last months.
I have also heard great things about Matilda. I loved the book and the movie.
Wicked still one of my favorites, we saw it on Broadway and in London.
I would love to get into see Hedwig before NPH leaves but I think unfortunately that is next week so I do not see it happening. We saw the show when it originally came out almost 20 years ago, so I was really only going to see NPH.
I think (but I may be wrong) that Newsies closed in May or June. I know one of my employees was obsessed with it and saw it a few times in it's last months.
I have also heard great things about Matilda. I loved the book and the movie.
Wicked still one of my favorites, we saw it on Broadway and in London.
I would love to get into see Hedwig before NPH leaves but I think unfortunately that is next week so I do not see it happening. We saw the show when it originally came out almost 20 years ago, so I was really only going to see NPH.

I think they closed, too, but it looks like they are doing shows for a couple weeks in August. So maybe they'll do a few Christmas shows then? I know it's a really popular show. Sometimes I wish I could be a Newsie :(

Also, I heard that they might make Matilda into a movie, but not until 2019..... But still! I'm dying to see that one.
Newsies closes at the end of the month, and it goes on tour after that. I can't remember when it starts, only that the one Canadian stop is in Toronto. :-(

Live every week like it's Shark Week.

Ahh that makes sense. I don't follow Newsies as closely as some of the other ones :p I just figured JAM's daughter would love it because of the dancing.
I've seen all but Motown, and go see Kinky Boots! It is one of the best musicals I've ever seen, and totally not inappropriate at all. Book of Mormon although hilarious is not appropriate for anyone under age 25 I'd say. Beyond the language, many of the jokes are adult humor that younger kids won't get at all.

KINKY BOOTS. Do it. :)

I think that's what I'm really leaning towards.
Here is one of the songs. You may want to put this one on hold for a few more years if you are looking to bond with idp over Broadway musicals. I would suggest you file this one away with Avenue Q and instead take her for frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity after you have enjoyed The Lion King together.

Hahaha yeah... I was afraid of that. I really know nothing about the show at all - but I knew my fellow Fierce Boarders would help!
I'm so jealous you're going to see shows! I'm sure you'll have a blast! My mom practically raised me on broadway hits so seeing them all is on my bucket list.

We are super lucky that I stumbled onto this job. Sometimes it makes me crazy, and it's not a career for me - definitely just a job - but the perks are great. It's kind of wooing her away from Irish dance because she's absolutely in love with her teachers and the shows they are in (I get professional rates for a lot of shows in Chicago, even though I'm not a professional! Best perk ever) I grew up seeing all these shows, and seeing the Rockettes every Christmas. Now I just can't afford to take her to all the stuff I want to, so I figured while I work here we'd better take advantage of the perks.

Funny anecdote about her teacher/my boss (the one that's in the LK) - she was in Barney as a child. The number of creepy stalkers that call the studio to talk to her is crazy! They ask for our competition schedule, is she going to be there, they just want a picture, etc... I always think they're regular fans of her now, but they start talking about how they've been waiting for this since they were little... And that they still watch her on the show. :eek: These are grown men... Watching Barney to scope her out. Eeeewwwww.

Her teacher (and my boss) is in this:
(she's the one in the shirt with the wide stripes - super tiny, beautiful Asian woman that is standing, pretending to text in the beginning)
THE LION KING Broadway Cast Takes Over NYC Subway…:
Does anyone use the site GreekChat? I joined a while ago just for some advice about my chances as rushing as a junior (yes I know you'll never know until rush; it varies for every situation; every school is different, ect.) and I posted a thread stating all of that and the possible situation I would be in and two weeks later I went to log in and see if I got any responses and apparently my account was banned...?
I don't believe I posted anything offensive or against the rules so does anyone here use GreekChat and know why I was banned? Did I ask a question equivalent to "Am I too big to fly"? :oops::help:
We're trying to go to NYC to see some shows. We are planning to go this winter (ideally over Christmas break, but that may be out if the budget).

First show will be the Lion King for sure - my boss is in it, so we can get tickets and go backstage, etc. She's also idp's artistic director/program director for her dance team (non Irish one obviously) - so Idp is about to expire from excitement at seeing her in the show. (she doesn't teach them anymore, but she comes and does choreography, costuming, etc - the kids loooooooooove her)

My question: we can't choose a 2nd show! We're going to try to see the rockettes too, but we also want to see another musical. We're looking at:
The Book of Mormon
Kinky Boots (too inappropriate?)

Wicked is a possibility, but it comes here all the time, so we could always catch it here.

Anyone seen these shows? Recommendations?
Go see Matilda it's just simply amazing! From the costumes to the music (Tim Minchin anyone?), the choreography and the set design. I cannot say enough good things about this. I teach high school performing arts and have seen most musicals out there. BofM is great, but highly inappropriate for under 18s. Kinky Boots is also great, but I'd say Matilda blows it outta the water! Chicago and Motown are also good, but not as good as Matilda! Can you tell I love it, not as much as Wicked (which is my first love) but very close!

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