OT Roommate Rants

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My new roommate is terrible.

First off she was not even supposed to live with us. My best friend was in Australia last semester and upon arrival was going to move into our room. Because of the lovely school I go to that didn't happen :banghead:. But anyway onto my new roommate. This is her first and final semester that she will live on campus, which I guess gives her some leeway.

The first week of school she got drunk every night and was super loud in the apartment. The next week she said we couldn't even talk in the living room "because she was trying to do good this semester." She doesn't clean. She doesn't take out the trash. She makes tuna everyday that stinks up the apartment. She eats all of our food and doesn't replace it.

I really think she has an alcohol problem. She drinks constantly and at the end she always ends up trashed. We can't have alcohol in the freezer or she will drink it. We can't even have a glass of wine with dinner because she will come out of her bedroom and ask for some, then proceed to drink the entire bottle.

We''ve talked to her and she says see gets it but she really makes no effort to change.

Oh wait forgot to add she brings over guys that she meets on okcupid after only talking to them for a week. If that's not scary I don't know what is...
Well, my room is officially awkward. I got so frustrated and fed up with my roommate that we are literally not speaking.
I hate my roommate. I absolutely hate her. I have tried so hard to be nice and compromise but I can't take it anymore.
She keeps moving my personal belongings. She always leaves the door open so anybody can just walk on in at any time. And she's always loud. She listens to bad TV loud, like all these VH1/MTV reality shows where everyone fights. She listens to music loud. Even when she has headphones in I can still hear it word for word. She has loud friends over so they can gossip about other people in the dorms loudly. But tonight she has set me off.
She kept opening the curtains and I asked why to which she responded "the curtains make it too dark and I can't sleep. And don't turn off the heater at night because I get too cold." Are you kidding me?! So I get to sweat like I'm in a sauna, I get a light from outside shining in my face, and I get to hear her snoring while she gets to sleep peacefully? No. Nononono. I have politely talked to her about all of this and she'll stop for a day but then start right back up again. I don't want to push it any further with her because I don't want to cause a huge fight (and I know she has no problem screaming because she already got in a shouting match with a guy over Instagram in the middle of the dorms.) And she only lives 30 minutes away and only has classes two days a week. Like why is she even here?!?!
I'm too stressed to deal with all of this. I'm barely getting any sleep. I can deal with nearly anything but when my sleep gets cut off I have major issues. I have huge competitions coming up with crazy intense practices, lots of hard classes that I can barely pay attention in because I'm so exhausted, and transfer stuff I'm dealing with, plus I've been having car issues for over 4 weeks now. I can't take it. I seriously want to go home.
I know this rant is long but I'm sitting in my car at 3:30am because I can't stand her snoring and I'm on the verge of a complete breakdown.
If anybody has any advice let me know... It's been four weeks and I'm about to lose it and become a sobbing heap of unhappiness.
I hate my roommate. I absolutely hate her. I have tried so hard to be nice and compromise but I can't take it anymore.
She keeps moving my personal belongings. She always leaves the door open so anybody can just walk on in at any time. And she's always loud. She listens to bad TV loud, like all these VH1/MTV reality shows where everyone fights. She listens to music loud. Even when she has headphones in I can still hear it word for word. She has loud friends over so they can gossip about other people in the dorms loudly. But tonight she has set me off.
She kept opening the curtains and I asked why to which she responded "the curtains make it too dark and I can't sleep. And don't turn off the heater at night because I get too cold." Are you kidding me?! So I get to sweat like I'm in a sauna, I get a light from outside shining in my face, and I get to hear her snoring while she gets to sleep peacefully? No. Nononono. I have politely talked to her about all of this and she'll stop for a day but then start right back up again. I don't want to push it any further with her because I don't want to cause a huge fight (and I know she has no problem screaming because she already got in a shouting match with a guy over Instagram in the middle of the dorms.) And she only lives 30 minutes away and only has classes two days a week. Like why is she even here?!?!
I'm too stressed to deal with all of this. I'm barely getting any sleep. I can deal with nearly anything but when my sleep gets cut off I have major issues. I have huge competitions coming up with crazy intense practices, lots of hard classes that I can barely pay attention in because I'm so exhausted, and transfer stuff I'm dealing with, plus I've been having car issues for over 4 weeks now. I can't take it. I seriously want to go home.
I know this rant is long but I'm sitting in my car at 3:30am because I can't stand her snoring and I'm on the verge of a complete breakdown.
If anybody has any advice let me know... It's been four weeks and I'm about to lose it and become a sobbing heap of unhappiness.

