Cheer Pet Peeves?

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Sometimes favoritism is based on using the best people as often as possible.

Do people really think coaches intentionally use poorer performers on purpose?

The Fierce Board: aka Cheernado!

From a coaching perspective, it irritates me a little to be accused of "favoritism" for using certain kids in multiple capacities.

If Becky's basket is the best on the team, she's center basket. If Becky happens to be working it out and giving life in the dance as well, then she's center basket and center dancer.

I'm not going to intentionally use a lesser talented basket group in the center to appease girls/parents because Becky is already center in dance and I don't want to appear to be "favoring her."

That's not how life works. Bosses don't arbitrarily choose people other than the most qualified just to be fair to everyone. It's all about who has the skills to fit the position. Same with cheer. Sometimes the best in jumps and last pass are the same person. It's not because we "favor them" but because they've shown value in both positions.
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When cheerleaders have long sleeved uniforms and they roll them up at competition or showcase

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Guilty of this in 8th & 9th grade. Pretty sure I have rolled up sleeves in our nationals video on from my freshman year of high school. lol oops

ETA: Yikes, so many typos in that original post, my bad.

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I hate it when higher level athletes will laugh and make of fun of lower level athletes. When girls panic and won't throw a standing back handspring or tuck. When another athlete who does not have the skill you are working on tries to give you tips. When one team member of a successful team takes all the credit for the success and thinks they are the best.
When new cheer parents freak out when the coach yells at their kid for a legitimate reason, but they don't bat an eyelash when the same thing happens with a coach from another sport. (NEWSFLASH: CHEERLEADERS SOMETIMES GET YELLED AT. GET OVER IT).

When new cheer parents and non-cheer parents find it unfair that there are actually requirements for making the cheer team, as if it's some cute little club that everyone and their momma can join.

When new cheer parents don't understand that cheer shoes are not your typical pair of sneakers. No, the coach is not trying to get you to spend money, your kid actually needs these shoes.

When people don't understand why cheer music has sound effects.

When people claim that cheer skirts are sexual and force girls into gender roles, but say nothing about the uniforms for girls' lacrosse and field hockey.

When other athletic teams have a million staff members helping them manage everything, but you're expected to do everything on your own because its "just cheerleading".

When cheerleading teams aren't allowed to practice on their own campus.

White spankies. Enough said.

The fact that other athletes can make mistakes like doing badly in a class or being caught at an alcohol-fueled party and have the action attributed to them as an individual, but a cheerleader makes the same mistake and everyone attributes it to the fact that she is a cheerleader.

The fact that some GROWN ADULTS hold a grudge against cheerleaders because one bullied them in grade school. (Yes, people like that actually exist.)

Parents that see no problem allowing their kids to watch TV shows that negatively portray cheerleaders, but will freak out when other stereotypes are presented.

Irresponsible cheer coaches.

Cheerleaders, coaches and cheer parents that don't take cheerleading seriously but have the audacity to get mad when outsiders don't either.

Fools that ask "why are you allowing your daughter to be a cheerleader? Is she that desperate to be popular and fit in? It's not like she's going to be a professional cheerleader (THEY. ARE. NOT. CHEERLEADERS.)"

And my favorite: "It's not like she's headed to the Olympics". And your child is? If you knew anything about Olympic commercial success, you would know that your kid has to medal and be in one of the right (read: marketable) sports for you to see any sort of return on your investment. Otherwise you've wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars. Having a kid cheer at a big Division I SEC school is a far more practical goal, albeit costly.

When people say that cheer is basically competitive dance. I understand that it's the closest thing to which they can compare it, but sheesh.

When competitions have no spotters. I don't see why some EPs don't employ spotters.

When a million teams wear the same 3 or 4 uniform styles.

Idiots who claim that you can't win at cheerleading.

When parents of kids in other sports claim that cheerleaders are spoiled and entitled, but yet their kids get all of the basic sport necessities handed to them, and THEY believe that they are entitled to demand that we be at every game to support their kids, while none of them think to come to our competition or at least thank us for our support.

The fact that at many schools, an athlete in another sport can get hurt and everyone tries to help them yet when a cheerleader gets hurt, no one cares.

When schools treat their cheerleaders as if they are not even a part of the school, and yet still expect them to support the school and raise spirit.

People who think it's ridiculous that cheerleaders train year-round.

When cheerleaders get bullied by other female athletes.

When people hear about a cheerleader being bullied and claim that she deserves it because she is a cheerleader.

When teachers assume that you are dim because you're a cheerleader.

When older people ask "what's with all of this competition? What happened to the days when cheerleaders only wanted to do what they're supposed to do: supporting their teams?"

The fact that people worship UK Basketball but have no idea how amazing the cheerleaders are.

When people complain that their school's cheerleaders aren't attractive enough, yet have the audacity to turn around and call us superficial.

People who make 'I Hate Cheerleaders' videos on Youtube and get upset when they receive angry comments.

People that represent our sport badly.

People that do things that make it difficult for us to defend our sport against critics.

People who can't tell the difference between cheerleading and pom dance.

People who refer to cheerleaders as 'pom-pom girls'.

People that objectify us.
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My biggest pet peeves are level 5 kids competing on level 2,3, and 4.2 teams.
1. Does it matter if the is the kids only team?

2. What about if it gives the athlete a chance to compete on a more age appropriate team?

Feeling infamous today and laughing at some absurd statements spoken here and there
@Official OWECheer. Tell is what you really think, lol

Feeling infamous today and laughing at some absurd statements spoken here and there
Jaded Cheer Mom and I briefly discussed this on Twitter awhile back... she said that she supports [Summit] stacking because the kids tend to have better technique, and so that forces other teams to perfect their technique instead of rushing through skills. There's no way around it.

And I agree with her!

On a random note, I'm 43 shimmys away from having 1000!
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Sometimes favoritism is based on using the best people as often as possible.

Do people really think coaches intentionally use poorer performers on purpose?

The Fierce Board: aka Cheernado!
That's not the type of favoritism we're (or at least I'm talking about).
When you say you can do the splits and people demand to see them. No. Im not warmed up, plus its usually in a public place.

When people want you to show them a tumbling pass in a crowded area.

When people say back flips. There is no such thing. There are back tucks, back handsprings, back layouts and so forth. No back flips

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