OT Diet Diaries

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I've recently fell in love with all of the Special K food! I loveee the Original cereal, and I sometimes just eat it dry as a a quick little crunchy snack instead of having popcorn or pretzels. Their new chips are awesome too!! Sea Salt ones are 30 chips for 100 calories and the Sour Cream and Onion ones are very reasonable too with 27 chips for 110 calories. I have a cereal bar (the chocolate pretzel ones are DELISH) all the time with breakfast. Next I want to try the fruit crisp things. My mom and sister LOVE them, but I've never been a huge fan of fruity bars like that. It's so funny to look in my cabinet cause literally the whole bottom shelf is Special K!

Anyone have any Lean Cuisine (or similar healthy microwave meal) opinions? I tried the Beef and Macaroni (so basically Chop Suey) last night. It was alright, nothing to brag about. I also have a Marie Calendar fajita one to try.

So now, I've found lots of healthy foods I like. Next step is to make myself do more cardio and eliminate all the unhealthy foods I still eat. I have an elliptical, but never any motivation to do it... I get so bored on it haha even with the TV in front of me!!
My breakfast this morning: coffee with nonfat creamer and mini wheat little bites (omg I LOVE the chocolate ones!!!)
Oh! Another good thing for lunch (having it right now) is a pita pizza! Pita's are really good just put the sauce and lowfat cheese on top and put it in the oven for 12 minutes at 350 degrees and you're good to go! I'm having a banana with it.
I've recently fell in love with all of the Special K food! I loveee the Original cereal, and I sometimes just eat it dry as a a quick little crunchy snack instead of having popcorn or pretzels. Their new chips are awesome too!! Sea Salt ones are 30 chips for 100 calories and the Sour Cream and Onion ones are very reasonable too with 27 chips for 110 calories. I have a cereal bar (the chocolate pretzel ones are DELISH) all the time with breakfast. Next I want to try the fruit crisp things. My mom and sister LOVE them, but I've never been a huge fan of fruity bars like that. It's so funny to look in my cabinet cause literally the whole bottom shelf is Special K!

Anyone have any Lean Cuisine (or similar healthy microwave meal) opinions? I tried the Beef and Macaroni (so basically Chop Suey) last night. It was alright, nothing to brag about. I also have a Marie Calendar fajita one to try.

So now, I've found lots of healthy foods I like. Next step is to make myself do more cardio and eliminate all the unhealthy foods I still eat. I have an elliptical, but never any motivation to do it... I get so bored on it haha even with the TV in front of me!!
There's actually some pretty good Lean Cuisines! Some are pretty shabby though. I like cheese ravioli (but you don't get a lot, so have some fruit with it maybe), the pizzas are all good, and the pastas! And as far as staying motivated on the elliptical, i get sooo bored toO! I don't have a tv in front of me either! I just play music really loud on my laptop, usually a couple songs that are in my routine, and I try to keep my pace up with the beat. I try to go moderately fast the whole time, but for the last 2 minutes and 30 seconds, I go as fast as I can to get in shape for the routine! That's motivating thinking "By Worlds time getting through the routine will be easier!"
i've been trying to get in really good shape for worlds just by eating healthy and working out but i've always had huuuuge problem with snacking soo now when i want to snack i get crushed ice and snack on that. the special k cracker chips are great too. 30 chips for 110 calories! everyone keeps telling me how much smaller i look and asking me ow much weight i've lost but the scale says i havent lost any...so i guess im losing fat and gaining muscle? i hoope. haha
I've really been struggling today and yesterday :( :( I can not force myself to go down and work out right now! I'm just dreading it! & I've cheated a couple times on my diet and now I'm craving bad foods :( ughh, this sucks. Someone tell me I'm not the only one!
I've really been struggling today and yesterday :( :( I can not force myself to go down and work out right now! I'm just dreading it! & I've cheated a couple times on my diet and now I'm craving bad foods :( ughh, this sucks. Someone tell me I'm not the only one!

It's ok to eat the bad foods, just have a little bit! Everything can be good for you if you eat it in moderation. And to motivate yourself to workout, just think about how GOOD you'll feel when you're finished.
I've recently fell in love with all of the Special K food! I loveee the Original cereal, and I sometimes just eat it dry as a a quick little crunchy snack instead of having popcorn or pretzels. Their new chips are awesome too!! Sea Salt ones are 30 chips for 100 calories and the Sour Cream and Onion ones are very reasonable too with 27 chips for 110 calories. I have a cereal bar (the chocolate pretzel ones are DELISH) all the time with breakfast. Next I want to try the fruit crisp things. My mom and sister LOVE them, but I've never been a huge fan of fruity bars like that. It's so funny to look in my cabinet cause literally the whole bottom shelf is Special K!

Anyone have any Lean Cuisine (or similar healthy microwave meal) opinions? I tried the Beef and Macaroni (so basically Chop Suey) last night. It was alright, nothing to brag about. I also have a Marie Calendar fajita one to try.

So now, I've found lots of healthy foods I like. Next step is to make myself do more cardio and eliminate all the unhealthy foods I still eat. I have an elliptical, but never any motivation to do it... I get so bored on it haha even with the TV in front of me!!

