All-Star What Did That Parent Just Say To Their Kid?!

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Oh how I love these are some of my golden moments (not mine per se...but some of the ones I've heard)..
Cheer parent: "Why aren't you doing your back handspring?"
Youth age kiddo: "Because it's hard...I don't know..."
Cheer parent: "Well the amount I'm paying here could buy me a new car...and I need a new throw it or I'm pulling you and buying myself a car!"

Another one that made me cry. A junior age kid was trying to throw her standing tuck in tryouts and kept either not doing it or landing on her knees. Her mother kept banging on the window to the gym yelling at her through the glass to "throw her MF'ing tuck or else". The kid kept getting more and more upset until finally when she looked up her mother pointed at her and drew her finger across her neck, indicating she was "dead meat". The girl had a meltdown in the middle of the floor. The coaches excused her to pull herself together, the mom grabbed her by the arm and started dragging her to the parking lot saying "I'll calm your a** down..." Luckily another mom offered her some water and steered her back into the gym away from her psycho mother and closed the blinds to the gym.
Both of these incidents happened in Arizona so contrary to popular belief...Texas does not have the most psycho parents...we may be crazy but not psycho...

I've also been victim to psycho moms. One berated my oldest daughter to my face before realizing I was her mother. I had another ask me why my cp was on a Junior team when she was only 9 and didn't have a bhs (and she knew I was her mother). then there was that special moment two seasons ago when a mom from another gym told my cp to "suck it can't win all the time" when she saw my cp crying when her cp's team beat us at a comp (cp was only 6 turning 7).
I've been in this rodeo long enough that I spot them and move slowly away as to not attract their attention....
absolutely! What gym are you guys with? I'll keep an eye on you!
We are with Cheerforce San Diego. My daughter is on small Sr. 2. Are next comp is Cheerpros then Are next big comp. is Spirit Sport in Palm Springs, this is always a huge competition and lots of fun. We are doing a showcase on Dec 3rd as well. We have 5 gyms so it will be nice to see what routines they have come up with this year.
Oh how I love these are some of my golden moments (not mine per se...but some of the ones I've heard)..
Cheer parent: "Why aren't you doing your back handspring?"
Youth age kiddo: "Because it's hard...I don't know..."
Cheer parent: "Well the amount I'm paying here could buy me a new car...and I need a new throw it or I'm pulling you and buying myself a car!"

Another one that made me cry. A junior age kid was trying to throw her standing tuck in tryouts and kept either not doing it or landing on her knees. Her mother kept banging on the window to the gym yelling at her through the glass to "throw her MF'ing tuck or else". The kid kept getting more and more upset until finally when she looked up her mother pointed at her and drew her finger across her neck, indicating she was "dead meat". The girl had a meltdown in the middle of the floor. The coaches excused her to pull herself together, the mom grabbed her by the arm and started dragging her to the parking lot saying "I'll calm your a** down..." Luckily another mom offered her some water and steered her back into the gym away from her psycho mother and closed the blinds to the gym.
Both of these incidents happened in Arizona so contrary to popular belief...Texas does not have the most psycho parents...we may be crazy but not psycho...

I've also been victim to psycho moms. One berated my oldest daughter to my face before realizing I was her mother. I had another ask me why my cp was on a Junior team when she was only 9 and didn't have a bhs (and she knew I was her mother). then there was that special moment two seasons ago when a mom from another gym told my cp to "suck it can't win all the time" when she saw my cp crying when her cp's team beat us at a comp (cp was only 6 turning 7).
I've been in this rodeo long enough that I spot them and move slowly away as to not attract their attention....

Wow. The one about the girl and the back tuck made me tear up. What ever happened to supporting your kid when they have trouble or telling them not to worry and that they will get it soon enough. Not giving them the dead meat signal.
Honestly, I don't know how you guys don't respond. Whenever I see someone acting absolutely ridiculous, I tell them. I call it, Public Displays of Shame. It goes like this:

"Excuse me, do you realize you are being (what you just did was) absolutely ridiculous? (Insert whatever behavior person is doing here) is unacceptable, hurtful, and wrong. Your actions have a harmful effect on (person behavior is directed at) and (if applies, are disturbing those around you) You should be ashamed of yourself for behaving in such a manor. Have a nice day"

