All-Star Fake Social Networking Accounts

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Guys I know this doesn't have much to do with fake accounts but there is a girl named Logan Monty who is photoshopping her face into pictures of girls on a bunch of different teams, mostly Cheer Athletics teams, and pretends to be on other teams. But she doesn't cheer at all.
Oh but this has EVERYTHING to do with this thread... Disturbing. To say the least.
Are you for real??? :banghead:
That Amanda Powell girl on Twitter that pretended to be a member of CEA Sr Elite this past season

I sent her a message on facebook during worlds weekend (she had her facebook link on her twitter) telling her that I don't think the athletes, coaches, or parents of CEA would appreciate her pretending to be a member of their team when she was bashing the other large senior teams that weekend and that people know she is lying and linked her to the fierceboard. She took the link off of her twitter, never replied to me, and deleted several of her twitter posts about other teams but continued to pretend to be a member of the team. Now she has posted that she tried out for her high school team and made JV so maybe she has dropped the CEA thing but at one time she was pretending to be a member.

I think the fakes of athletes and even 95% of the facebook groups for these athletes are creepy seeing as how these athletes are underage. If I were their parents I would be scared to death to let them walk around at competitions alone.
This entire thread makes me feel so bad for those girls. I guess I never knew the fake thing was that out of control. I have always been weirded out by the "fan" pages for these athletes that are out of control but never knew how many actually made profiles pretending to be these girls. Somethings these athletes also need to remember is DO NOT ADD EVERYONE WHO SENDS A REQUEST. Like I posted earlier, Facebook should be for personal friends and family only. If an athlete wants to stay in touch with "fans" then they should make their own "fan page" that does not include access to their private lives off the mat. Just look at Whitney Love, she is a sweetheart and loves all of the people who look up to her, but it is sad that she has 2 facebooks because she has too many friends on the other. She shouldn't have to have 2 facebooks because everyone and their mom wants to be her facebook friend. I can barely manage my 1 facebook I couldn't even imagine having to deal with 2.
REally? You never knew?

Funny thing is, I know the girl who the body belongs to.


Wildcats and Fiercekatz... Impressive.


I screenshotted this. She put this whip doub on her instagram. This is actually one of my closest friends. She had uploaded it on Facebook earlier- and Logan took it and claimed it as her own.. She does not even have a handspring from what I've heard.
For those who don't have twitter, here is the average cheerleader's timeline.

Follow Susy, she's a Cheer Athletics Cheetahs! (in reality she's an alternate)

Where's my worlds ring? I just want it now!

Lady Bullets should've won small senior #sorrynotsorry

Kelsey Rule and Matt Smith should get married *insert sucking up here*

Follow me on instagram!

Dumb tweet from cheer twitter trying to be cool

THERE ARE TOO MANY CHEER TWITTERS (nah really? i didn't see someone say that 3 tweets ago)

*insert voiceover from any team, probably f5, panthers, or orange*

OMG *insert someone from one direction (who sucks btw)* FOLLOW ME OR YOU SHOULD FOLLOW *insert random cheerlebrity* SHE'S A ______

*insert a bunch of retweets of someone sucking up to someone who thinks they are all that and a bag of chips*

Maddie is on the cover of the magazine, again. Why is everyone so obsessed with her? She's not even that good, she just wants fame *instert tweet about wanting everyone to follow them because they are on a famous team*

*insert rude joke about holden*

HOT SHOTS IN A MONTH (okay, you tweeted about that 10 minutes ago)

I got so wasted last night. (you are SO classy)

DREW! OMG I LOVE YOU (but in all honesty i love him too)

But here's my number, so call me maybe!

What's the tea?

Worlds sucked this year, where is worlds 2013?

I have a straight leg, follow me!



Craptastic allstars and Tranny allstars are best friends! #sisterteams (but in reality they actually hate each other)

Am I missing anything?

She doesn't even go here!

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