OT 25 Facts

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1. I am 9 years older than my sister and my mom refers to me as her "cheer mom"
2. I am also my 6 yr old nieces "cheer mom" because my older sister hates cheerleading.
3. I have a Masters in Library and Information Science....I'm a librarian.
4. I have a BA in Mass Comunication and I would never reccommend anyone getting a degree in that.
5. I am 3 classes away from a BA in Sociology and 3 from a Masters in Education because I took extra classes for "fun" in undergrad and grad school...but I'm never going to finish those degrees because it'd just be weird and excessive.
6. I'm currently at work wondering why the heck these kids haven't left for Thanksgiving yet and when exactly its going to be 5pm.
7. My high school cheer coach is my sister and nieces all star coach
8. I don't really know how to drive an automatic car very well.
9. I was a flyer
10. On college I got tossed over a (level 6) Wolf's Wall and landed on all fours like a cat.
11. I fell off the back of a 2-2-1 and wasn't caught (despite saying 'falling') and my head bounced on the gym floor (this was back when college cheerleaders could go 2 high during bball games).
12. I got in trouble in 9th grade for calling our cheer captains Hitler and Mussolini. (I only speak the truth)
13. I can't swim
14. I'm a know it all...and more likely than not...I know it all.
15. At competitions my sister makes me ask "cheerlebrities" to take pictures with her....she is really soft spoken
16. When Michael Jackson died I won tickets to his Memorial service in LA and I went
17. When Michael Jackson died I took bereavement days from work to deal. My dad was worried I'd run away to LA and cry at the gates of Neverland or something....He didn't believe me when I told him I was going to the memorial service
18. My mom thinks I have ESP....which are ironically my initials
19. I naturally have 10% body fat and I've had a 4 or 6 pack since I was like 4...without working out or eating well....I don't work out because it makes me self conscious and I don't want people to think that I have to workout to maintain my body...how concieted?
20. I get winded walking up the steps at work
21. I'm very sarcastic and straight forward
22. My mom's house burned down in August...the firefighters thought I was cray when I tried to run in to save my Michael Jackson stuff I had there. I told them I paid taxes and to leave me alone
23. When I was little I told my mom that I wasn't going to bother to learn to read if I couldn't do it perfectly....(see #3)
24. I'm going crazy this Black Friday
25. I like public speaking but I generally can't control what comes out of my mouth
1. I like big bows and I cannot lie. My mum and I make them.
2. I went Black Friday shopping this morning and bought nothing.
3. I went to Worlds as a spectator last year. Best Christmas present ever!
4. I really really really want to go again...:(
5. I would probably never use social networking or this board if I didn't have an iPhone. I'm too lazy.
6. I follow twice as many people than that follow me on Twitter.
7. I've only been out of my time zone a few times.
8. I've been in Shooting Star Land since 2006.
9. I had to choose between Worlds and a sweet 16. I chose a sweet 16, but I might change my mind since I've seen Stawwws...
10. I love to wear dresses and skirts.
11. I listen to older music like the Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel. The rest of my iPod is 90's stuff like Nirvana and Pearl Jam and my immense collection of cheer music. I'm pretty diverse. :3
12. I have twelve pairs of Chuck Taylors.
13. I drive 45 minutes to get to my gym. If I lived closer, I'd be there every day.
14. Standing tucks are so much easier than standing backhandsprings.
15. I have been to Disney World 14 times! I'm going twice (three if I can go to Worlds!) more in the coming year.
16. It's my dream to visit Europe and the west coast. I don't know why, but California seems like heaven.
17. I am the only sophomore in my precal class and I have the highest grade by far. SWAG.
18. I have a radio show with one of my good friends every Monday evening on 91.5 WRFT FM. I don't think any of you could get the signal unless you live less than 30 mins away from me though...*forever alone*
19. I am obsessed with internet memes.

20. When I don't like someone, I close one eye and pretend I'm squishing them with my fingers.
21. I actually wear my class ring every day. It's pretty!
22. As far as I'm concerned, if you wear your bow facing the back, you are committing a sin.
23. I think I am going to study journalism, communications or broadcasting in college.
24. I love getting mail!!
25. My shoulders have zero flexibility. My arms cannot possibly go past my ears. No scorpions in my future. #baseproblems
1. I'm 15.
2. I HATE my middle name. Like with a passion.
3. I cheered for 2 years in Virginia for Cheer Challenge, and 2 years in Georgia for Haydens Twisters.
4. I'm a 3 time Cheersport National Champion. (large j3 2010, small sr. 3 2010, and small sr. 4.2 2011)
5. I've won All Levels internationals.
6. It's like my dream to meet Holden Ray.
7. I compete in beauty pageants.
8. I have juvenile type 1 diabetes.
9. I've flown, based, and backed, every year at some point in the routine.
10. I cheer for my high school.
11. I'm a freshman.
12. I'm obsessed with Sherri Hill.
13. My big black longchamp has my life in it.
14. Follow me on twitter?
16. I tan like every day of my life.
17. I'm wearing pink fuzzy socks.
18. I'm in love with uggs.
19. I want a full..
20. I suck at tumbling.
21. I'm super flexible. But a horrible flyer.
22. I LOVEEEE basing.
23. I own 53 cheer bows.
24. Justin bieber is so sexy.
25. I'm on my phone.

