All-Star Cheer Extreme Questions And Answers From Courtney

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how do you unwind after a stressfull coaching day, one of those days that nothing seems to go right (IF you have those:p)?

Do you also go emotional or crazy when someone hits a stunt/tumblepass for the first time? or when a team did extremely well at competition?

Any advice for a young starting coach? how to keep motivated to keep going on while you need to overcome many struggles/disapointments?
Not a question, just a statement...You and your teams are such a inspiration and motivator to cheerleaders everywhere. I'm sure it's hard to take it all in sometimes but I hope you realize that the magic you have created in your gym has reached far beyond kville. My daughter and I had the opportunity to watch SE perform at BATC this season and watching her watch them, seeing the look on her face was something I won't soon forget.:)
when u said you will have a medium senior this new season, do u mean medium senior all girl? just checking.
If someone was to come to tryouts, was a really good level 5 flyer, could base level 5 too, and had multiple jumps to tuck but didn't have a full, would they still have a chance of making a level 5 teams? At any of the locations?
Careful, Courtney may not understand the sarcasm in this...

[insert sarcasm about ceacoach torturing small children. I know she doesn't do that.]

ETA: Shirts are still for SALE!!!!

[ETAA: I'm not really selling these, and this is a joke so don't take it personally.]
I think the average is probably an hour to Kernersville. Some live in Charlotte and some even further. Sharity on Senior Elite actually lives in Orlando and flies both ways to and from practice.

yeah thanks for being so good she hopped on a plane and cheered for you! It's not like we wanted her whip double or anything! RUDE! ;) haha just kidding of course
What a profound question. I wish the Kernersville gym had two full floors. I wish my mom and my sister got more of the credit for all they do. I wish I had spent a little more time at home with Kenley when she was first born. I wish I could let go of people who have come in and out of our doors that I seem to care about more than is reciprocated. I wish I had kept a scrapbook every single season, and had taken more pictures and video in our very first really scary years.

As a mother I can completely understand why you feel this way. I understand that you can't get that time back, but I want to offer you a perspective that I don't know if you've considered before. Granted you might not have gotten to spend as much time w/her during that time as you wanted...but you have the unique opportunity and advantage of getting to do something that most parents don't.....You get to see your children while you work everyday and your work is something that your entire family shares immense passion for. While most parents work 9-5 then have to come home and spend what very little time they have left feeding them, getting them ready for bed, etc...not only do Carley and Kenley get the unique opportunity to enjoy their mom's (and dad's!) "work time" during the week, bc they are participating (whether it be tumbling or you coaching them) and are a part of your "job", they also get to spend quality time on the weekends doing something they enjoy (cheering).

In addition, I know you extend yourself for their other interests and activities as well (and they often have many), Planning and throwing parties for them that are so magical and unforgettable, etc. etc. I honestly don't know how you do it (and I don't sleep much either!)

...Plus, you have quite a few families who really love your girls and the friendships they've gained and the friendships they've given are the core of what you're

As hard as that last part is (wishing you could "let go" of people whom you care about more than they seem to care about you), I don't think you should ever regret it. Sometimes we give more than people are capable of returning and sometimes it just feels too painful to love someone who doesn't return it, but in the end we can't control how others treat us....only how we treat them. I know your heart is too big to regret loving someone who perhaps didn't deserve and/or reciprocate it.....but it's a part of who you are and will always be a part of who you are.

*As far as the scrapbooks...I'll really try to help you over the next ...........years make that happen. :)

I'm so glad you choose to coach cheerleading over being a doctor Court..there are still so many of us who love you and your family dearly and look forward to countless years of happiness, success, and growth. Mrs. Gardner said it best to me one night... she said, "you see 'this'......'this' is something special that I'm not sure everyone else gets to experience." (I hope I got those words right Sarah...!)

"This" is why many of us are here Court...and I'm not sure other gyms have "this", but I would sure like to think that they do. You know what "this" is and it will always be the core (or shall I say heart) of who you are, what you do, and why you do it...and there will always be people who want it, but more importantly...need it.
We always pick a few girls for their superior stunt skills. Everyone on the team can throw countless jumps to back when they aren't tired...but our stunt section always prevents a few from being able to consistently land 10 out of 10 times. I have never seen a scoresheet where that has been a factor ( I of course could be wrong ). I do this for a few reasons: #1 They deserve a spot on this team whether its for heart, dedication, number of years here, etc. #2 For all the aspiring Senior Elite girls in the gym that dream about being on this gives hope to those who excel in pyramids and stunting and may never have the tumbling skills they would need to make say the other teams in our division. I think this sport is all about using everyone's talents effectively...tumbling is only part of the scoresheet. PS. In reference to this season...the new flip in the dance created some hip flexor injuries ( a muscle they had previously rarely used ) and made it hard for a few of these kids to jump period...much less jump to back. On a separate note... Our dance was so much better and we loved it..
Are you talking about the pass that goes from punchfront to r/o?
If someone was to come to tryouts, was a really good level 5 flyer, could base level 5 too, and had multiple jumps to tuck but didn't have a full, would they still have a chance of making a level 5 teams? At any of the locations?

Yes absolutely.
Why do you torture ten year olds by forcing them to do double fulls on a youth team?

What do you feed Maddie Gardner, Holden Ray, and Jordan Fritts to make them so mother f-in' FIERCE!?

No worries, I get it. There will be more tortured souls than ever this season on the "prisoners" of youth elite. We're gonna prove a few points to that end. The only nourishment I could supply are White Cheddar Cheez-It's and lots of diet coke

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