OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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literally in the worst mood.
I went to Michaels and they had the fujifilm instax cameras $50 off, and i have always wanted one and so i texted my parents and asked and they said yeah sure go for it, so i bought it. Then i get home and i show it to them and they FREAK OUT because its a film camera/polaroid, and they thought it was a waste of money so they made me feel like crap for wanting it and i just feel like crying because it was something i really loved and i was just beyond mad at this point, so i drove back and returned it. I'm just frustrated because i can't spend money on myself on stuff i ACTUALLY WANT, but they can buy me gifts that are more expensive that i don't even want? frustrated, so frustrated.
So sorry sweetie. I know my cp really wanted one. Sometimes we say no and it's for a greater good. I know it sucks. Maybe they just thought you'd be wasting your money on the film or wouldn't use it except for a few pics and then it would be a waste and that you could buy something even better that would provide more fun or enjoyment in the long run. I know, you still want it. But that's why I haven't bought it for my daughter yet. I kind of feel like she'll use it through the first set of film and then we won't want to spend the money on the film or that after she uses it a few times she'll be like, what do I do with all these little pics?
Chin up!
@AllstarObsession - here is some mom advice. Your posts bother me - not because of you as a person, but because you are so young and you shouldn't be playing mommy and housewife at your age and it makes me angry that you are. As much as I wanted to say something about it in the past, I have kept quiet about it, because you haven't asked for advice but now that you have I'm going to be straight up. You shouldn't be raising someone else's child at your age. I know love is blind and you don't see it, but from your past posts it doesn't sound like your man appreciates what you do and is much of a support system for you. It sounds like you work your tail off and are being taken for granted. I honestly wouldn't be the least bit surprised if a few years down the road you find yourself single. You are NINETEEN!!! You should be having fun with your friends, going on dates with your boyfriend, going away for weekends, etc. This is the only time in your life where you have that freedom, and you are more strapped and have more responsibilities than most 30 year olds.
As far as the Air Force, if it is something you would do if you were not with your fiance, then do it. It is a huge commitment though, so I would only join if you really have your heart set on doing so. It will lead to so many new opportunities for you! However, regardless of whether you join or not, please take a look at your life and evaluate if you are getting as much from your partner as you are putting forth. Your life shouldn't be so hard at this age!!
Good luck to you with whatever your decision is!

:shimmy: :shimmy: :shimmy:

All of this and more. @AllstarObsession please listen to what she has said. As a mother and a woman who has lived a little more life than you, you need to do what is best for YOU. Please don't limit yourself with your boyfriend and his child. You. Are. Too. Young. Go be young. Have fun. Go to school. Go into the military if that's what you want to do.

Since I'm not real familiar with your situation, can I ask, how old is your boyfriend? And his child lives with his own mother or your boyfriend's mother?

While I respect his unwillingness to move because he has a son, that is not your problem or responsibility.
Can anyone tell me how strict United is with their carry on sizes? My backpack is around two inches taller than they allow for a personal item, and the bag I was thinking of taking as a carry on is two inches too long.
I don't know anything about United, but I do know how unbelievably annoying it is to be stuck behind someone whose bag won't fit in the overhead compartment. (whether it's at check-in, security, or the plane itself)

Any number of things could be the case:
1. They'll tell you at security it's too big and you'll have to go back and pay to check it
2. You'll get on the flight and it won't fit and after 5 minutes of wrestling with it, you'll give up and have to check it. By then, everyone will be mad.

Don't be that person. It's Christmas - ain't nobody got time for your bag problems.

(I mean this with love and a smile lol)
Can anyone tell me how strict United is with their carry on sizes? My backpack is around two inches taller than they allow for a personal item, and the bag I was thinking of taking as a carry on is two inches too long.
My family's been in this situation twice with United. The first time, my brother had a carry on about that same size over and they didn't care. The second time, my dad had one that was about an inch over and they told him to check it. I think a lot of it depends on who is checking your bags and how full your flight is.
Just a thought for everyone. but maybe @AllstarObsession 's boyfriend can't follow her because of a child support decree? Several of my friends have to stay within the state and one has to stay within 10 miles of her daughter's school! They would need to see a judge to be able to move.