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1. I cheer on a junior coed lvl 3 team 2.I am helping out with the special needs team this year.
3. I love apple products
4.in my free time I do competitive hip hop
5. I am turning 10 in 1 week and a couple days
6. My favorite color is hot pink
7. I couldn't think of any more.

1. My parents are my biggest supporters when it comes to competitive cheerleading.
2. I'm very blessed for everything I have.
3. I'm very girly.
4. My boyfriend doesn't believe cheerleadings a sport. I almost broke up with him for saying that.
5. My boyfriends name is Sam, too.
6. I suck at math.
7. My best friends are 10.
8. I push people away very easily.
9. I LOVE English. I can read 10 books in a week.
10. I have the black iPhone and my mom has the white iPhone.
11. I was 12 for some time in 8th grade.
12. Needless to say, I'm one of the youngest freshman at my school.
13. I loooove baking!!!!!
14. I love my doggie :)
15. I'm obsessed with zebras.
16. I'm a "spoiled brat".
17. I live in Virginia and I hate it.
18. I've never been anywhere further than Maryland/North Carolina.
19. I dye my hair a loot, but I pay for it all.
20. My team is my second family.
21. My whole name has 26 letters in it.
22. I don't like pizza.
23. My hair is reallly curly!
24. I make weird noises for no reason.
25. I love photobooth.
1. I'm allergic to peanuts
2. When i get my nails done i always get the color "its a girl!" by OPI with glitter on one nail
3. I failed my licence test the 1st time i took it cause i ran a red light... :wasntme:
4. i failed my permit test 4 times before i passed because i refused to study
5. I co-coach a youth football cheerleading team with my mom, we have 18 little girls from the age of 5-14... its crazy
6. I get my braces off in October!
7. My little brother is special needs
8. I'm going into my junior year of high school
9. I work at an ice cream place
10. I can't cook to save my life. The other day i burnt noodles
11. I love hot pockets/ pizza rolls
12. My dad spoils me
13. My parents have been divorced since i was 7
14. I had my iphone for exactly one week before i dropped it in the toilet
15. I have an obsession with buying baithing suits. I have over 50
16. I'm working on standing fulls because i have a running tumbling mental block with twisting
17. I tweet ALOT
18. I'm short... only 4'11
19. My best friend moved to South Carolina :(
20. I go to a school thats only 4 years old
21. I've been cheering for 11 years!
22. I'm obsessed with half cocker spaniel/ half golden retriever puppies. they look like puppies FOREVER. i want one so bad.
23. I tan really dark really fast but also lose it fast
24. My mom is on tv
25. I'm going to the beach tomorrow!
1. I love reading old posts from old threads
2. I hate surveys but this one looked fun
3. My name (Andrea) is pronounced AHndrea but I get called ANNdrea all the time. Even by people that know better.
4. My aunt died recently and I miss her terribly. I've never lost someone I loved so much before her.
5. I'm 33 and I forget my age all the time. My daughter has to remember for me.
6. I think waking up before 8:30 am is just unnecessary and cruel.
7. I like to stay up really really late but if I go anywhere I want to be home by 10 bc I'm tired :confused:
8. I started smoking when I was 15 and it was the worst thing I ever did in my entire life.
9. I've had the same best friend since kindergarten but we both have other friends we are really close to too. We are soul mates bc we just completely get each other no matter how much our lives change.
10. I met my twin on fierceboard. TwistersPride I love her but I only see her once a year. We talk all the time.
11. I have been involved with cheer since I was 8 years old. It's not an obsession, it's my life and career.
12. I thought this would be fun but now I'm bored.
13. I always finish what I start so I'll soldier on even if I hate it.
14. I'm a Virgo
15. My cousin is a year older than me but her birthday is the day after mine so we are the same age for one day every year.
16. I'm very close to my family. I love all my aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and grandparents.
17. My moms dad was an alcoholic and she had a very hard life growing up.
18. My childhood was completely idyllic.
19. My husband hates cheer (he's jealous) but he loves me so he tolerates it (he better).
20. My oldest son has Aspergers syndrome. It's pretty challenging to be the parent of an aspie.
21. I change my hair all the time.
22. I am allergic to a lot of things but not food. Thank God
23. I love Snyders Hot Buffalo Wings Pretzal Pieces and ordered a box of them online. I gained 10 lbs. so I'm trying to refrain.
24. I should be paid a buttload of money to coach bc it's not easy at all, but choreographers and music mixers make more and that sucks.
25. So freaking happy that I'm done now.

I'm exhausted.
1. I did this before and only made it 12 but that was last year so I will try again... :)

2. Today my daughter had choreo camp with Jose from Top Gun, she is there now and I'm so freaking nervous- camp drives me nuts.

