OT Casey Anthony Trial

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the dictionary definition of liar says nothing about being a murderer. we've all lied in our lives, does that mean we are going to be murderers?
the dictionary definition of liar says nothing about being a murderer. we've all lied in our lives, does that mean we are going to be murderers?
so how did she end up dead in a bag with duct tape over her mouth...and why lie if it was an accident....isnt it exhausting just taking the counterpoint....just because she is going free does not merit ANYONE justifying her actions
the dictionary definition of liar says nothing about being a murderer. we've all lied in our lives, does that mean we are going to be murderers?
Yes, I've lied before but not about a missing (though she knew Caylee was dead) child.
so how did she end up dead in a bag with duct tape over her mouth...and why lie if it was an accident....isnt it exhausting just taking the counterpoint....just because she is going free does not merit ANYONE justifying her actions
I don't think she is innocent, everyone knows she is guilty, I'm just saying the reasons you people are giving does not make a person guilty. The prosecution could not do it, so it almost impossible for anyone on the fierceboard to do it.
I don't think she is innocent, everyone knows she is guilty, I'm just saying the reasons you people are giving does not make a person guilty. The prosecution could not do it, so it almost impossible for anyone on the fierceboard to do it.
iiiim gonna have to agree.
I don't think she is innocent, everyone knows she is guilty, I'm just saying the reasons you people are giving does not make a person guilty. The prosecution could not do it, so it almost impossible for anyone on the fierceboard to do it.
but if you think she is guilty...why are you arguing that side...just to argue?
The jury wasn't picked and sequestered 3 years ago. You'd have to have been living under a rock to not have heard about this case before the trial started. So they most certainly DID know all of America thought she was guilty.

And as for finding out later that she was innocent? You must not be very familiar with our judicial system - she would NO WAY have already been executed. Most people on death row die of natural causes before we EVER get around to actually executing them. She would have just sat there for 30 years appealing and appealing...until someone in prison killed her. But I'm not really living in any fear that we'll ever see evidence that proves her innocence.

Sorry but nothing anyone says will EVER convince me that there is a reason for duct tape to EVER be on another human's face...unless it was put there to suffocate them. You don't put duct tape on a dead body. You just don't. Whether she testified or not is irrelevant...why did the jury think duct tape was on the baby??? DUCT TAPE??? ON A BABY??? If that doesn't say murder, I don't know what does.

The jury also did not know all the court room information before the trail, the court case was the thing that switchesd most peoples opinion in favor of a guilty verdict. Also, yes I do know alot about our judicial system. It does not always take 30 years to get executed. There have been instances where it was 10. I highly doubt that Casey would have get her case appealed so it could be even shorter than that. What if it was 30 years anyways, what if in 28 years we find forensic evidence, since there has been none. that says she didn't do it? Her life was just wasted in jail on a guilty verdict on a circumstancal case then. Or what if in 35 years when she is dead the same thing comes up, how'd that jury feel then? Again, I'm not defending her actions or saying she is innocent, but the case that was presented did not prove to get a guilty verdict.

sorry for bad grammar, I'm on my phone.
I've never understood how one case is picked up by the media whilst others that are similar never even make the news. It reminds me of the Madeleine McCann media frenzy (or did you guys in America not hear about that?).

We did
so how did she end up dead in a bag with duct tape over her mouth...and why lie if it was an accident....isnt it exhausting just taking the counterpoint....just because she is going free does not merit ANYONE justifying her actions

Thats what I don't get. Children accidentally drown every year. Their parents/guardians/whomever was watching them CALL 911, they don't bag the child up, duct tape the mouth and drop them off in the woods. If she drowned and was dead why was there a need to duct tape the mouth. Dead people don't scream.

Now maybe Casey "accidentally" duct taped her mouth, "accidentally" dropped her in a pool, "accidentally" got scared when she "accidentally" drowned and and then "accidentally" drug her of into the woods.... Was she afraid of reporting that to the police and therefore had to wait 31 days to report the child "acidentally" missing.....

And toward those comments about someone being a lunatic and killing Casey out on the street...I sincerely hope that does not happen because that sort of vindication would not make that person any sort of a hero or martyr..."...it makes them a monster just like Casey. An eye for an eye or a tooth for tooth" is best left up to God
Thats the law though, That is a constitutional right.

Its very frustrating that they went to trial without adequate evidence. In my opinion, it is the prosecutions fault for not having the information they needed.
i know it's the law, and it's bogus...stupidest thing ever.

and for the prosecution, i don't think that they did a very good job...but there was enough evidence and lies in my opinion that should have sent her to jail for the rest of her life.
All the lies she told though....that Caylee was kidnapped, then it was that she was with the nanny (who was a made up person) and then it was that the (fictitious) nanny kidnapped her.....it wasn't until the trial started that this "accidental drowning" story came out. If that was what truly happened, this would have played out differently. Why were there chloroform searches on the computer?

Know what else is interesting? Casey said that Caylee was with "her nanny, Zanny"..."Zanny" is a name for the drug Xanax, which will knock out a toddler....hmmm, was Casey drugging Caylee so she could go out and party? My guess is yes! Her parents were on her case about always leaving Caylee with them to babysit so she could go out....so she stopped leaving Caylee with them. She made up this babysitter named "Zanny" and was drugging Caylee with enough Xanax to knock her out for the night. Well, one night it was too much Zanny and she ODd. Casey panicked and dumped the body and continued on with her lying about where Caylee was. So, Caylee's death was accidental in that she wasn't murdered, but she was killed by her mother's stupid and atrocious actions.
Exactly. She lied from day one, when her mother questioned her as to not having seen caylee for awhile. She told LIE after LIE after LIE - never once saying "drowning" was the cause of death until the trial. Never once saying things about her father till the trial. The defense was just throwing out anything they could to take the focus off of Casey....not caring what they were saying and doing were yet again more LIES. Her mother lied about the searches...it was proven she was at work when those searches were made, and could not have been on the home computer at that time. Nothing that the defense presented was true...YET the jurors chose to believe their side more, instead of how caylee's body was found dumped in the woods with duct tape - due to an accidental drowning... The jurors got to see the jail taped videos of Casey's interaction with her parents - it baffles me that they could convict her on FOUR counts of lying, yet choose to believe the defenses claim that she didn't have anything to do with the death...of course not! - she MUST be telling the truth - since she has shown to be so truthful....
agreed. she's nuts, point blank. i can't get over all of the lies, and the false information that her mom had searched for chloroform...so who was the one who searched for 'neck breaking' smh

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