OT 25 Facts

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  1. I like sleep---and not just like sleep, but can sleep for over 12 hours at a time if I’m not interrupted.
  2. I met my husband at 15; it caused an explosion in the social circles of our high school. No one thought we’d last...we’ve been married for over a decade and have 2 daughters.

  3. When cp decided to go cheer, I cringed---I danced, why couldn’t she? At least I didn’t feel like a fish out of water.

  4. By the time I’m done with school I’ll be licensed to do what I’ve been doing all my life

  5. When I was 3 I was diagnosed with 4th Stage Leukemia & Lymphoma; if I had only had one I’d be dead.

  6. I coupon so well I was once scouted for Extreme Couponing---I said no

  7. I write---I will never publish any of it---but, I write

  8. I’m a picky grammar nazi; there/their/they’re and you/your/you’re annoy me, but common misspellings or not so obvious grammar errors don’t bug me.

  9. I graduated from high school and with my first college degree in the same year

  10. When I was younger, I said I wanted 13 kids...then 6 kids and settled on 2. I can’t even imagine 3!

  11. I’m a little obsessive when it comes to survival stories; Holocaust, Korean War, Civil War...etc. I don’t discriminate.

  12. I’m pretty sarcastic, witty, and a fast thinker; but you wouldn’t know it in real life. I tend not to talk unless I’m interested in the conversation or I’ve been insulted.

  13. I once hugged Justin Timberlake---and subsequently lost my best friend in middle school because of it

  14. I play World of Warcraft because it’s mind numbingly easy when I need a break from life

  15. My favorite class in school was history

  16. I’m a little obsessed with Thor and all things Avengers

  17. I liked Twilight but didn’t even give Hunger Games a shot

  18. I’ve never read a single Harry Potter book

  19. CP got her name from my favorite movie growing up ‘Now and Then’

  20. Non-CP would be named Tallulah Belle if DH didn’t change his mind at the last minute

  21. Speaking of names, my parents should be jailed because of how much I hate my name

  22. I’d rather text than call; I’d rather e-mail than text

  23. I love giving gifts, but I’m not the best gift receiver

  24. I want to take a cruise with my girl’s, but the last time I tried I had to be drugged to sleep because of the motion sickness

  25. If I could decorate my entire house in baby blue and brown, I would
Can you give us the story behind #2?
Can you give us the story behind #2?

Sure. My husband and I met just after Christmas break when he transferred into my honor's English class. I was the pretty smart girl who was friends with all the other honors/gifted kids and he was not. The middle school we came from actually separated students; gifted, honored, regular---they didn't intermix except for PE and electives so you basically knew everyone in your classes. High school wasn't much different; I knew mostly everyone in my classes.

My husband was a bit of a bad boy; his IQ is far superior to mine, but he was bored in school so quickly labeled a problem child and that kinda grew with him as his own identity. He didn't do homework because he didn't need to, yet never missed an answer on a test. His group of friends and my group of friends didn't mix---socially, they just didn't mix.

We met in Jan but didn't start dating until March. We got close over Spring Break and then I only came back to school for 1 day before leaving on a week long band field trip up to DC. People put together that we were dating after I got back from that trip and the rumors and nastiness started. It was messy---people who I had been friends with for years threw their noses in the air, people he was close to was like "Why are you with her?" I had random upperclass man walk up to me and ask me if he was gay and he'd have random people approach him about me supposedly being with other people. None of it was true and I confronted someone about it years later and her justification for it was they didn't think he was good enough for me, so they were trying to 'save' me---very twisted teenager thinking.

Sophomore year was more or less the same but instead of giving people the benefit of the doubt I began walking away from friendships like they were glasses of water I could make shatter. I no longer listened and started becoming friends with his friends who still didn't like me because I was one of 'them' (read that as the smart, preppy, snobby ones), but they put up with me.

Junior year was the worst, by far, year I have ever experienced in my life. My husband had a friend who he had kinda always had a crush on, but then met me and was tired of waiting for her to come around. This friend never gave him any notice until I was around and then she kept waiting and biding her time for when we'd break up. Our junior year was her senior year and she made it her mission to make my life hell---she was kinda popular in the captain of the soccer team kinda way and teamed up with his best-friend's girlfriend to start more viscous rumors than than ever before. The few friends that I kept close stayed by my side, but this year signified his friends turning on us because they believed the rumors. They actually took two cars and came to my house one night accusing me of being pregnant and wanting me to take a test on the spot. Meanwhile I hated my mother and she didn't have a clue how bad school had truly gotten for me, my step-dad had just gotten home from surgery that day---and I screamed so loudly that cops heard me from nearly a mile away and showed up. I filed restraining orders on every single one of them, but it didn't help me at school---even just being there part time; even the teachers began to side eye me. One in particular asked me if maybe I thought the problem was me and I flat out told her to go to hell. First and only detention of my life. When my step-dad died a few months later, I stopped talking to anyone but my husband and one of my best-friends. That was it---I came to school, I showed no emotion, I made straight A's and I went to college. I arranged my classes so that I wasn't there during lunch anymore and I was done. Around the same time, my husband left our school and transferred to an accelerated HS so he could leave for the Army faster.

