OT Bow Walls

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Finally made mine! :) Larger bows held up with tacks, little ones clipped on the black and white ribbon. There are action shots from worlds on the poster board that's behind the bows.


I love the worlds pics in the back! Cute :)
Oh I'm so jealous of all of these :( I'm not doing all star this year so if I asked my mom to order me some she'd be like for what little girl?! & I definitely FAILED at trying to make my own :((
F!ERCE that makes me sad! Hahahah I loved your 320982578926 bows on your wall!!! :)

ME TOO! Oh my gosh Han :( what did you do with all of them?! I have like a mini one at college and I left some bows at home...I miss them, but I am sharing with my lil sis who is doing her first year of all star!
ME TOO! Oh my gosh Han :( what did you do with all of them?! I have like a mini one at college and I left some bows at home...I miss them, but I am sharing with my lil sis who is doing her first year of all star!

They're in a big basket in the room I make all my bows in. lol
instead of a wall I bought one of these jewlery display things they use in stores and I put them on it. I also have on that I put my headband bows on but it is a huge mess so I will have to take a picture of it some other time.

How do I go about making a bow wall.. like not just pinned into the wall though. The nicer ones I guess?
We got a peg board at Lowes, spray painted it our team colors, then hung all the bows on the hooks you can buy for them. Like what guys use in the garage to hang tools.
I am inspired to make one now :) I have a lot of bows from my 6 years of cheer so far :) I have an Eiffel Tower of bows- literally!! My Nana made me a box with the Eiffel Tower on top made out of a map of France :) I keep one big pink sparkly one on my guitar case and a black, silver, and cheetah sparkly one on my backpack :)
The one on my backpack:

The one on my guitar case:

And my other twenty:

Sorry about the bad quality, i took it on my phone

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