OT Share Your True Paranormal Experiences

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When I worked in Spain we lived together with a group of people in a house we rented. A friend of mine had arrived earlier, since I was working at the different place the first 2 months.
When I arrived in the house, I felt a bit creeped out. I couldnt say why, but I just got the chills. during the day I was working in a hotel and around noon we'd have an hour break and around 1am we would arrive back in the house to sleep. the first night was calm, the 2nd night in the morning I heard some loud banging on the wall, I assumed it was some of my housemates.
usually we were with several people in the house, but whenever I was there by myself I Always felt how the house would become very cold and felt like someone staring at me. I tried to keep my room clean, but everytime when I came back it was a big mess again so I assumed it was my roommate.
after about a week, i noticed that often the light went on in the middle of the night. again i thought it was my roommate who had been up at night.
one morning i was pretty sick of it and decided to talk when i noticed the ones from the room next to mine (where i often had heard the loud banging) and my roommate were alone at breakfast. when i started about it, they all looked at eachother with weird faces and one said: "ok, so she can hear it too". seemed like all the others had experianced the same things as me.
they called me the next day to prove that the banging was not from their room, but from the room next to theirs, which was locked and the houseowner told us to never open that door!

it did get worse because after about a month at night all the lights would go on and all the doors would open one by one. if you'd go up to get the light off, all the doors would close again. it was really creepy! so usually we would stay out as long as we could and go to work as early as we could.

one day i came in and i see one of the housemates and she tells me they had found the key of the door and they had opened it. it was just a regular room, nothing special and also nothing that could explain the loud banging!
that night was the creepiest ever!!! i woke up from the lights again and when they went out, i see a women run through the hallway and i see a dark man standing in the dooropening staring. my roommate sat up straight in bed and was saying all kinds of words i couldnt understand.
we closed the door again the next day and things returned to "normal".
my last day, i was sooooo happy to go home, but when i was packing my bags i was all alone. when i was ready to leave i didnt manage to open the door, it was sooooo cold in the house, colder as ever before. after about 20 minutes it got to normal temperature again and i could open the door. i literally RAN to the busstop!!!

I can't believe you lived there that long. I would've moved out in a heartbeat.
When I worked in Spain we lived together with a group of people in a house we rented. A friend of mine had arrived earlier, since I was working at the different place the first 2 months.
When I arrived in the house, I felt a bit creeped out. I couldnt say why, but I just got the chills. during the day I was working in a hotel and around noon we'd have an hour break and around 1am we would arrive back in the house to sleep. the first night was calm, the 2nd night in the morning I heard some loud banging on the wall, I assumed it was some of my housemates.
usually we were with several people in the house, but whenever I was there by myself I Always felt how the house would become very cold and felt like someone staring at me. I tried to keep my room clean, but everytime when I came back it was a big mess again so I assumed it was my roommate.
after about a week, i noticed that often the light went on in the middle of the night. again i thought it was my roommate who had been up at night.
one morning i was pretty sick of it and decided to talk when i noticed the ones from the room next to mine (where i often had heard the loud banging) and my roommate were alone at breakfast. when i started about it, they all looked at eachother with weird faces and one said: "ok, so she can hear it too". seemed like all the others had experianced the same things as me.
they called me the next day to prove that the banging was not from their room, but from the room next to theirs, which was locked and the houseowner told us to never open that door!

it did get worse because after about a month at night all the lights would go on and all the doors would open one by one. if you'd go up to get the light off, all the doors would close again. it was really creepy! so usually we would stay out as long as we could and go to work as early as we could.

one day i came in and i see one of the housemates and she tells me they had found the key of the door and they had opened it. it was just a regular room, nothing special and also nothing that could explain the loud banging!
that night was the creepiest ever!!! i woke up from the lights again and when they went out, i see a women run through the hallway and i see a dark man standing in the dooropening staring. my roommate sat up straight in bed and was saying all kinds of words i couldnt understand.
we closed the door again the next day and things returned to "normal".
my last day, i was sooooo happy to go home, but when i was packing my bags i was all alone. when i was ready to leave i didnt manage to open the door, it was sooooo cold in the house, colder as ever before. after about 20 minutes it got to normal temperature again and i could open the door. i literally RAN to the busstop!!!
Omg so scary. I was hoping you and roommates listened to the owner and didn't open that door. Then later read they did. I'm like don't open it please lol
Okay double post I remembered last night that sometimes when I'm trying to go sleep I feel like something with little feet just climbed on the bed with me. Like if you're lying in bed and someone steps on the bed. Anyway it reminds me of my cat when she would get in bed with me. I don't have a cat anymore and sleep alone.
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I can't believe you lived there that long. I would've moved out in a heartbeat.
I didn't even stay as long as the others did (I stayed for about 2,5 months, while they lived there from april untill october!). I wouldn't have been able to handle that! My friend accually went back the next year, but after a month they decided to go rent another house because things were even worse than the year I was there.
Has anybody ever thought anything more of imaginary friends? My little sister had quite a few when she was little, and I always wondered if they were something more. People always say little kids can see more supernatural than grown ups.