My one comment to @AllstarObsession is that you shouldn't have any issues getting a job with a nursing degree. You could go most anywhere and find work. You have been working hard to get where you are with it. "If" the military is not a dream in itself and is just a way to obtain it; I think that I would focus solely on that instead.
How many hours are you all taking to have 14 and 7 finals?!?! I am taking 15 hours (5 classes) and I only have two exams. The other two classes had projects that I turned in last week, and one class all I had to do was show up and eat pizza that my teacher ordered for our class as my "final"... I think I would jump off my balcony if I had 14 finals...:oops:
Just a thought for everyone. but maybe @AllstarObsession 's boyfriend can't follow her because of a child support decree? Several of my friends have to stay within the state and one has to stay within 10 miles of her daughter's school! They would need to see a judge to be able to move.

My one comment to @AllstarObsession is that you shouldn't have any issues getting a job with a nursing degree. You could go most anywhere and find work. You have been working hard to get where you are with it. "If" the military is not a dream in itself and is just a way to obtain it; I think that I would focus solely on that instead.
Agree with your first point - mandated or not I don't blame him for not wanting to leave his child. It was her prior posts where I feel she giving far more than she is taking.
Nursing jobs are hard to come by in my area so I'm glad to see it isn't the case throughout the country. For the most part, the only jobs available are per diem, so no set schedule and absolutely zero benefits. I feel so badly for recent graduates who started their nursing program when there was a job shortage!
How many hours are you all taking to have 14 and 7 finals?!?! I am taking 15 hours (5 classes) and I only have two exams. The other two classes had projects that I turned in last week, and one class all I had to do was show up and eat pizza that my teacher ordered for our class as my "final"... I think I would jump off my balcony if I had 14 finals...:oops:
Grad school is different, at least for me. I'm technically only taking 18 credits, even though I'm in class 38 hours a week minimum (don't want to talk about that lol). But most of my classes have two finals, a written and a practical.
I'm having a quarter life crisis and I need help.

So this whole raised rent business is stressing me the heck out. We haven't found any apartment we can move to yet :/.

About six months ago, I went and saw a recruiter for the Air Force. They told me I had to wait six months before we could proceed with anything. I just got a call from my recruiter saying that they're ready for me. I haven't signed anything, so it's up to me completely.

Here's the thing though, Rob and I are much more settled into our relationship now. He also has his kid that lives with his mom and comes to us on weekends so he can't leave the area. So if I do this Air Force thing, it would pretty much be the end for us and it's stressing me the heck out. The closest base to my town is still over an hour, and he's said that he's completely unwilling to leave the area.

Even if I didn't do the Military route, what if I get all the way through nursing school and can't find a job in the area..? He still wouldn't be able to leave and I'd be in the same situation.

A big part of me is all for going because of everything it would do for me. The military has so many benefits that can't even list them. I'm still 19, I shouldn't have the stressors that I do right now, like picking his kid up from school on time and going over his report card with his teacher because his mom didn't. I don't want to limit myself for the rest of my life, especially if our relationship ends up crashing and burning 5-10 years down the line.

Another part of me is worried that I'm just panicking because things are pretty unstable now. I would hate to end my frickin engagement because things got a little rocky and I freaked out. I love him a lot, and we have a great relationship. A week ago, I was saying that I didn't want to leave for the military anymore, so I would hate to take this huge step and regret it forever.

I just don't know what to do.

Pretty much everything @quitthedrama said. I've also picked up ona lot of things in your posts, but this discussion you're having right now? It's something you discuss when you're considering a serious relationship with someone, not with someone you're already engaged to. Saying you're much more settled into your relationship now, raises red flags for me.

You're so young, don't limit your options because of this. Part of being married is being willing to follow your partner if an opportunity presents itself. I get that he has a kid, but to say he's absolutely, completely unwilling to even consider moving is incredibly selfish and unfair to you. You have your whole life ahead of you, you really don't want to tie yourself down like this. I just don't want to see you resenting him down the road because you gave up your dreams to stay in Cali with him.
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How many hours are you all taking to have 14 and 7 finals?!?! I am taking 15 hours (5 classes) and I only have two exams. The other two classes had projects that I turned in last week, and one class all I had to do was show up and eat pizza that my teacher ordered for our class as my "final"... I think I would jump off my balcony if I had 14 finals...:oops:

it's grad school and an accelerated program that turns a five year schedule into three. we take 28-32 credits at a time and have trimesters (basically an added summer semester so we go year round.) in one calendar year i've done 91 credits in this program. you kind of become numb to it, honestly.
Ugh I need to rant! So we got the dreaded phone call in school today-the inspectors are in tomorrow for 2 days. We know what they want to do - they're looking to close our school to save some money. Never mind we are an oversubscribed school in an incredibly deprived inner city area. Never mind we provide wrap around care for the kids from 7am to 9pm, btw we're a high school (age 11-18 in the UK). They're supposed to call by 2pm the day prior, we got the call at 1:55!!! They're also just sending 5 inspectors instead of 10, which shows that they've already made up their minds and they're only on an evidence finding mission. Me and the rest of my colleagues have thrown our heart and soul into this school and neighbourhood. There's gangs, drugs, shootings etc on a daily basis and we provide a safe haven for the extended community. I run after school music/drama/theatre clubs every single day and then race to coach cheer 3 nights a week. The local education authority had allowed our school to decline and done nothing to support it and now OFSTED will come in and put us in special measures. Then they'll either force us to become an academy (bad, bad, BAD idea) or close us altogether. My heart is breaking and there is nothing we can do about it. I stayed in school till 9pm tonight prepping and have now just finished working at home at 11pm, I'll be back in school at 7am tomorrow and it's all for nothing! We've got to be seen to be doing it, when we all know the inevitable outcome. I'm sorry it's just sh1t!

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Ugh I need to rant! So we got the dreaded phone call in school today-the inspectors are in tomorrow for 2 days. We know what they want to do - they're looking to close our school to save some money. Never mind we are an oversubscribed school in an incredibly deprived inner city area. Never mind we provide wrap around care for the kids from 7am to 9pm, btw we're a high school (age 11-18 in the UK). They're supposed to call by 2pm the day prior, we got the call at 1:55!!! They're also just sending 5 inspectors instead of 10, which shows that they've already made up their minds and they're only on an evidence finding mission. Me and the rest of my colleagues have thrown our heart and soul into this school and neighbourhood. There's gangs, drugs, shootings etc on a daily basis and we provide a safe haven for the extended community. I run after school music/drama/theatre clubs every single day and then race to coach cheer 3 nights a week. The local education authority had allowed our school to decline and done nothing to support it and now OFSTED will come in and put us in special measures. Then they'll either force us to become an academy (bad, bad, BAD idea) or close us altogether. My heart is breaking and there is nothing we can do about it. I stayed in school till 9pm tonight prepping and have now just finished working at home at 11pm, I'll be back in school at 7am tomorrow and it's all for nothing! We've got to be seen to be doing it, when we all know the inevitable outcome. I'm sorry it's just sh1t!

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I am so sorry you are having to deal with it. I live in the south and there have been lots of academies with not much sucess in my area.

I am moving to wales and to save money they are building a super school (4-18) and going to try and make primary age kids travel over an hour each way to school

You might be in a deprived area but fight for all you can schools are safe havens and really fight OFSTED if there is enough stink they might actually help
Ugh I need to rant! So we got the dreaded phone call in school today-the inspectors are in tomorrow for 2 days. We know what they want to do - they're looking to close our school to save some money. Never mind we are an oversubscribed school in an incredibly deprived inner city area. Never mind we provide wrap around care for the kids from 7am to 9pm, btw we're a high school (age 11-18 in the UK). They're supposed to call by 2pm the day prior, we got the call at 1:55!!! They're also just sending 5 inspectors instead of 10, which shows that they've already made up their minds and they're only on an evidence finding mission. Me and the rest of my colleagues have thrown our heart and soul into this school and neighbourhood. There's gangs, drugs, shootings etc on a daily basis and we provide a safe haven for the extended community. I run after school music/drama/theatre clubs every single day and then race to coach cheer 3 nights a week. The local education authority had allowed our school to decline and done nothing to support it and now OFSTED will come in and put us in special measures. Then they'll either force us to become an academy (bad, bad, BAD idea) or close us altogether. My heart is breaking and there is nothing we can do about it. I stayed in school till 9pm tonight prepping and have now just finished working at home at 11pm, I'll be back in school at 7am tomorrow and it's all for nothing! We've got to be seen to be doing it, when we all know the inevitable outcome. I'm sorry it's just sh1t!

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I'm so sorry to hear this! A few of my friends are teachers in similar areas and my godmother is an ex teacher from Croxeth so I've heard so many stories... I cannot stand Michael Gove but I want you to know that your work will not go unnoticed. The work that inspiring teachers do stays with students forever; just last week my whole class sent a Happy Birthday card to one of our GCSE teachers because he was someone who truly cared. I haven't seen the bloke in 6 years so you get the drift! Good luck tomorrow! X

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