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I probably would be if I actually had a break haha. But right now all I'm thinking about is making it through my 6 finals next week. The joys of year round grad school. At least fall means football, so that's exciting.

same. lab finals this week, lecture next week. i'm counting down to a break from school! and then starting again mid September lol yay
same. lab finals this week, lecture next week. i'm counting down to a break from school! and then starting again mid September lol yay
I'm kind of torn with only getting 1.5 weeks off between semesters, like I know I will forget everything and get out of school mode quickly if I have more time off, but I need a break from the stress. It doesn't help that this fall is the hardest semester in the program, so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for that.
A friend of mine from grade nine died a few weeks ago and I never really knew the details surrounding it until a few minutes ago and I don't even want to go back to work after hearing it all. It was devastating before to hear what had happened to her but now I feel so much worse.

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Hey People, I need to get this off my chest, NOW! My husband and I had a date night and was so excited to see that new James Brown BioPic - Get on Up! This movie is a MAJOR disappointment and I will proclaim this movie the worse BioPic movie I ever watched. It appears that the people who put this crap together did not do any research about this man - I will simply say the production crew knew very little about James Brown and but worse, failed to talk to any family and/or close friends who knew this man. The movie spent to0 much time showing James Brown's performing, but very little time developing his story line, which most people going to this movie wants to know. If I had wanted to see concert footage of James Brown, I would have bought videos of his performances. I sat through a 2 hour movie and learned nothing about this artist, the screenwriter skimmed over every major events in James Brown's existence - who was his parents-they were shown on screen but I do not even know their names, his aunt-she supposed to had played huge role in his life, the screenwriter skimmed over her role in his life and to be honest, I do even remember her name. Most important point, the movie spent a great deal of time showing James Brown performing, but little amount of time developing the story line of what inspired his music. The movie showed James Brown having little contact with the church, but yet many of the chords in his music is derived from the church. There are so many areas that I can point out that was wrong with this BioPic, it definitely cannot be put in the same category of a movie like 'Ray'.
Frankly, I HATE going to a BioPic and leaving the theatre more confuse about the subject that the movie is about! My husband and I wanted to leave 10 minutes into the movie, but stayed hoping the movie will get on track or better and plus, we sat in the middle seats and did not want to wrestle to get out the theatre, I truly felt like a captive audience and not in a good way.

I saw Get on Up about 2 weeks ago at a free screening. I was disappointed in the movie, but I didn't really care since it was free. I also told everyone that it was certainly no "Ray". I thought that Tate Taylor left the movie very underdeveloped. I felt like there were a lot of open ended story lines. I thought him stealing the shoes from the dead man would have some how come full circle and related to his dancing or something.

I think the fractured narrative of the movie was poorly done and I think when he breaks the 4th wall... its just random. They were trying to make it unlike "Ray" by doing those things and it failed

At the end of the day James Brown wasn't all that interesting of a man... crazy sure...but interesting naw.. His life was his performing and that's why they focused so much on it. Clearly they weren't going to hem and haw on the spousal abuse. He never had real drug problem (or a drug problem at all.....) Having multiple kids isn't interesting. They never really covered the marriage of the first wife, so that was annoying, when they showed her all smiles at the plane with the kids. It had no relevance

But lets be real the most interesting thing about James was when he showed out in 1988 (covered) and his death...how they left him chilling in a casket for an extended period of time....and clearly the family wasn't going to include that

I also think Mick Jagger should have not had a role in the film (meaning he was behind the production)...he didn't even really know the man

But at the end of the day they did consult the family on the film and the family was excited and okay about the film.....so it is what it is

Its a little harsh to say this is the WORST biopic ever. Chadwick Boseman did a good job for what it was....and at the end of the day the Man in the Mirror movie with Flex Alexander still exists so.... nope...not even close to the worst biopic

Oh, and the Moms name was Susie and the dads name had something to do with James. That's why when he went to live with the aunt at the brothel he said his name was JJ or something
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But at the end of the day they did consult the family on the film and the family was excited and okay about the film.....so it is what it is
Its a little harsh to say this is the WORST biopic ever. Chadwick Boseman did a good job for what it was....and at the end of the day the Man in the Mirror movie with Flex Alexander still exists so.... nope...not even close to the worst biopic