I for one feel that shame is often the best way to handle situation such as these. This is not for minor cases, but for people really going overboard Sometimes they just need to be shut up. Yes, I'm talking to you obnoxious dad screaming profanities to your football player from the stands. And you, theater teacher gossiping about how bad her students are loudly at the next table in the restaurant.
I am completely disgusted at every example in this thread! I know that all children are different, and parents know their children....And a rational and supportive discussion on such topics (as i'm betting mamarazzi had with her cp) is needed....But when it comes to anything harsh or hurtful, I can say my parents always thought i was a "strong intelligent" young woman who could "handle" things....And many of the things they/their spouses have said to me throughout the years have literally haunted me, and had a major effect on me. And it wasn't anything as bad as above! Sometimes i think some parents forget how important the way they speak to children is!
Typically when parents go postal on their kids like this is because it's no longer about the kid doing something they enjoy but rather its the parent living some warped dream thru their kids and the kids aren't living up to the expectations of their dreams. What these parents don't get is they can throw all the money they want at tumbling coaches, sports psychiatrists or any other thing they can think of to try and gain their kid the edge, is once the sport no longer becomes fun for the kid, they'll be drawn away from the sport. Another thing these parents don't get is the kids have to want to be there. How many times have you had a kid or know of a kid you had to force them or bribe them to go to practice or do some move or whatever?. Bottom line is the ones that want to be there are the ones who like to go to practice or if they have a mental block, they work thru it themselves with their coaches without any parents coaxing them and are driven to get better and compete.
Oh how I love these are some of my golden moments (not mine per se...but some of the ones I've heard)..
Cheer parent: "Why aren't you doing your back handspring?"
Youth age kiddo: "Because it's hard...I don't know..."
Cheer parent: "Well the amount I'm paying here could buy me a new car...and I need a new throw it or I'm pulling you and buying myself a car!"

Another one that made me cry. A junior age kid was trying to throw her standing tuck in tryouts and kept either not doing it or landing on her knees. Her mother kept banging on the window to the gym yelling at her through the glass to "throw her MF'ing tuck or else". The kid kept getting more and more upset until finally when she looked up her mother pointed at her and drew her finger across her neck, indicating she was "dead meat". The girl had a meltdown in the middle of the floor. The coaches excused her to pull herself together, the mom grabbed her by the arm and started dragging her to the parking lot saying "I'll calm your a** down..." Luckily another mom offered her some water and steered her back into the gym away from her psycho mother and closed the blinds to the gym.
Both of these incidents happened in Arizona so contrary to popular belief...Texas does not have the most psycho parents...we may be crazy but not psycho...

I've also been victim to psycho moms. One berated my oldest daughter to my face before realizing I was her mother. I had another ask me why my cp was on a Junior team when she was only 9 and didn't have a bhs (and she knew I was her mother). then there was that special moment two seasons ago when a mom from another gym told my cp to "suck it can't win all the time" when she saw my cp crying when her cp's team beat us at a comp (cp was only 6 turning 7).
I've been in this rodeo long enough that I spot them and move slowly away as to not attract their attention....

Oh boy do I know some of those... I feel so bad for these kids. The parents have no idea the damage they are doing.
I still think Texas wins!! You have MORE cheer moms and that leads to MORE crazy ones!! :D
a few years ago i heard a bad food-conversation too that shocked me.
i was at a local competition and 4 girls from one team were standing together eating sandwiches with cheese.
than a coach/mom walked up to them, demanding them to throw away the sandwiches, yelling: what are you girls thinking? you're not supose to eat right now! and than this? bread? thats full of carbs, carbs make your tummy swell! and cheese? cheese is fat! you dont want fat!!!
worst thing is, that team has really skinny girls, their 18years old are so skinny they look like 12year olds.

I've also done tryouts for a team some years ago, which made my jaw drop.
after tryout we all had to stand in line and they'd say nr 1, nr 4 and 5, step forward and than they'd say why each girl wasnt picked.
there was this girl about 13 years old, whos body had just started to change, you know, no boobs yet, but no flat chest anymore either, wider getting hips, .... the typical chanching body that makes you feel awkward about yourself.
well this girl had AMAZING skills, but she wasnt picked, the comment she got in front of all the others trying out: "you have amazing skills, great flexibility, great tumbling, amazing dance....but your body, girl do something about it! you look fat, people dont wanna see fat people, they wanna see pretty people and you are not pretty! go do a diet, get a personal trainer and than try again next year"
and she was not fat at all!!! i felt so bad for her!
a few years ago i heard a bad food-conversation too that shocked me.
i was at a local competition and 4 girls from one team were standing together eating sandwiches with cheese.
than a coach/mom walked up to them, demanding them to throw away the sandwiches, yelling: what are you girls thinking? you're not supose to eat right now! and than this? bread? thats full of carbs, carbs make your tummy swell! and cheese? cheese is fat! you dont want fat!!!
worst thing is, that team has really skinny girls, their 18years old are so skinny they look like 12year olds.

