All-Star Whoadeedle???

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Someone copy and paste Cinderella's post so we can save it for future use when the topic rear's it's ugly head again. (And it will) Giving her credit for the post of course. :cool:
Wouldn't hurt to make some changes, though.;)

Both NJ Coach and Eyes On The Prize corrected me on several parts, as well as added some pretty pertinent information. Gotta give credit where credit is due!
Next is lolsmileyface haha

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I am still new to the fierceboard and I have absolutely no idea what is going on with Whoadeedle. From what i understand she is linked to a twitter account(s) and befriended a lot of people on here. I keep getting alerts from the Fake Social Networking Accounts 2 and nobody is telling anyone new anything. Is anyone willing to message me and share?

The Story of Whoadeedle a.k.a. appledrinkyum

Once upon a time there was a charming poster named "whoadeedle", she was a college student going to school to be a nurse practitioner (or so we all thought). She was a very active poster and made lots of friends on the boards. One day she said she was donating part of her kidney to her brother and we all stood behind her and supported her...told her how awesome she was..ect. Then one day (somehow) someone found out that she wasn't who she said she was, in fact every picture she had posted to the boards had been stolen from people's facebook pages, including a picture of a baby boy she said was her nephew. She was called out and quickly disappeared. What made it so dramatic was that she had made a bunch of friends on the boards that had even talked to her on the phone, only to find out everything she had ever said was fabricated. It was weird and scary at the same time.

My favorite moment on the boards was worlds was my 1st worlds on the boards and between the chat and people posting every 5 seconds, it was a ton of fun (the board was a lot smaller then). I remember when 300 people logged in meant it must be a comp weekend, now there's over that just sitting idle at any given tim
Kind of like fray check?

The fray check was no big deal, it happened at Worlds 2009 between Yella Ribbon, my daughter, DJ, and I.

I never cared for Nancy from Yella Ribbon. She was another doozy as far as I'm concerned. She used a lot of kids on this board. I think I may have called her out here.

Our gym owner chose expensive Yella bows that season. I thought it was ridiculous to pay that much for a bow, especially since I knew how she was. It killed me to support her business. This was before bows started being collected, before rhinestones, before expensive bows, it was 2008. I bought the bow and it we had a lot of problems with it, ponytail holder broke, glue came up between layers, the fabric started to fray.

I tried to contact Nancy through her site and through pm's and she wouldn't reply. she didn't like my friends and I. I said something on here about the quality and price and she threatened to sue me.

She and DJ were friends.

We were at Worlds 2009, back when everyone could fit in the Milkhouse. DJ and Nancy were sitting across the aisle from us. My daughter reads the boards and was mad at how Nancy had conducted herself and how she treated me. Nancy called me a liar, all kinds of things. My girl's team didn't have a great day 1 and she was in a mood. She was like, I'm going to go show her this crappy bow, she is ridiculous, and terrible. She took the bow over and showed it to Nancy and Nancy told her that I needed to buy some fray check. YES SHE DID!

People thought Nancy was the poobah on here because she would send kids free bows, so they liked her. Nancy was eventually revealed for how she was. She lost her reputation on here and many of her friends. My comment on that thread was maybe she needed to buy some fray check.

She and DJ are no longer friends that I'm aware of. I believe she fell out with many on here.
I've been on the boards since winter of 2010 so I've heard the whoadeedle story plenty of times. I must have missed something because here's where it gets fuzzy for me: why were DJ and lakerfantlc banned? I understand DJ revealed zta, but why did that get him banned? Same with lakerfantlc
I have heard bits & pieces of all of this and I know of the "new fake" on twitter named Nicolle_says. We have also had another one that got very close to some of the CA moms and others on twitter that DJ and I called out back in the summer. I know some moms were shocked that she was fake. I can't even think of her name now...
Sad that some have to hide behind fake stories & titles to feel important.

CLAWS OUT Ya'll!! <3
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ALSO to add on the details that I know, the false kidney donation story occurred over Cheersport 2009. I remember this because she was supposed to room with TealFan WHOA tiger and myself. Everyone was so excited to finally meet her and then it turned out that she was a match for her brother who needed one and would be in the hospital over that weekend. People sent her gifts and cards and everything.

And then she was miraculously talking about throwing her double like a week after the surgery and people were all -___-
"What Are we going to say to coach ----for words...."

"What every kid says to get out of something they don't want to do... I just found out my birth father, Bruce, well, he needs a kidney and I'm the only match!"

-Nick and Shawn, Fired Up

(Couldn't help it, it was my immediate vision when I read this)
Here is the thread where ZTAprincess was called out. There are more details about her never ending saga. I am sure she is reading this now so just let me say this--I defended her until she disappeared. I didn't care if she was whoadeedle bc I didn't have a history with whoa. But I liked zta a lot, until she disappeared. I dislike people that can't own up to their mistakes and just run away so....good riddance. But I didn't blame her at first bc I knew she would've been torn apart on here.
And for the record, DJ and lakerfantlc weren't banned bc of this thread. That's another thread that happened around the same time and the banning had something to do with PM's.( NJ Coach please feel free to correct me on those details)

Fake Social Networking Accounts | Fierce Board - We Talk Cheerleading
i'm with you cupieqt. i liked zta also, and she/he/it should have come clean and said 'yes i did it, i grew up, i want to start over' and it would have been cool with me but since she just disappeared it's like she probably just started over with a new username. creepy if you ask me, and since it's done repeatedly it shows that there is some serious mental illness going on...
I've been on the boards since winter of 2010 so I've heard the whoadeedle story plenty of times. I must have missed something because here's where it gets fuzzy for me: why were DJ and lakerfantlc banned? I understand DJ revealed zta, but why did that get him banned? Same with lakerfantlc

From what I remember, they called an Admin out about personal issues they had with her. They also said PMs were looked at by Admins or Mods or something. Then they were banned.
From what I remember, they called an Admin out about personal issues they had with her. They also said PMs were looked at by Admins or Mods or something. Then they were banned.

that's how i recall it also. it just happened to also be around the same time of the zta outing so there was a lot of "activity" going on :)

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