Oh, and the Moms name was Susie and the dads name had something to do with James. That's why when he went to live with the aunt at the brothel he said his name was JJ or something

Thank God you told me that there is an even worse biopic than this one... But was 'Man in the Mirror' shown on the big screen taking people hard earned money!
Based on what I read and what James Brown's son claimed, he saying that the family was not consulted and he mentioned some other band members who were not consulted and would have been an excellent source for information. Yes, his mother's name was Susie and he was named after his father and he introduced himself to his Aunt as Jr. and she re-christened him 'Little Jr.' since they already had a Jr. working at the brothel. I really think this movie had a lot of interesting parts but they should have taken more time to do research.
Thank God you told me that there is an even worse biopic than this one... But was 'Man in the Mirror' shown on the big screen taking people hard earned money!
Based on what I read and what James Brown's son claimed, he saying that the family was not consulted and he mentioned some other band members who were not consulted and would have been an excellent source for information. Yes, his mother's name was Susie and he was named after his father and he introduced himself to his Aunt as Jr. and she re-christened him 'Little Jr.' since they already had a Jr. working at the brothel. I really think this movie had a lot of interesting parts but they should have taken more time to do research.

His daughters Yamma and Deanna support the film...and have been giving interviews about their support. The wife that was portrayed by Jill Scott was all up and through the premier and the red carpet. The James family is full of dysfunction...as are all families...especially families where papa was a rolling stone that laid his seeds all over and hither and yon, so of course you're going to have some kids saying yay and others saying nay.

But I do think Yamma is one of the few Brown children that seems to have everything screwed on tight...and she also runs the Brown Foundation. Whereas I'm sure her crackish sister Venisha would have everything negative to say about the film.

Dr. Yamma Brown, James Brown’s daughter, Talks ‘Get On Up’ | News One

She (Yamma) says right there that they were very involved and consulted on the film

They're also currently battling over the estate....and I'm sure this film contributed something, in some capacity to the estate so there you have it
His daughters Yamma and Deanna support the film...and have been giving interviews about their support. The wife that was portrayed by Jill Scott was all up and through the premier and the red carpet. The James family is full of dysfunction...as are all families...especially families where papa was a rolling stone that laid his seeds all over and hither and yon, so of course you're going to have some kids saying yay and others saying nay.

But I do think Yamma is one of the few Brown children that seems to have everything screwed on tight...and she also runs the Brown Foundation. Whereas I'm sure her crackish sister Venisha would have everything negative to say about the film.

Dr. Yamma Brown, James Brown’s daughter, Talks ‘Get On Up’ | News One

She (Yamma) says right there that they were very involved and consulted on the film

They're also currently battling over the estate....and I'm sure this film contributed something, in some capacity to the estate so there you have it
I know on 'Good Morning New York' his son Darryl, I believe that is his name, was saying how the family was not consulted and he was pushing his book on his father's life to tell the real story about him. He also mentioned that he played drums and guitar with his dad and was showing him in pictures and clips. That movie was just crazy and every time that actor will look into the camera and talk to me, I wanted to tell him to stop talking to me and focus on telling the story. lol
Told my friend I couldn't go to the only mall we have (45 min away) with her because I was babysitting my cousin... A few hours later my grandma unexpectedly came and picked my cousin up, so I was free and they had already left. Then I realized I leave for the beach in 3 days and am in desperate need of new shorts, and today is really my only day to get any. So now my options are go by myself (and I'm kind of afraid to drive in heavy traffic and wet roads... embarrassing) or go with my boyfriend (and let him drive) so we can see a movie afterwards like we'd talked about earlier this week. Either way I'll probably run into my friends, who are immature and will be mad no matter what I say (even if I text now and explain myself). Any advice? (Other than get new friends :( )
ETA: this sounds so petty. And I'm so frustrated. When will I be out of high school?

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Did anyone catch the Nightline episode yesterday? Kinda a follow up with the previous one following Carly and Gabi. I'm house sitting and completely bored and ABC doesn't have my cable provider on the list to watch it online :(
What was the follow-up about?

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