I'm not sure if this will help, but have you tried sleeping with earphones and some classic music or something like that? I can't give you any legal advice how to deal with her, but i know how having lack of sleep is turning me into an angry, mean person and i think if you at least could sleep it would help a little?

Is it possible for you to change rooms? Don't know how it works, but if there is a chance, try it. Sounds like it can't get that more worse.

And for topic - my cats driving me crazy last few days. She's bored because i have to work double the time i work normally so she's alone all day, sleeping and at night she wants to party.
Does that count as roommate rant? ;-)
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I'm not sure if this will help, but have you tried sleeping with earphones and some classic music or something like that? I can't give you any legal advice how to deal with her, but i know how having lack of sleep is turning me into an angry, mean person and i think if you at least could sleep it would help a little?

Is it possible for you to change rooms? Don't know how it works, but if there is a chance, try it. Sounds like it can't get that more worse.

And for topic - my cats driving me crazy last few days. She's bored because i have to work double the time i work normally so she's alone all day, sleeping and at night she wants to party.
Does that count as roommate rant? ;-)
Earplugs and head phones are the first thing I tried, but I kept waking up with pain and a slight ringing in my ear canal... I'm going to talk to someone tomorrow. We can do mediation meetings with a dorm staff member present, but I'm afraid she's going to take it poorly and blow up on me and somehow make it worse.
But yeah, I'm going to talk to someone tomorrow (technically today) because lack of sleep is making me hate just about everything and everyone.
I miss my kitties! Send you cat to live with meeee! We can party together while my roommate is snoring.
Earplugs and head phones are the first thing I tried, but I kept waking up with pain and a slight ringing in my ear canal... I'm going to talk to someone tomorrow. We can do mediation meetings with a dorm staff member present, but I'm afraid she's going to take it poorly and blow up on me and somehow make it worse.
But yeah, I'm going to talk to someone tomorrow (technically today) because lack of sleep is making me hate just about everything and everyone.
I miss my kitties! Send you cat to live with meeee! We can party together while my roommate is snoring.

I hope the conversation will help somehow. Okay, i'll buy my cat a ticket for a flight, but please no alcohol, she's still a minor :shimmy:
Ems - My room mate snores too. We have our beds in an L-shaped layout so when she does start to snore, I push her bed and it stops her. She knows she snores and she doesn't mind me doing it because she doesn't wake up from it but it stops her from snoring. If you're not that close to her (so that you can nudge her bed) you could make a somehwhat loud noise. I have done everything from opening the window, to running my hand across the blinds, to moving my chair at my desk. Hopefully that will help. Also, do you sleep with a fan on or anything? White noise can help drown out other noises so they aren't as bothering. Plus it'll be nice if you're sleeping in a suana :p

Maybe I'll complain about my room mates one day when they push me too far. But right now I'm content. (Just got back from break so I didn't have to see them for a whole 10 days :p )
My roommate keeps going to bed early (like 9:45-10:30) and she will just crawl into bed when I have the lights on and stuff. Am I supposed to feel bad about this? She doesn't like announce it or say anything she just goes to bed. So then I get ready for bed and sit in the dark for like two hours until I'm tired enough to go to sleep. It's so annoying. And I'm sure she thinks I'm totally annoying for keeping the lights on but it's not like she asked if they could be turned off....
My roommate keeps going to bed early (like 9:45-10:30) and she will just crawl into bed when I have the lights on and stuff. Am I supposed to feel bad about this? She doesn't like announce it or say anything she just goes to bed. So then I get ready for bed and sit in the dark for like two hours until I'm tired enough to go to sleep. It's so annoying. And I'm sure she thinks I'm totally annoying for keeping the lights on but it's not like she asked if they could be turned off....
Do you have a desk lamp or a table lamp? Turn that on as a compromise. Then the overhead lights aren't on but you're not in the dark.
Oddly enough, all of my college roommates were awesome. Some of them I'm still friends with (One I deleted off Fbook, because she turned into a crazy conspiracy theorist. Like, Sandy Hook 'Truther'-bad).

We all know my Harry Saga. I could write books on the immature douchebag..

My new roommates are nice, but I just realized the one I like more is moving out this weekend :( The one staying has invited a guy to come look at the apt, but I'm nervous. We had a generally great vibe going, and after coming off the disastercase that was my last living situation, I don't want to go through that again.

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