My senior year was spent at college full time and when I wasn't there, I was with my husband until the day he left for basic. When he left for basic, I got a job, finished college, and then moved to him and got married.

I already walked into high school being over it; the classes were boring even when they were 'harder', I already hated social politics and I don't generally care what others think of me but if I weren't wired the way I am; I don't think i would have survived that experience never mind our relationship last through it. We've been married for just over ten and a half years now and literally, I don't think anything on this planet---given what we've gone through---is going to even make a dent in us.
Why isn't it surprising?
Because in such communities, money talks, and the typical family has a lot of it. And Susie is a perfect angel and the best at anything so if she comes crying to mom and dad that the coach is awful and unfair they will believe her and go to the ends of the earth to "make things right". And as an AD it is easier and you look better by making coach the scapegoat and getting rid of her.
Similar thing happened to a town in my area baseball head coach. His "contract" wasn't renewed even though he had a great record and solid reputation. It caused a lot of discussion on our sports radio station, but those in the town don't care because their precious baby got what they wanted.
Sure. My husband and I met just after Christmas break when he transferred into my honor's English class. I was the pretty smart girl who was friends with all the other honors/gifted kids and he was not. The middle school we came from actually separated students; gifted, honored, regular---they didn't intermix except for PE and electives so you basically knew everyone in your classes. High school wasn't much different; I knew mostly everyone in my classes.

My husband was a bit of a bad boy; his IQ is far superior to mine, but he was bored in school so quickly labeled a problem child and that kinda grew with him as his own identity. He didn't do homework because he didn't need to, yet never missed an answer on a test. His group of friends and my group of friends didn't mix---socially, they just didn't mix.

We met in Jan but didn't start dating until March. We got close over Spring Break and then I only came back to school for 1 day before leaving on a week long band field trip up to DC. People put together that we were dating after I got back from that trip and the rumors and nastiness started. It was messy---people who I had been friends with for years threw their noses in the air, people he was close to was like "Why are you with her?" I had random upperclass man walk up to me and ask me if he was gay and he'd have random people approach him about me supposedly being with other people. None of it was true and I confronted someone about it years later and her justification for it was they didn't think he was good enough for me, so they were trying to 'save' me---very twisted teenager thinking.

Sophomore year was more or less the same but instead of giving people the benefit of the doubt I began walking away from friendships like they were glasses of water I could make shatter. I no longer listened and started becoming friends with his friends who still didn't like me because I was one of 'them' (read that as the smart, preppy, snobby ones), but they put up with me.

Junior year was the worst, by far, year I have ever experienced in my life. My husband had a friend who he had kinda always had a crush on, but then met me and was tired of waiting for her to come around. This friend never gave him any notice until I was around and then she kept waiting and biding her time for when we'd break up. Our junior year was her senior year and she made it her mission to make my life hell---she was kinda popular in the captain of the soccer team kinda way and teamed up with his best-friend's girlfriend to start more viscous rumors than than ever before. The few friends that I kept close stayed by my side, but this year signified his friends turning on us because they believed the rumors. They actually took two cars and came to my house one night accusing me of being pregnant and wanting me to take a test on the spot. Meanwhile I hated my mother and she didn't have a clue how bad school had truly gotten for me, my step-dad had just gotten home from surgery that day---and I screamed so loudly that cops heard me from nearly a mile away and showed up. I filed restraining orders on every single one of them, but it didn't help me at school---even just being there part time; even the teachers began to side eye me. One in particular asked me if maybe I thought the problem was me and I flat out told her to go to hell. First and only detention of my life. When my step-dad died a few months later, I stopped talking to anyone but my husband and one of my best-friends. That was it---I came to school, I showed no emotion, I made straight A's and I went to college. I arranged my classes so that I wasn't there during lunch anymore and I was done. Around the same time, my husband left our school and transferred to an accelerated HS so he could leave for the Army faster.