I always have a box of Lean Cuisine BBQ Chicken Pizza and a Pasta (Rigatoni?) with Meatballs in the freezer lol those are my favorites but I haven't tried a whole lot of the others. I like the lasagna one too. The pasta one is in a bigger box, it's a lot of food, it says 30% more food or something but for some reason the meatballs in that one taste way better to me than the ones in the smaller pasta & meatballs version haha I love meatballs though.
I like the Smart Ones brand of microwave meals too. Didn't really like any of the Healthy Choice ones I tried.
I was obsessed with the Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal for awhile lol I do love the fruit crisps too, strawberry mmm. really liked the chips too but I got sick of them halfway through the box.
I've heard the elliptical is supposed to be easier than the treadmill, is that true? For some reason the elliptical kills my legs, I'd rather just run. Maybe I'm doing it wrong lol
I always have a box of Lean Cuisine BBQ Chicken Pizza and a Pasta (Rigatoni?) with Meatballs in the freezer lol those are my favorites but I haven't tried a whole lot of the others. I like the lasagna one too. The pasta one is in a bigger box, it's a lot of food, it says 30% more food or something but for some reason the meatballs in that one taste way better to me than the ones in the smaller pasta & meatballs version haha I love meatballs though.
I like the Smart Ones brand of microwave meals too. Didn't really like any of the Healthy Choice ones I tried.
I was obsessed with the Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal for awhile lol I do love the fruit crisps too, strawberry mmm. really liked the chips too but I got sick of them halfway through the box.
I've heard the elliptical is supposed to be easier than the treadmill, is that true? For some reason the elliptical kills my legs, I'd rather just run. Maybe I'm doing it wrong lol
You aren't doing it wrong haha it's the same for me. I personally think it's next to impossible to run for 30 minutes on the treadmill, but I feel like I can do it on the elliptical. It is really hard and I sweat like I just got a bucket of water poured on me and my legs burn, but idk maybe it's the smoothness of the machine or that your feet are planted and not pounding down that makes it easier? I have also read in a lot of places that an elliptical can help you burn more calories than a treadmill because it uses your arms too, so you're engaging more muscles and getting a full body workout. I also like that there are different categories on the elliptical. On mine I have a manual, strength, hill, fatburn, cardio, etc. and you can set your age, weight, and time and the machine raises and lowers its resistance to be harder and easier on your legs at different points in the workout. Idk I really like the benefits of the elliptical and to me it's gentler than a treadmill but just as effective, and it has worked for me. Team Elliptical!!
A few of my teammates, sorority sisters, and now roommate are all trying the Special K diet. I did this diet I think during Junior year..it was great for a little while until I actually got really sick of Special K. It's a great diet if you want to just shed off a few pounds sorta quickly, but by no means is this a long term diet. IMO this diet is more for marketing purposes than anything.

My diet habits are probably the worst. Ever...I eat a lot pretty much whenever I am hungry. For some reason if I try dieting or alter my eating habits I always end up gaining weight versus losing weight. I have pretty much been eating the same since the beginning of high school. I don't drink soda, I typically have an apple or some sort of fruit everyday. I am definitely an advocate for granola bars etc., but I can never just have a granola bar so usually I put it with like a fruitcup or something for a snack. I eat some form of peanut butter almost everyday :) haha my main focus is simply staying healthy versus losing a ton of weight. So far that hasn't steered me wrong! I think the only thing I would change is my work out habits..I need to get in a rhythm for working out and keep it consistent. That is going to be my personal challenge for this summer! I did have a gym membership, but I almost prefer working in the comfort of my own home and doing my cardio around my local area-I think I am going to try this approach for the summer and we'll see if its more consistent.
Whoever suggested the "Lose It!" app... I love it!! Downloaded to my iPod so I'll be able to update frequently :) Tells you how many calories you should consume a day based on how much you want to lose. Enter all your meals and exercises for the day and it lets you know how many calories you have left. So helpful!
I use My Fitness Pal. They have an app for Droids (and iPhone, too, I'm sure) and the online tracker. My favorite feature is the button that you click that says "If every day were like today (in terms of food and exercise), you would weigh XXX pounds in 5 weeks". That's such a motivator! IDK why but it is for me.

Ellipticals are definitely hard on your legs the first few times, but you get used to them. They are SO much better for your joints than a treadmill. I will never go on a treadmill again if I don't have to.

And I basically live off Lean Cuisines...haha. My dad never has ANY healthy food in his fridge so I always stock up on those. There are so many good ones! Just try 'em all. Try and stick with pastas and chicken dishes, though, as they tend to be better. The beef and "seafood" ones aren't always as tasty.

Be careful with Marie Callendars...those usually aren't healthy meals, just convenient.
Watch out for the sodium content of Lean Cuisines and other frozen meals. They usually have tons of sodium which can cause you to retain water and lead to high blood pressure. Also for those of us living in colder climates where soup is a staple (during the 50+ inches of snow Missouri got this winter I lived on Campbells chicken noodle and tortilla soups hahaha), watch out for sodium content of the soups!

I try to eat fairly healthy all the time, but right now my favorite lunch consists of a sandwich with one piece of bread or half of a bagel thin for the bottom, then turkey or chicken deli meat, with a big piece of romaine lettuce for the top of the sandwich. Using lettuce saves me from eating too many carbs and lowers calorie content, but still let's me have some carbs (i'm a serious carboholic). It's so good if you put a little bit of fat free salad dressing on the bread!
I never had to watch what I ate and never really worked out besides at practice. But I got hurt and had to take a month off because I couldnt tumble or even walk very well. During that month I did nothing but eat, I ate all of my feelings lol. I would eat all day till around 3 in the morning. Extra butter popcorn was my favorite meal to eat before bed. Now I didnt gain weight I in fact lost a couple pounds. But all of my muscle turned into fat. Now Im back and freaking out because worlds is in 46 days (http://countdown.onlineclock.net/) and I dont have my old body. Ive been working out this whole week like crazy and have seen some improvements, I have also TRIED eating healthy but its really hard. This is the first time in my life that I have to actually work out and eat healthy and its really hard and I dont like it =[.

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