3. My daughter recently got her layout but all her tucks don't look perfect like they use to so I'm going to need for her to work on that. Lol

4. I'm starving but my daughters cheer costs to much for me to go out to eat... Anyone want to invite me over for dinner? I SUCK at cooking!

5. I love my car it is absolutely perfect!! Not a fan of having a car note though...

6. My daughter is so pretty .. Here she is today going to camp lol excuse the duck face

7. I love my job and my manager is hot and he is so not my type I have never been attracted to a white guy till now.

8. I took off work for a year to drive my daughter to cheer since it was far so I'm excited to be working again.

9. I absolutely love our gym Stars- we will be a force to be reckoned with. Sorry if you have to compete against us! I'm ready to bring home some jackets!

10. I absolutely love Ribeye steak and the Chop House in Murfreesboro, TN is so dang good I seriously want to eat there but they ain't got one down here in Texas I don't think.

11. My daughters coaches are the best coaches ever I think I have been sipping on some of her koolaid because they Are all she talks about!

12. I miss some of our old coaches though and I can't wait to visit them! Jaylen has grown so much in the last few months!!!!!

13. I want 2 more girls and 2 boys for a total of 5 kids. I want my next 2 girls to cheer if they would like. I want one of my boys to cheer and one of them to play football and go to the NFL. I really hope that's what they want but I'll support them in whatever:)

14. I can't finish this lol
1. I have two children ages 5 and 7 (almost 8). The 7 year old is my CP. My five year old son plays t-ball and we just signed him up for tackle football. He's not interested in cheer at all but I know he would be a beast.
2. I have been married to my BFF for 12 years. We've been together 16.
3. I am obsessed with neon/fluorescent anything!
4. My CP and I are both obsessed with sparkly stuff and glitter. CP named our yorkie-poo "Sparkles".
5. I am a southern girl through and through.
6. I am terrified of clowns and mascots. Can't be in the same room with one.
7. I am fascinated by tornadoes and terrified at the same time.
8. My favorite time of day is dusk.
9. I LOVE to swim at night.
10. I have a great, great, etc. uncle that was killed in battle during the Revolutionary War.
11. I am terrible at math.
12. My MIL was a nun and my late FIL was a priest. Both quit, started dating and married.
13. I like the city, but LOVE the country. I hope one day soon to have at least an acre of land.
14. I can't live without my iPhone.
15. I love love love Pitbull - all songs that include him too!
16. I got to spend a day on the set of The Office in LA last summer.
17. I am completely addicted to Diet Coke - I hate coffee. I am considering buying a mini fridge for my office and keeping it stocked.
18. I am terrified of spiders and house centipedes.
19. I love college football and especially tailgating.
20. My BFFs are cheer moms.
21. I workout to cheer mixes. People at the Y can probably hear it through my headphones. I catch myself mouthing voiceovers when no one is looking.
22. I can still do a mean power hurdle RO snap down. That's all I got. Knees are now bad and back flexibility is completely gone. I can also still kill a toe touch on a trampoline.
23. I love to cook.
24. I live in the horse capitol of the world and have never been on one.
25. I am addicted to bargain shopping. I head straight to the sales rack and very rarely pay full price for anything. Zappos outlet is ridiculous! Bought my husband a down North Face jacket/coat for $20 and CP a pair of True Religion jeans for $15. Still riding that high!
1. My name is Sydney Renee!
2. I hate when people call me Syd...like the sloth from Ice Age.
3. I've been a proud memeber of the Bob Squad for three years now. #shorthairforlife
4. I idolize Katie Holmes and Audrey Hepburn. I've been told I look like Katie Holmes before but I don't see it!
5. I'll be 19 in 17 days...I feel so old.
6. I get my braces off in 14 days, I've had them for 6 years and 7 months.
7. I'm on NCA Missouri and Kansas staff and I love every minute of it.
8. I've only cheered for four years and I finally found my "gym home" my senior year of cheer!
9. But now I'm cheering in college!
10. I have severe OCD and I am the biggest perfectionist I've ever met.
11. I eat at Buffalo Wild Wings at least twice a week. It's a problem.
12. I'm 5'7" and my little sister is 4'11". It's weird.
13. I am obsessed with bright pink blush. Blush>>>>>bronzer.
14. I have slowly come into my own since summer started.
15. I've changed a lot since my 9th grade year!
16. I'm majoring in Elementary Education and getting my masters in Special Education.
17. I'm getting a tattoo in 21 days.
18. I want to be a trophy wife when I grow up.
19. I was online shopping yesterday and asked my sister's boyfriend what he thought of something and he told me I was totally going to be a trophy wife when I grew up. I hugged him.
20. My parents have been divorced since I was 9. They have actually been married to each other and divorced from each other twice.
21. I have been told I look like the American Girl Doll named Kit with brown hair. And that's fine.
22. I am always overdressed. Always.
23. I'm pretty sure I'm dyslexic, even though I've always had a every high reading level.
24. My favorite color is teal.
25. And I'm going to the lake in three days:)

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