All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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In some cases, I don't think kids really pay attention to the "anyone can be replaced" part of being on a team because they figure it doesn't really apply to them. It goes in one ear and out the other because they think "oh they're talking to someone else because they're not going to replace me." Until they get replaced. Does that make sense?

Sort of like the "don't get pregnant" conversation. How many kids tune that out because "oh that's not going to happen to me?"

So when it happens, it hits them a little harder.
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In some cases, I don't think kids really pay attention to the "anyone can be replaced" part of being on a team because they figure it doesn't really apply to them. It goes in one ear and out the other because they think "oh they're talking to someone else because they're not going to replace me." Until they get replaced. Does that make sense?

Sort of like the "don't get pregnant" conversation. How many kids tune that out because "oh that's not going to happen to me?"

So when it happens, it hits them a little harder.
... Where is your mountain goat post? I made you this nice collage of how well a mountain goat actually WOULD do at Worlds. [emoji56]
I don't know of all the Kassidy hate is really fair. She seems to me to be a fiercely loyal TEENager. She might get caught up in the drama but in a way I can't blame her for being cynical after seeing so many leave. She definitely takes it too far (especially on social media) but; tbh, right or wrong, I don't know if I would have acted much differently back then. I think we are all looking at it from an adult point of view instead of remembering how it might have felt. All of them seemed to be hurting , and the adults were so upset by what was happening that they couldn't step up and lead the group without their emotions getting the best of them.

That said, I think that it is a really sad situation for all involved and I hate that Dylan is getting the brunt of it- especially with the way that it is edited.
Okay, I think I've composed myself.

First and foremost, I feel like the way this episode was portrayed, it was more like Dylan killed himself versus going to another team. Like literally, "I never saw this coming," "He was always happy and normal," "We welcomed him to the brotherhood for life," "I feel betrayed,"...yada yada. Seriously, he's one guy and that one guy doesn't make your team---great athlete, yes...but oh the love.

Also, I love how it's said, "He's featured in everything..." "if I was always featured in a SMOED routine..." Um? No offense to SMOED, but you're not the only amazing program/team out there. You're simply not. So I don't see how that is a justification for why he should say.

From the drama with him leaving, we know he accused a certain coach of bullying so I can't even pretend to feel sorry for Eddie/Orby when he didn't answer his phone after he let ya'll know. He's a child (teenager, but still a minor) and ya'll are adults.

I've never liked Cassidy---I don't know why, because she wasn't a bad person in Season 1, but always coming in and out is sorta weird to me. Moreso, I think what they're doing to Jessica is opinion is probably too harsh for FB, but being yanked in and out constantly is emotionally taxing on anyone, but especially a 17 year old girl. She deserves better than that, imo.

I've said it before, and I'll say it once's to hoping a certain team of black and white take gold this year. I also hope Dylan's team kills it as World's and he has all the success in the world!
This is the part that gets me the most:

I've heard "a stunt is a group effort" more times than I need to in my lifetime. I know from experience that when you have a "weak" person in your group then it becomes a lot harder for that group to hit. That stunt group had been struggling for a while (or so they say on the show). So why is it, when Dylan left, Jessica got kicked off because "she was the weakest base and the stunt wasn't working". Are they blaming the whole stunt for not working on Jessica, even though they say over and over that a group succeeds together and a group fails together? So why not get rid of the whole stunt group? Get rid of Madi, get rid of Riley. Bring in a whole new group. They competed last month with 21 on the floor, with a new flyer in Madi's place. Why not kick Madi off too if the stunt could not hit with her? Or why not bring in a 22nd person for Jessica? They were already over the 20 person limit.

I mean, I can tell you why only Jessica was kicked off. *cough* blatant favoritism *cough*

And they want to talk about what's ethical and unethical. K.
*decided that they don't/never like/d someone based on captured, selected and edited verbiage/behavior, of which totals 10 minutes tops, and several tweets*... such excellent analytical skills. lol

i havent seen the episode, since i dont have an apple based device, but i'll wait till this weekend to draw any conclusions/critiques, since the reporting back from users on tweets/fb happenings/videos has been shown to be filled with hysteria, exaggerations, misinformation or flat out falsities.
Sounds like you just described the episode and how they decided to show the story.

Agreed. ;p

To the OP before this post: As for deciding you don't like someone based on social media---it's not that difficult to do. In my own real life, I've been part of probably 20 or 30 military/army/base specific groups as my husband has gone from post to post. Within the first few weeks of joining these groups at a new post, I can already tell you who I will and won't like. One girl specifically was a complete and total sweetheart in real life, but a raging b*tch online (she was a bully and part of a group that liked to torment others)...I couldn't never get over who she was online so irl, even though she was nice as can be, I never befriended her despite running in a similar group of friends. Who you are, how you act, and what you say the case of Cassidy, she's just not someone I'd gel with. Kinda like I can guarantee I wouldn't like you IRL either, but that's the beauty of discussion boards---you don't have to get along with/like everyone for it to work.

I feel bad for Dylan because I think, he personally, is going to get a lot of flack after next Sunday and none of it I believe he deserves. I went back to re-read his official announcement and it was nothing short of professional---he cited several issues at Cali; whether justified issues or not, he could have ramrodded them and opted not to. Even when asked flat out, he politely declined to respond and opted not to call Cali out for whatever it was he didn't like. This team clearly couldn't show him the same respect.
Agreed. ;p

To the OP before this post: As for deciding you don't like someone based on social media---it's not that difficult to do. In my own real life, I've been part of probably 20 or 30 military/army/base specific groups as my husband has gone from post to post. Within the first few weeks of joining these groups at a new post, I can already tell you who I will and won't like. One girl specifically was a complete and total sweetheart in real life, but a raging b*tch online (she was a bully and part of a group that liked to torment others)...I couldn't never get over who she was online so irl, even though she was nice as can be, I never befriended her despite running in a similar group of friends. Who you are, how you act, and what you say the case of Cassidy, she's just not someone I'd gel with. Kinda like I can guarantee I wouldn't like you IRL either, but that's the beauty of discussion boards---you don't have to get along with/like everyone for it to work.

I feel bad for Dylan because I think, he personally, is going to get a lot of flack after next Sunday and none of it I believe he deserves. I went back to re-read his official announcement and it was nothing short of professional---he cited several issues at Cali; whether justified issues or not, he could have ramrodded them and opted not to. Even when asked flat out, he politely declined to respond and opted not to call Cali out for whatever it was he didn't like. This team clearly couldn't show him the same respect.

Where was this supposed announcement explaining why he left... Just curious
I feel bad for Dylan because I think, he personally, is going to get a lot of flack after next Sunday and none of it I believe he deserves. I went back to re-read his official announcement and it was nothing short of professional---he cited several issues at Cali; whether justified issues or not, he could have ramrodded them and opted not to. Even when asked flat out, he politely declined to respond and opted not to call Cali out for whatever it was he didn't like. This team clearly couldn't show him the same respect.

he did not cite any issues. he kept it vague and didnt mention any specifics. this is what he wrote:

After being unhappy with several aspects of being in California since I arrived, a week ago I made the extremely difficult decision to leave Smoed & pursue other options in the USA.

and that was it. youre actually one of the people that likes to exaggerate and spread misinformation. this past week it was "new girl's stunt was falling" and this time it was "dylan cited specifics". even when you claim to double check, you still get it wrong. lol
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