All-Star Nightline Episode

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I have no doubt I'll continue to be the hair girl for my CP14 even though I totally suck at the pouf and it's usually dramatic between us.... But all things considered I'm going to cherish every second that I still have the chance to do her hair at all :)

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I'm 26 and I still bug someone on my team to do my hair. My poof is awful. I can't curl my hair either. My mom sucked at doing my hair growing up - we used to do foam curlers because she could actually handle that.
I was taking a quote from that post, but I didn't mean just that post. Iv seen so many on the board complain of cheerleaders not taken seriously because our over the top glam. But that's just part of our sport, why are we stuck on what others think about our sparkly eye shadow and big hair? Iv personally never heard someone say "We cant take you seriously/You're not a real sport because of those lashes and bows" Like I said it was just a young teen complaining to her mom which is far from out of the norm of even the most well behaved teens. I think "Outsiders" could see it as that.

Unfortunately I've heard people say that a lot.
^^^ Or a hot curling iron!

Not saying I was swearing at her, but there was a lot of:

"Mom it's supposed to be like this."
"Girl if you don't stop and hold still.."
"It's not gonna stay like that!"
"It's not high enough" (the pony)
"Fix it yourself girl bye."

Because the struggle was real.

You have just recited the conversation I have with my cp when I do her hair - and I'm white! LOL
So I just watched it and at the beginning like the intro into the episode they say for carly that it's almost to much pressure like she can't handle it and he flash and show her before worlds but I swear during the worlds part of the episode they portray her is the only one unfazed and not under stress. Maybe I remember incorrectly as I didn't watch it again to verify I heard wrong but if I'm right that's a little contradicting! Lol

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^^^ Or a hot curling iron!

Not saying I was swearing at her, but there was a lot of:

"Mom it's supposed to be like this."
"Girl if you don't stop and hold still.."
"It's not gonna stay like that!"
"It's not high enough" (the pony)
"Fix it yourself girl bye."

Because the struggle was real.

I was taught to keep my mouth shut and let a lone hot tear trickle down my face.

Southern problems

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That hair situation that Gabi was enduring did look painful and time consuming - I'd be grumpy too of someone was doing that to my hair! It's probably just as awful combing and washing it all out too. CA really has some crazy hair compared to some other gyms.

For some reason I don't mind the makeup and spray tans, but I just really dislike the big teased hair. I think a modest poof w/ a regular unteased pony tail is the best look.
I don't mind the big hair, or the teasing and curling because my kid wears extensions. Very little of the pony tail is actually her hair. It makes it so much easier. She doesn't complain if I pull or yank it. I'm still going to forever love the biggest hair possible! Like sometimes I do it and feel like it's not big enough. Lol

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Also, Carly is on a legend team in this sport, I like how no one made Carly seem like she's the Holy Grail of cheerleading. Like I think it was great for the crazed fan types to see that Carly goes to practice and goes about her business like everyone else. I think we see that from Gabi and ME on the web show a lot, so it was less surprising. I have more to say about GB but because she's a minor, I will refrain.
I liked how when Michaeleddie's mom says 'cheerlebrity' he's clearly like 'stop. no.' Less in a 'you're not cool enough to say that, mom' way but in a 'that's not what I am/want to be' type of way. Like he's just happy to be cheering and wants none of the fangirls/boys.

I hate hate hate how on almost everything with Gabi the producers make it out like TG is some tiny gym in Florida. Pretty sure they won worlds in 2 divisions, while bringing fewer level 5 teams. Is it a different style? Yes. Does that not work for some people? Yes. But the way they always spin it to be like some wonky gym just irritates me. And I'm not saying that's the Butler's fault/responsibility, but to me its silly. Also- that adds a MUCH more interesting layer to the story, having her leave a world-class gym in Florida to be recruited for a completely different style program across the country.

Carly's part seemed nice/human, but also not particularly interesting. I did like the part where the mom talked about how she has to remind Carly what she gives up so she can cheer. I think parents get so caught up in trying to give their kids the world and burning themselves out, it's nice to give them the reminder that it's a sacrifice they need to respect, and it's something that can be taken away.
Maybe it's a generational thing with journalism, but I found it lacking any substance. If you want to do a story about parents making sacrifices for their kids in a sport, then give us some back story. When did they start cheering? When did the parents recognize their talent? What is it about All Star the kids enjoy? What was the reason for going cross country to that particular gym? Interview the kids on how they felt leaving behind a parent and their siblings, interview their siblings and their feelings, interview the parents on how this decision was made concerning the family, the positives, the negatives, etc. Hair, make up, scene of credentials being forgotten, swimming pool, driving out of the driveway...IMO, those scenes could have been shortened and they could have dug a little deeper into the sport and why these parents made the sacrifice.

Cp and I enjoyed watching it only because we enjoy All Star and know who these kids are (in terms of the sport), but in terms of being informative, I'd rank it right up there with reality TV, glossed over and superficial .
I wonder if it was more of a fluff piece because they switched the original air time? I am assuming that it was supposed to be a shorter piece because most of the late night segments are. If they decided to make it into an Extraordinary Family piece at the last minute, they might have had to scramble to find family footage.
I have no doubt I'll continue to be the hair girl for my CP14 even though I totally suck at the pouf and it's usually dramatic between us.... But all things considered I'm going to cherish every second that I still have the chance to do her hair at all :)
I did retired CP's hair and make up until she aged out and I miss it more than she will ever know:( She started all star in middle school and it went by way too fast.....
Concerning the Senior kids and hair, I'd say that a good portion of my Senior 2 and 3 do their own hair or have a teammate do it. But about 25% of them have parents doing it. I never thought it was that bog of a deal, and I'm as anti-overparenting as you can possibly be.

The parents who still do their senior girl's hair have likely been doing it since they were minis and consider it "bonding time." Some of the girls are genuinely not good at doing hair and need the help, especially my younger seniors who are still in middle school.

Heck, I have some HS kids who are 17 and still need teammate assistance with their hair and we just do a high pony. lol.
I used to have to have my bangs braided back into a pony and since my hair is above shoulder length, I had to braid up the back or use little rubber ponies to get it stuck up there.

My freshman year my mom would do it, usually at 7am and I am NOT a morning person. My mom went to hair school but never actually pursued it, so I always expected my braids to be nice and tight. Sometimes she would do them too lose so they looked a mess. We would bicker about it every single time. It was awful.

After that comp season, I spent all summer teaching myself how to braid my own hair so she wouldn't have to do it ever again lol

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