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Really, I know how this thread will go as they always do when it comes to this organization so I'm done here. Just to clarify, I'm not complaining about the coaches or owner at the gym I'm at now. The parties involved know exactly what I'm talking about and I'm positive they don't want their behavior over the past week put on a message board either. If you'd like details you can private message me otherwise I won't put it out on this board unless necessary.
@Sabre I tried to pm you, but you have your profile restricted. No organizations were mentioned in this thread. The purpose of the thread, I believe, was to talk about the irony of coaches pushing for greater sportsmanship when they personally have an issue behaving towards other teams/gyms.
it's one thing when kids take to facebook, twitter, the boards to let our their angst and frustration... but when adults (owners/coaches/parents) initiate that behavior and then have the nerve to ENGAGE athletes in the slandering via likes and comments, it's unacceptable. high school antics are left best with those in 9th-12th grades, not middle aged women and men.

so true, i love when i see on facebooks kids rude comments about other gyms or teams and their own parents "like" their post..classy
Yeah, its a shame when OWNERS don't practice what they preach also. Wait, what? Thats right, they do, but they only preach it publicly. Behind closed doors they slander, backstab, and actually are the biggest hypocrits of them all. We've all witnessed it for years and its quite disgusting. Good luck next season to everyone involved, some will certainly need it from what I heard about tryouts. Karma is going to bite HARD this season.

i can't really speak for what happens behind closed doors however if a person is confident enough to say it front of athletes/parents or post it to twitter or fb, then i can only imagine what is said behind closed doors. of course everyone can name their own personal examples and experiences but further mud slinging is never going to solve the problem. the best advice is to simply "practice what you preach". i feel many people have lost why they got into this sport in the first place; parents, coaches, and athletes alike. it shouldn't be focused on bringing that one team down or how many national titles you HAVE to win at any cost but rather it should be those life lessons you take with you after cheer.
i can't really speak for what happens behind closed doors however if a person is confident enough to say it front of athletes/parents or post it to twitter or fb, then i can only imagine what is said behind closed doors. of course everyone can name their own personal examples and experiences but further mud slinging is never going to solve the problem. the best advice is to simply "practice what you preach". i feel many people have lost why they got into this sport in the first place; parents, coaches, and athletes alike. it shouldn't be focused on bringing that one team down or how many national titles you HAVE to win at any cost but rather it should be those life lessons you take with you after cheer.

I completely agree with this statement, this is why I have not commented on any of the situations that have gone on the past month.
Oh My!! Are you sure you are from MD? I could swear you are from a gym that we left last season!! The only difference is that KARMA hit them the season that we left, so all the mud slinging that they did hit them hard immediately, hurting their program immensely, reminding me that people in 'glass houses shouldn't throw stones', but in their case, they launched boulders and it hit THEM in the bullseye!! Had they centered and focused their attention on reaching their goals instead of slandering the athletes and their families that left, they may have had a better season, but they were dead set on encouraging their athletes and parents to jump on the 'we hate....' and '.... sucks' bandwagon instead of rebuilding their program and they were not even our competition!! They need to get over that we left to move onto bigger and better opportunities and it was nothing personal, it was strictly a business decision-we couldn't get what we wanted and needed from them, so we shopped around and found something somewhere else to meet our needs.
I'm actually not at a gym but I kinda think I know which gym you are referring to. Nonetheless, I simply feel that owners/coaches/parents are there to make the athletes better in all aspects not only cheer, and they should lead by example.
I honestly am always more shocked when coaches display unsportsmanlike conduct. I have never understood it. We are teaching these children more than just cheerleading. They will look to us to learn how to act and react. It hurts me more when another adult, especially one who is in charge, attacks.

I have to say, I adore posting and reading here. However, like anything else, when a team that others really admire happens to not always be the most sportsmanlike, I have to bite my tongue, and fingers, to not out them. I will not demean myself to drop to their level, but it isn't always easy. I guess I hold everyone to my standard, and can't understand when they don't fulfill that.

Really, I know how this thread will go as they always do when it comes to this organization so I'm done here. Just to clarify, I'm not complaining about the coaches or owner at the gym I'm at now. The parties involved know exactly what I'm talking about and I'm positive they don't want their behavior over the past week put on a message board either. If you'd like details you can private message me otherwise I won't put it out on this board unless necessary.

That's kinda ironic, no?

"Behind closed doors they slander, backstab and are hypocrites"

Followed by...

"Private message me for details about their behavior"

....Didn't you just do what you're preaching against? Saying negative things about others privately? Maybe I'm confused.
This month has been an eye opening experience. Other gyms are using very unsportsmanlike tactics to recruit and slander other gyms. I always say you know your at the top when it is the other gyms only mission to beat your gyms teams, specifically J5 and lg Sr.(as if there aren't any other gyms in the US). I've even seen a gym parent commit an assault on a minor in a rival gyms uniform (solely because of what the uniform represented) and a coach claimed to be a witness. Let the record reflect if your in a gym where the coaches and owners engage in constant slander and criminal assaults of minors in rival gyms uniforms you'd better run.....
This is a topic I was waiting on, I hate that because a child leaves a gym, which obviously isn't producing or allowing the child the grow and develop as an athlete, the nasty ignorant adults go and slander the child's name and the other gym. Instead of encouraging their former athlete on their next endeavor. Instead of doing so, why can't you continue to do what you are there for and build up your program and make your teams superb athletes. As for owners they should really be the last people to slander anything, because they wouldn't want it done to their program. I understand there are gyms who have rivals ( like here in MD) but that's why there is a thing called friendly competition. That's decided by the judges and what is put on the mat. But I agree with @blunchin & @ Sabre Practice what you preach. & Karma is going to be fierce this season!

This happened to me! (on a smaller scale) I left a gym for a number of reasons and am very happy with my current gym. The kids from my old gym thought I was being prissy and even made a fake formspring account of me pretending to say bad things about their gym!! I would never, EVER do something like that, I still support my old gym (I cheered them on at every comp we saw them at) and I'm still friends with some of them. I just wish those few knew how to practice good sportsmanship :confused:
I am proud to be part of a gym that would never take part in anything petty like this! Maybe being the "big name gym" here is the reason why the owners and coaches don't gossip - or maybe the reason they became the big name is BECAUSE they always show good sportsmanship and don't gossip or trash anyone else. Even at competitions where we know our competitors 'up the way' are cheating and have ineligible participants - our owners handle it with class and grace and teach our kids to do the same. Every gym here loves to trash us and talk about how we are not the "real" TG but karma has bit them this month and we have picked up more kids than ever!
your from Top Gun? What do you mean not the real top gun? sorry, i probably read it wrong, im just confused

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