Yes Or No To Crop Tops For Our Senior Teams

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Cheer Parent
Feb 8, 2012
Please help us out! Our gym is considering Crop Tops for our Senior Level 3, 4 & 5. Please let me know your thoughts. I headed up the committee on our new uniforms and we proposed crop tops for the 1st time in 16 years. I am a parent that is FOR Crop Tops! My daughter is a senior on the level 4 & 5 teams. I feel they have worked hard and deserve to wear the crop tops. All the girls on the teams are for it. We have a few parents that are saying they will quit if we do crop tops. Please share your thoughts!
I really like crop tops for senior teams. That's what our gym does. The crop tops look just like the full tops do its still a cohesive look. It's possible to make a conservative, classy crop top so that should help ease the minds of the concerned parents. Also, if the crops are very similar to the full shirts the parents that are VERY opposed could have their CP wear that instead. We have one family that does this due to religious reasons and she blends in well.
I agree with dawgshow.... You can offer the full top version of your new uni to the parents/kids that are against the crop. Its not fair to them to change the rules after 16 years! Some parents feel very strongly and with the USASF trying to help change the image of allstar cheer you really will have a hard time defending the change.
Our gym (World Cup) allows a full top version and I bet you would never notice if I didnt point it out to you! Keep the Peace and everyone can be excited about the new uni!
I have to tell you I do not like crop tops, and many of my cheer mom friends are also not in favor of them. But we realize that there may come a time when we may have to consider them. I would 100% prefer my child to were a full top. That said if the crop top were not one of those micro crops but one that has more coverage I would be more open to the idea. I think my child would choose to wear the crop if everyone else was and I would deal if it was a more conservative crop, but I really like the idea of having a full option and applaud gyms that understand that and are willing to work within the value systems of the family.
My gym's old uniform was a,I guess, semi-crop top? Everybody wore the same design, but basically everyone had a slightly different length top, and you really couldn't tell a difference. It just looked like they were all different heights. This was a great option for the larger girls in our gym, because they were able to get a top with their choice in length.
i personally think crop tops are cute as long as they are tasteful and not too showy because I think that takes attention away from the routine, which is the point of competing. Now don't get me wrong, I think that uniforms should be cute but they should be classy because most girls competing are from middle school or high school and wearing an extreme crop top is not always appropriate.
You guys are GREAT! Thanks for your feedback. I'm hoping we have a decision soon. We have also offered them to wear a nude body suite if they want.
Yes. Maybe what you should do is have the "modest crop top." If you go to the 2012-2013 uniform thread, you'll see Sharks's uniform. I think it's a nice, classy alternative to some of the rather skimpy tops that some teams wear.
that is what i've always loved about sharks. we ALWAYS have tops that cover most of us, and everyone feels comfortable in them! its got enough skin not showing to please parents, and enough skin showing to please the kids. its a win/win :)
You guys are GREAT! Thanks for your feedback. I'm hoping we have a decision soon. We have also offered them to wear a nude body suite if they want.
I will say that a nude body suit does not work for me compared to a conservative crop top or full option- it still looks like skin. I saw the one on the other thread and I have to say even when I saw it I said wow I actually like that - don't see the point to needing that but I would be okay with that and I am pretty ok VERY conservative when it comes to my kids (grew up in a non-conservative home). Anyways best of luck - perhaps you could get the "leader" of the moms who want only full tops to be involved -- might help?
I will say that a nude body suit does not work for me compared to a conservative crop top or full option- it still looks like skin. I saw the one on the other thread and I have to say even when I saw it I said wow I actually like that - don't see the point to needing that but I would be okay with that and I am pretty ok VERY conservative when it comes to my kids (grew up in a non-conservative home). Anyways best of luck - perhaps you could get the "leader" of the moms who want only full tops to be involved -- might help?
Sadly it's a Dad not a mom that is so against it. And the daughter wants it and has the 6 pack abs.
Sadly it's a Dad not a mom that is so against it. And the daughter wants it and has the 6 pack abs.

I have to say my girls have cute little figures and I want nothing to do with crop tops partly because of that and my conservative views on clothing in particular for young girls growing into women - perhaps that is part of his reasoning as well, maybe having him involved in the decision process will at least diffuse the situation some. I mean he may be the most vocal but there could also be parents and Cps that would prefer to keep the full top but don't want to rock the boat or be the one to come out and say they are against it. I think if it becomes a situation where they do choose to leave the best thing you can do is just try to be supportive of their stance (even if it is different from yours) and understand that for some parents the belief in modesty in young girls and and young women is very important. Another thought is dependent on your colors - perhaps a black or white body suit if it would not mess with the shoulder lines. Many times we will use camis under tops so my kids can wear a current style but still fall in our lines of modesty. Just a thought, really glad you are trying to be considerate of all your team - hope you all can work together to find a solution. Sounds like you are really trying !
I think it should rely on the parents and the cheerleaders. If the cheerleaders don't feel comfortable wearing a crop then I wouldn't get one. But as you wrote, all the girls are in favor for it. I would try to reason with the moms for getting the tops. I would not let the cheerleaders choose the lengths of their tops because it doesn't make the team look together and in unity. That's just my opinion though.
I like the crop tops just because they don't make it so hot when you compete. If the cheerleaders don't feel comfortable wearing the crop tops wear then go with the full tops. I would also not probably let the cheerleaders pick the length just because if like half wanted a full top and half wanted a crop top the team would look all mismatched and like two different teams. hope this helps!
My cp has worn both and prefers the crop tops. Our old gym allowed one of the girls who was bigger to wear the boy's version of the top because she absolutely did not feel comfortable wearing the crop, and except for in pictures it really was not noticeable. I'm happy though that if the new crop top rule stays in effect, cp will be senior age then and it will not matter for her.

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