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Some girls down my hall had a cat and our RA was cool with it but the RD (Resident Director.. aka head of all the RAs) found out and they couldn't keep it :(
My brother brought home a cat after his sophomore year at college. His dorm was on the ground floor facing the back of the building and he and his roommate would just let it go outside when it wanted to. After years of begging our parents for a pet and never getting one, he brings home this dang cat that my parents fell in love with and let him keep. And then they kept the cat when he went back for his junior year since he moved off campus and in the lease it said no pets.
I have a fun story about pets in dorms. My previous dorms also had a no pet rule (except for fish, I think,) though that didn't stop a few people. But one girl had a pet frog that eats live crickets. And one time the bag of live crickets was knocked on the floor and broke apart…. crickets everywhere! Hers and the surrounding rooms kept finding crickets (dead and alive) in their rooms for the rest of the semester. Luckily, that was at the other wing of the dorms and on the second floor so I was unaffected. But man, if I were next door to her, I would be so P.O.ed.
I posted this in parents, but I'll ask here too. Could use "younger people" thoughts on this.

My child, who is 11, bought herself a new phone. She now wants a Tumblr. I don't know anything about tumblr or if it's appropriate.

She's a very introverted, nerdy, super smart kid. She's not into celebrity/cheerlebrity/dancelebrity type people. She only has a small circle of girls she is close to, and then friends from dance and volleyball that I think she would follow (that's what you do on tumblr right? Follow?). She likes things like Dr Who and Minecraft, Irish dance, ballet, and volleyball.

Thoughts? Tumblr an OK thing for her to get?

Old mom who's just now getting the hang of Twitter :(

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As others have said, monitor it. I followed a blog I liked and a few days later it turned into a full blown sex blog and I started freaking out about how in the world am I following this. I think tumblr is nice and I like it although it has some blogs showing teenage depression, eating disorders, etc and she should avoid those.

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tumblr can be an awesome place, but there are negatives, as with any site. i am 100% introverted and maybe a nerd (i prefer bookworm:p) and tumblr is like this whole little universe just like you that gets you. it can also be an amazing support system. i've seen someone blog post about being suicidal and the amount of love and people willing to talk that swarm in is amazing. they also "signal boost" a lot of seriously important topics. they're also quite silly. i am not into dr. who, but it comes up constantly, so i know she'll enjoy that aspect. i follow a lot of dance blogs and they're wonderful. it can really act as a support group for any part of life, as well.
This X 100000000000
@Just-a-Mom i know you already got quite a few responses... tumblr can be an awesome place, but there are negatives, as with any site. i am 100% introverted and maybe a nerd (i prefer bookworm:p) and tumblr is like this whole little universe just like you that gets you. it can also be an amazing support system. i've seen someone blog post about being suicidal and the amount of love and people willing to talk that swarm in is amazing. they also "signal boost" a lot of seriously important topics. they're also quite silly. i am not into dr. who, but it comes up constantly, so i know she'll enjoy that aspect. i follow a lot of dance blogs and they're wonderful. it can really act as a support group for any part of life, as well.

Related info, but if you search for posts with certain tags (like "self harm", "eating disorders", "suicide") the creators grey out the searches in the background and a window pops up with how to get help for those who need it. It's really quite amazing because you don't see that kind of interaction and compassion for complete strangers on any other part of the internet.
Wow - Lots of great advice. She's still stranded in VA waiting for an open flight home to Chicago, but when she gets home we'll sit down and talk about it. I learned the hard way with my older one that if I just forbid it she's liable to get one anyway and I just won't know (although my younger one is less sneaky and I'm wiser now, I still assume she'll be able to get some things past me). I think my safest bet is to allow it but monitor it.

Thanks for all the input!

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[quot e="maddieosaurus, post: 837165, member: 25020"]Where???? Omg I need one in my life

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Ordered mine this morning!

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Get a sparkly backpack!

I really feel like this advice could have stopped here, and still been the greatest life advice ever. I think I'm just going to say this from now on, when people are having a tough time with a decision.

"I just don't know what to do about my job... "
"Get a sparkly backpack!"

SN: when I opened the thread it went to your post first, so I read "Get a sparkly backpack!" first, before I read the backpack posts. :D I was like "what is she answering with that advice?!"

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Nope, no way am I paying £85 for a bag. Especially when Nfinity only charge $85. Sad times :(

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