My senior year was spent at college full time and when I wasn't there, I was with my husband until the day he left for basic. When he left for basic, I got a job, finished college, and then moved to him and got married.

I already walked into high school being over it; the classes were boring even when they were 'harder', I already hated social politics and I don't generally care what others think of me but if I weren't wired the way I am; I don't think i would have survived that experience never mind our relationship last through it. We've been married for just over ten and a half years now and literally, I don't think anything on this planet---given what we've gone through---is going to even make a dent in us.
Why are high schoolers so crazy? Especially girls? Jeez!
Because in such communities, money talks, and the typical family has a lot of it. And Susie is a perfect angel and the best at anything so if she comes crying to mom and dad that the coach is awful and unfair they will believe her and go to the ends of the earth to "make things right". And as an AD it is easier and you look better by making coach the scapegoat and getting rid of her.
Similar thing happened to a town in my area baseball head coach. His "contract" wasn't renewed even though he had a great record and solid reputation. It caused a lot of discussion on our sports radio station, but those in the town don't care because their precious baby got what they wanted.
Why are high schoolers so crazy? Especially girls? Jeez!

I believe the official answer is hormones; but honestly, I am in no hurry for either of my daughter's to hit high school.

Though, to be fair, I've met plenty of adult women who put my crazy HS experience to shame.
I believe the official answer is hormones; but honestly, I am in no hurry for either of my daughter's to hit high school.

Though, to be fair, I've met plenty of adult women who put my crazy HS experience to shame.
Middle school was worse than high school, IMO.
I would have to say middle school was worse for my girls too. We even ended up switching schools.

Don't say that :( MS was't bad for me, but I was also horribly sheltered because I had classes with the same kids who I had been friends with for years. HS was just plain hell.
I'll bite. Most of these people on here probably already know.

1. I never did allstar cheer--just high school and a year of college.
2. I'm originally from Maine.
3. My first time leaving the USA was as part of a circus.
4. I majored in political science and minored in French.
5. Despite the French minor and the fact that literally everyone on my dad's side of the family spoke French before they spoke English, I cannot speak French. (Unless I've had a glass of wine.)
6. I'm mildly obsessed with Lilly Pulitzer.
7. I'm a former clogging champion.
8. I'm afraid of deep space and enjoy living in an area where it's hard to see the stars.
9. My first time having guacamole was at a Chipotle.
10. I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies from beginning to end, but I'm familiar enough with the story line to fake it.
11. I've seen every episode of Scrubs, The League, Rick and Morty, Criminal Minds, and Joan of Arcadia.
12. I know every word to the movie Legally Blonde and can basically recite the entire movie.
13. On the college hockey forum I also post frequently on, the other posters assumed I was a boy from my freshman year until halfway through my senior year of college.
14. I've seen my favorite band in concert three times in the past 13 months.
15. I went on a trip to North Dakota last October to see a hockey game/hang out with someone Acedad introduced me to on Twitter in real life. We're now good friends. (Thanks, Bill!)
16. In high school I won three student congress debate state championships and an ice hockey state championship.
17. I'm friends with quite a few Dominican friars and sisters. (The religious order, not the nationality) I recently went to a college friend's profession of first vows ceremony, which was one of the cooler things I've ever been to.
18. On the first day of preschool, surrounded by my crying classmates, I looked up at my mom and asked her when she was going to leave.
19. I try to run at least a 5k race every month.
20. I worked at Walmart as a cashier for two summers, and I credit those summers as the reason why I'm a funny person.
21. My father was a merchant marine, and as a result I have a weird interest in maritime law. This became awkwardly relevant at work one day when this happened, and I sounded a bit like rain man spouting off laws and explaining that we probably weren't under attack over a container ship.
22. The first school basketball game I ever attended was my first basketball game as a college cheerleader.
23. I've never been to a college football game, but I've been to roughly 100 college hockey games in the last five years. (23.5: seeing my school win the NCAA ice hockey national championship was the best day of my life by far.)
24. The first and last football games I cheered were at the same stadium. (Which was not at my high school nor were both games against the same team.) Both games the team I was cheering for lost.
25. I love driving my car and would gladly spend all day driving. The longest I've ever driven in one go is 12 hours.
Don't say that :( MS was't bad for me, but I was also horribly sheltered because I had classes with the same kids who I had been friends with for years. HS was just plain hell.
My kids had been at the school since kindergarten. We switched in the middle of 8th grade.

My oldest was in high school there. I moved her too. We went out of district. It ended up being a better fit for her too. Lots more opportunities!

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