One of my employees came into my office one day and asked me if she could leave. We were busy so, I asked her if she could stay a little longer although I knew she suffered with schizophrenia. Anyhow, she was seeing an older Victorian woman sitting in the chair next to her and she said she follows her around and normally she doesn't try to talk to her but, that day she trying to. I asked her if she ever tried to converse with her and she said she was afraid to. I asked her if she wanted me to call her doctor, she said "yes" and a friend picked her up. She finally decided to go through electroshock therapy to try to stop these images. She had to relearn her job after the electroshock but, she continued to see the same people. Fast forward a couple years and she saw her cousin during the holiday and asked about her mom (the aunt). The cousin told her she struggled with mental health and really couldn't talk about it. It turns out, my employee's mom knew she was struggling with the exact same issue her sister was but, was afraid to let her daughter know for fear it would somehow validate what they were going through was real. The mother finally told the daughter her and her aunt described seeing the same people in the same clothing.
And the fact that she couldn't open the door for 20 minutes and there was a presence in the room? AAAAAHHHHH


@Sharkie Girl how did you survive?

well I still freak out if I think about that house. I Always tried to be as little in that house as possible and never alone, except for a few times when there was no other possibility. They had asked me to come back the next season but I rejected it.

this and some other experiances really made me believe there is more then we know!
My mom has always been into paranormal stuff ever since her grandpa died and her and my great grandma go on ghost hunting things and see psychics a lot, they saw the lady off of long island medium a couple of years ago and my Mamaw said she was creepy accurate with everything... and she only takes your first name and phone number or something like that. I never wanted her to tell me about them because it always involved spirits and that freaked me out.
I swear my boyfriends family's last house was haunted, and I'm almost 90% sure thats why his mom decided to move to a house literally right down the road. Lol. His mom always said she saw things and felt presences late at night when she was sleeping, like someone was watching her. His house just had a seriously weird vibe ALL OF THE TIME. Like literally I house sat one time when they were in Rhode Island and I would run and let the dogs out as fast as I could and get the mail and leave. both of his dogs would randomly sit there and stare at the ceiling. It was creepy. I have 3 actual stories from his house though:
The first one was when all of his family was in town from Rhode Island. He has these two little cousins, Lacey and Kaleb. Well we were all sitting in the dining room and Lacey just starts staring at the ledge towards the roof and like 5 minutes later she was like "does anyone else see that little girl in a white dress?".... nobody else saw it but all week she continued to see and "talk" to a little girl in a white dress. NOPE. and fast forward to like 6 months later when they came up again Kaleb saw the "little girl in a white dress" and kept talking to her or whatever, literally all week. He was like 3 and a half and Lacey was like 6.
The second one was one night we were in the basement watching movies on the couch and the light to the laundry room turned on, we saw a black figure walk past the door and then it shut off. Nobody was home besides us.
The third one was the creepiest. We usually slept in the guest room downstairs because it's a lot colder and I'm a polar bear and I like to be cold. Well I was dead asleep and all the sudden Brad sits up and goes "do you hear that?" like clearly not bc I was asleep but I sat there for a second and it sounded like a little girl singing. and it kept getting closer to us. and then the lights turned flickered for like 5 seconds (the ceiling fan was on but not the light part so it had to have been SOMETHING paranormal) and then it stopped. It was at like 3 am. I may or may not have cried bc I was terrified.
My college roommate was obsessed with Ghost Adventures, that's what we watched every Thursday night. I would never get any sleep those nights, that show scared the crap out of me. I do get scared very easily though.
My college roommate was obsessed with Ghost Adventures, that's what we watched every Thursday night. I would never get any sleep those nights, that show scared the crap out of me. I do get scared very easily though.
Scariest Places on Earth has the world's scariest narrator. And that was her real voice.
well I still freak out if I think about that house. I Always tried to be as little in that house as possible and never alone, except for a few times when there was no other possibility. They had asked me to come back the next season but I rejected it.

this and some other experiances really made me believe there is more then we know!
Oh yeah! When you actually piece together all the stories you know it can't be made up. It's too specific!!!

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