New Usasf Rules For Next Year

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Here's my take on all the new rules.
The other silly rule for me is double fulls only from running tumbling. Standing three to a double is no more dangerous than running. I understand restricting the bounding skills, because I do know a lot of knee injuries happen when working up to these skills. .

But what you said here is important--- injuries happen working up to these skills-- USASF cites injury reports from event producers at events as their reasoning for rule changes, not injury reports from gym owners or insurance claims from insurance companies.
The uniform restrictions will hurt teams with Senior crossovers. I suspect many, perhaps a majority, of gyms have them. Who is going to buy two $300 uniforms. Yet another benefit for the large mega gyms. SMH
Why doesn't the USASF consider expanding the number of levels they have? Make for more progression time into the harder tumbling skills, instead of just banning them altogether.

And I'm stratching my head wondering why only change the age on youth? Was something wrong with the youth being to age 11? I didn't think so!
I'm just a little confused as to why they didn't set a uniform standard when half tops first came out. My cp has been cheering for 5 seasons. The gym she started at never had half tops for the youth & mini teams. She could hardly wait to wear a half top. Now that she is on a senior team and she has been wearing a half top, I can't see going back. The full length tops tend to pull upward when arms are lifted anyhow. I don't understand.
If I remember correctly they had proposed restricting half tops a few times (a few years ago) with no luck. I am glad the finally did, these uniforms are getting smaller and smaller and there is no reason for it. Some of the shirts out there look more like belts.
I see some faces here I know. I'm so upset over many of the changes. They make absolutely no sense to me. I don't appreciate the USASF telling me that my child can't wear boots into a competition venue. It's cold during competition season - and the kids are NOT supposed to walk in with their cheer shoes on. This is a parenting decision - not something for USASF to decide.
I have to admit i'm glad they're restricting uniforms on the younger cheerleaders - i'm a pageant girl and nothing annoys me more than some of the outfits the kids on Toddlers and Tiaras wear. This is kind of the same principle, and I also think full tops look better on kids anyways. Mind you in recent years i've found myself going "OWOW how does she not bust out of that uniform?" at certain teams who seem to use less and less fabric each year.

As for tumbling restrictions - brain. does. not. compute. It's like stepping back in time. I couldn't tumble to save my life when I cheered, I was genuinely rubbish, but that doesn't mean I want everyone else to be brought to my level so the playing field is a bit more even. Could you see the NFL taking out Tom Brady, the Manning brothers, all the genuinely talented QBs, to make things easier for the other teams? No.

USASF, you messed up.

I totally agree with you with the tumbling. Although, with the half tops, I don't like how only seniors can wear them. I think if youth, junior, and senior could all be allowed to wear half tops, I would agree with it. This is because youth, junior, and senior are the divisions in which there is non-stop action, and you actually get a work out, and you get sweaty. Tiny and mini are not as competitive.
I am most confused about the bow size rule... for what purpose was this rule inducted?

I think this is one of the few rules that might actually make sense. Some teams have bows where the tails hang in the athletes' eyes. Sometimes they fall out and someone ends up tripping on it.
I could care less about the uniforms, uniforms aren't what make the team. Now, TUMBLING is a BIG part of it. Why are we all so worried about the unis rather than the tumbling rules crisis? Talent > uniforms
I could care less about the uniforms, uniforms aren't what make the team. Now, TUMBLING is a BIG part of it. Why are we all so worried about the unis rather than the tumbling rules crisis? Talent > uniforms

I think people care about it all. I agree with the choreography and music guidelines - and that's about it. I understand they want the sport to be safer - and that is a great goal. So let's do that - through accreditation of coaches, uniform scoring at competitions, serious deductions for tumbling and stunting not up to par - these are things that will help make the industry safer. While we're at it - let's look at the competition companies - how about making sure that teams have adequate warm up time at comps and a regulation sized practice space. On a lesser note, I do also care about the uniforms. My kid is only 11, but she and I both much prefer the crop tops. She is more comfortable and I think most gyms' unis are tasteful. Yes, a few gyms have unis that go too far - again - why aren't those teams given deductions at comps over and over again - forcing them to adherence. There are ways to manage uniforms without going overboard. The rules they came up with do not even make sense. According to the new rules, it's okay for a 10 yo on sr. 3 to wear a crop top - but not her 13 yo sis on Jr. 4.
I see some faces here I know. I'm so upset over many of the changes. They make absolutely no sense to me. I don't appreciate the USASF telling me that my child can't wear boots into a competition venue. It's cold during competition season - and the kids are NOT supposed to walk in with their cheer shoes on. This is a parenting decision - not something for USASF to decide.

okay wear the boots in, and when your there have her change, no one should be wearing uggs or boots WITH their uniform. when a person is in uniform, they should be in FULL uniform, that means sneakers too.
okay wear the boots in, and when your there have her change, no one should be wearing uggs or boots WITH their uniform. when a person is in uniform, they should be in FULL uniform, that means sneakers too.