I've also done tryouts for a team some years ago, which made my jaw drop.
after tryout we all had to stand in line and they'd say nr 1, nr 4 and 5, step forward and than they'd say why each girl wasnt picked.
there was this girl about 13 years old, whos body had just started to change, you know, no boobs yet, but no flat chest anymore either, wider getting hips, .... the typical chanching body that makes you feel awkward about yourself.
well this girl had AMAZING skills, but she wasnt picked, the comment she got in front of all the others trying out: "you have amazing skills, great flexibility, great tumbling, amazing dance....but your body, girl do something about it! you look fat, people dont wanna see fat people, they wanna see pretty people and you are not pretty! go do a diet, get a personal trainer and than try again next year"
and she was not fat at all!!! i felt so bad for her!
>is astounded< Some people should not be allowed to have any interaction with children.....ever.
a few years ago i heard a bad food-conversation too that shocked me.
i was at a local competition and 4 girls from one team were standing together eating sandwiches with cheese.
than a coach/mom walked up to them, demanding them to throw away the sandwiches, yelling: what are you girls thinking? you're not supose to eat right now! and than this? bread? thats full of carbs, carbs make your tummy swell! and cheese? cheese is fat! you dont want fat!!!
worst thing is, that team has really skinny girls, their 18years old are so skinny they look like 12year olds.

I've also done tryouts for a team some years ago, which made my jaw drop.
after tryout we all had to stand in line and they'd say nr 1, nr 4 and 5, step forward and than they'd say why each girl wasnt picked.
there was this girl about 13 years old, whos body had just started to change, you know, no boobs yet, but no flat chest anymore either, wider getting hips, .... the typical chanching body that makes you feel awkward about yourself.
well this girl had AMAZING skills, but she wasnt picked, the comment she got in front of all the others trying out: "you have amazing skills, great flexibility, great tumbling, amazing dance....but your body, girl do something about it! you look fat, people dont wanna see fat people, they wanna see pretty people and you are not pretty! go do a diet, get a personal trainer and than try again next year"
and she was not fat at all!!! i felt so bad for her!

This makes me so sad! How horrible for that little girl! I hope her mama and or daddy took care of that situation with the quickness.
Honestly, I don't know how you guys don't respond. Whenever I see someone acting absolutely ridiculous, I tell them. I call it, Public Displays of Shame. It goes like this:

"Excuse me, do you realize you are being (what you just did was) absolutely ridiculous? (Insert whatever behavior person is doing here) is unacceptable, hurtful, and wrong. Your actions have a harmful effect on (person behavior is directed at) and (if applies, are disturbing those around you) You should be ashamed of yourself for behaving in such a manor. Have a nice day"

I for one feel that shame is often the best way to handle situation such as these. This is not for minor cases, but for people really going overboard Sometimes they just need to be shut up. Yes, I'm talking to you obnoxious dad screaming profanities to your football player from the stands. And you, theater teacher gossiping about how bad her students are loudly at the next table in the restaurant.
I love it! Especially "Have a nice day." LOL!
I mean what that mom did was HORRIBLE. My mom knows I feel self-conscious performing in a half top bc I'm not exactly the smallest girl around but she just calmly suggests that we leave the competition arena if I can and find a nearby restaraunt (SP?) and get healthy food there. These people are awful.
I know i'm late,but Mamarazzi, I hope Paparazzi is doing better now! Armycheerdaughter and I are always praying for y'all,but we'll say an extra special prayer for him!
On another note, I know conversations about food my cp and I have, might rasie some eyebrows. I am a bigger woman and there are other people in my family, who are overweight and obese. While, cp isn't overweight,she does have the genes to become overweight,so both my husband and I tell her moderation is the key and to pick healthy choices. However, what this mom said to her young child is horrible;that is how eating disorders starts. She needs different wording to get her point across.

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