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weird I took all AP classes freshman year and then the equivalent when I moved accept for math...after 11th grade I said to hell with math lol but then went back and took it for nursing -_-
Yep. As in 4 or 5 days from now. I don't go back until Aug. 13th!
Oh my gosh, that's crazy early! I would hate to go back to school at the end of July. Move in day for me (college) is the August 30th and classes don't start until the 4th of September!
Yep. As in 4 or 5 days from now. I don't go back until Aug. 13th!
Oh my gosh, that's crazy early! I would hate to go back to school at the end of July. Does she go to a private school? Move in day for me (college) is the August 30th and classes don't start until the 4th of September!
If you don't already use a planner or a calendar START NOW! It might seem like, especially if you didn't use one through high school, its pointless to use one now but trust me, come graduation time and college application time, you'll be glad you had one! I recommend Lilly Pulitzer - 2013 Small Agenda ! They are a tad pricey but there is seriously space for EVERYTHING you can think of! Of course you can also get one at like Target or something too! But it will come in handy this year, I promise, because a lot of stuff will start popping up and before you know it, it can get overwhelming. And plus, you'll almost HAVE to use one in college so best to get in the habit now. Other than that, enjoy this year. Everything will change next year ( for the better!) so have as much fun as you can this year!
I'm in incoming senior too! We go back August 20th with orientation on August 6th where I find out my schedule. Most of my teachers say to have a binder for the class but a notebook works well. Also folders for assignments handed back. More space in your backpack and less of a hassle
I'll be a senior this year too! We start August 16th. I'm still gonna be 16 when I start my senior year :confused:
I keep finding you on every thread! Hehe
But at my school, you can take as many as you want, starting freshman year..
& yes, There have been crazy people who took SIX this year.
Plus; ONE girl out of almost 3,000 students took SEVEN. Yup. Seven AP classes. I barely survived two...
I took six my Senior Year! It wasn't that bad. After AP test week, I had six weeks of doing nothing left, so that was pretty awesome.
I'm going to be a senior this year, but I don't know our exact start date except that is will be the beginning of September. I'm taking 5 AP classes this year, so I'm really nervous. I only took two last year and it went well (I got a 4 on both!) but 5 is a lot more than 2.
stupid question but what is AP class??
we have so much diffrent school here in Slovenia. In italy they have school on saturdays too.
stupid question but what is AP class??
we have so much diffrent school here in Slovenia. In italy they have school on saturdays too.
AP is advanced placement classes. You take them in highschool and if you pass the exam it counts as a college credit. You don't have to take that class in college.. and you save some money, lol.
AP is advanced placement classes. You take them in highschool and if you pass the exam it counts as a college credit. You don't have to take that class in college.. and you save some money, lol.

this is so cool! But I was so busy in high school with all exams, we had at least one exam in a week. There's no way I could pass those AP classes. :confused: But we have college for free so this wouldn't work here.
I'm a rising Senior too. At my school, we don't use lockers, so I'm always looking for good ideas to compress, less weight on my back all day. Ideas?
I'm going to be a senior this year, but I don't know our exact start date except that is will be the beginning of September. I'm taking 5 AP classes this year, so I'm really nervous. I only took two last year and it went well (I got a 4 on both!) but 5 is a lot more than 2.
Ahhhh goodluck!!! And goodjob with the 4s :)

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