Yes, I agree, and that's what we always do. But I didn't read the rule that way though. My kid doesn't even have UGG boots - nor would she ever walk around in them with her uniform. That's not my point. I read it to mean that they could not wear any outwear not sanctioned by the your gym into a competition venue at any time - including sweatpants, boots etc.
This is my third post. I've been lurking here forever...since the pro x days. The method and content of the USASF rule changes have finally motivated me to post. I just spent four hours reading the main thread in the allstar section. I am stunned. Tumbling changes and "image" guidelines should have been subjected to the same level of scrutiny as every other rule change! The lack of transparency is tantamount to a dictatorship. And the fact that the board is comprised mainly of Varsity brand members should tell people that there could be an agenda beyond the safety issue that is being currently broadcast.

I can't personally say what's best for the future of allstars, and I truly believe neither can the USASF. Without input from a wide variety of sources, the rule changes seem arbitrary. And now it seems even more arbitrary since they've removed the original documents and sent an e-mail about reviewing the changes based on the blow up over the past 24 hours.

I don't know how many people read the newbie thread, but I feel compelled to voice my opinion like so many others. I won't comment on the tumbling changes except to say I do not agree with them. I feel like those changes will be the primary focus of the current review and are likely to be reversed or at least modified to something similar to what they were yesterday afternoon.

Instead, I want to address the "image" guidelines. First, I don't necessarily disagree with the uniform changes. But I do disagree with a governing body attempting to dictate "image." I appreciate the effort to achieve reccognition as a sport. Dictating image is not the way to do it. Image does not make a sport. Otherwise, pro athletics would have fallen apart years ago amid steroid abuse, murders, guns charges, drug abuse, domestic violence, and so on. Image should be left up to gym owners, coaches and parents. Gyms who want to look trashy can set that image. Gyms who want a clean appearance can set that image. Parents can seek gyms who represent similar morals and values. It's a consumer-driven business at the gym level and parents can easily influence a gym's image.

MORE THAN ANYTHING within the image guidelines, I am deeply offended and appalled at dictating to the men that they must be less "theatrical." This discrimination from a sport that has historically embraced everyone--male, female, black, white, hispanic, asian--EVERYONE. In the past, the lack of discrimination made me proud to be a part of cheer. My cp has been raised in allstars and appreciates and celebrates the differences and similarities of all of her friends. She does not judge and does not tolerate intolerance. Cheerleading is a large part of the reason why. When I read through the other thread, I was disgusted to see my gym owner's name attributed to a comment regarding male theatrics. I don't know if he said this or if the poster was mistaken. It was an attempt to explain why USASF would dictate what could be called openly gay flamboyance. The reason? Because straight guys would be put out and not attracted to cheerleading as a sport. Okay, ignorance. If it bothers you that much, then go play football or soccer or basketball or anything. I would prefer we not associate with judgmental homophobes anyway, so it's no great loss. The problem is that someone actually articulated this, whether or not it was my cp's gym owner, and someone actually wrote it down and then someone actually published it, and the USASF actually supported it. Apparently USASF does not know the sport of cheerleading as well as they believe they do.
If Usasf wants full tops for the teams that have half tops then Usasf should pay for it ALL!!!! My sister just gor her new half top my mom shouldn't pay ANOTHER 250 for ANOTHER top ( thats for all parents) just cause Usasf doesnt like them!!!! That's bull young or not half tops are cuter and full tops are ugly that's just my opinion!!!
half tops are SO much more comfortable too. truthfully idk how boys compete in a full top lol. because like like suffocate me lmao. half tops ARE a big part of the all star image. i get that they are trying to improve the image and i agree with a select few things they came up with, like the skirt and short length. but really theyre going to CHANGE the entire image, not just fix it here and there. i personally i dont think its for the best, i think it is a step back. having your stomach show doesnt make you less of an athlete. i agree that some tops are too small, but thats a sizing and design issue, coaches and reps need to take the team theyre designing for into mind rather then designing the uniform to the smallest girl on the team only. the great thing about the ECE uniforms, and the CEA uniforms, and the Cali uniforms, is they look great on EVERYONE, some teams just go to risque and then dont look as good in them, but not everyone should be penalized for that. and i agree it should be a parental decision whether theyre child wears a half top or not. if they are against it maybe they find a gym with full tops. or theyre kid does school cheer instead. no one is FORCING anyone to wear them. and lets all remember, most kids wear bathing suits and stuff in public which cover a lot less then a uniform. and lets face it, most youth girls look better in half tops then seniors, because they are so tiny usually. its not like anyone is taking away their youth by putting them in a crop vs a full top. JMO

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