All-Star 2014/2015 Videos

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Here is my Junior level 1 from last weekend in Omaha! They won their division and were second in line for grand champions of level 1. I've never posted any videos of my teams on here so I'll admit to being a little nervous to post this haha. Sorry for the bad angle! There is a better one of facebook but I think the parent that posted it might have a private profile.

I would post my youth 2 but they got new everything last night so I'll wait to post the new version until after their next competition.

They look really good!! I love the traveling one mans ; )
Thank you @mamabear and @crazzyeyesassypants!

That was their first time competing their new opening and we changed their first stunt formation and added a little something to their second stunt so I was really proud of them! They're timing is usually a little better but they still did awesome. They're a young barely junior aged team but they work their little booties off! :)

It's so awesome to see our kids go out there and hit when they have had changes in the routine or kids be sick or replaced because of injuries! My CP's teams hit zero deductions both days at their last comp and we had two sick kids in both team, my cp was one of them :( I was such a proud mama when my cp went out there and performed the best she ever has and was so sick that we I had to rush her home and she didn't get to stay for awards, even though her team didn't place well at that comp I was still so proud of her and her whole team! Ok, I'll stop bragging about my kiddo lol.

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Thank you @mamabear and @crazzyeyesassypants!

That was their first time competing their new opening and we changed their first stunt formation and added a little something to their second stunt so I was really proud of them! They're timing is usually a little better but they still did awesome. They're a young barely junior aged team but they work their little booties off! :)

They're great. I would love to see a front view because some of those angles looked like they would look amazing from the front. Great job!
It's so awesome to see our kids go out there and hit when they have had changes in the routine or kids be sick or replaced because of injuries! My CP's teams hit zero deductions both days at their last comp and we had two sick kids in both team, my cp was one of them :( I was such a proud mama when my cp went out there and performed the best she ever has and was so sick that we I had to rush her home and she didn't get to stay for awards, even though her team didn't place well at that comp I was still so proud of her and her whole team! Ok, I'll stop bragging about my kiddo lol.

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That stinks that she was sick but that's awesome that your cp and her team(s) was still able to hit zero! Definitely okay to brag about :)

And to avoid double posting, thank you @Cheermom1969! I'll have to see if I can get one of the mom's to send me a front view! And I loved the video of your daughters junior 2 team, levels 1 and 2 are always my favorite to watch :)
I'm actually extremely surprised by this.

As the mother of the owner of Jersey All Stars I am going to respond, I do find some of your constant comments a little rude and I would hope she would respond and defend her gym. She has worked hard since the age of 18 to build this gym to almost 200 athletes and I am extremely proud of her. Especially being 20 minutes away from WC who we hold the upmost respect for. Amanda takes pride in all of her teams from mini to restricted 12 in all. Each one of her teams is maxed to the score sheet and are very successful so we do not have to stack one team with crossovers to win. Every team in our gym has a great routine and great talent, Amanda and her sister choreograph Every Jersey routine and make time to be at all teams practices, so yes she will get a little defensive if it feels like some people are trying to make her look bad. As any coach would know it takes a lot of time and dedication to the sport to achieve a successful program. She fights for all of her teams at competitions not just one. For any one trying to pick out crossovers make sure you scrutinize every gym and have close ups of all of their teams. We wouldn't of posted videos if we were trying to hide such few crossovers. I am going to post the video of Emeralds from last season with 1 level 5 athletes and please tell me the difference in what you see. I am also going to post a few of our videos this season to show how each team is just as talented for that individual level they are in without it being stacked. Sorry for the mother in me coming out.
Emeralds from 2013- 2014

I have always respected and thought JAS was an amazing gym but the responses people affiliated with the gym have thrown up here really makes me take pause.
CEA is questioned ON THE REGULAR about their use of crossovers and no one bats an eye. One person asks (not even rudely) about how JAS utilizes crossovers and the world ends. By getting super defensive it just makes people think your guilty of something. The question could have been answered in a more professional way and then moved on from.
And coming on here and putting the board on blast to defend your grown child who is the owner makes me think we just discovered a new level of "Susie's Mom".
Now Sparks...Sparks truely sand bagged Junior 2 a few years ago and guess child has their jacket. So it doesn't matter how many level 5's you put on a team (this is NOT directed at JAS or PRO or anyone) it does NOT guarentee a win.
I am barely 20 years old and I would NEVER react like that to comments that truly were not even bashing the program. People simply wanted to know how many athletes on Emeralds are also on higher level teams (such as J3, J4, J5). We have still yet to receive an answer to this question. JAS teams are amazing and their kids sure do know how to perform and be tight, which is phenomenal and I love their routines and choreography. I was one of the people defending Wicked when people questioned their tumbling skills. However, the way this gym owner is reacting to this thread has me side-eyeing them now. At 25 (and especially as a business owner) one should have learned how to professionally react to criticism. That certainly doesn't mean start accusing everyone of being out to ruin your program or needing your mother to try to defend you...

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Thank you Amanda's mom for your post.
I pointed out I thought the team was amazing! I posted their video on facebook well before this blew up. Even on Facebook I mentioned they were amazing and nothing of there j5 crossovers.

Amanda said there is 1

You said there is a few.

I will say that by denying and dancing around the question it has drawn way more attention.

Also I remembered hearing about Eric Little coming, isn't he a choreographer? Did he not help choreograph any of the routines? You said they choreographed them all and they are definitely amazing at what they do but if Eric little did help maybe he should get credit where credit is due.

Nothing against choreographers, we bring in the best choreographers from Top Gun, World Cup, and even the guy that does a lot of Cheer Nfinity choreo I think that did bring it on choreo. So I'm not bashing people who hire choreographers.

I apologize if she felt I was attacking her program and she sure handed out dislikes to me for it. I think they are great and I as well as several people before me were wondering about the higher level crossovers im so sorry if that's not allowed. I would gladly disclose any and all crossover info from our gym if anyone ever wonders and I wouldn't feel bad if someone didn't agree with it. That's why we are here and they are there. It was really just a question! Sorry if I upset her since I know you came to her defense. I'm close to her age although my mom probably wouldn't come on here .. I do understand why you came to her defense!

Thanks for your time
I am barely 20 years old and I would NEVER react like that to comments that truly were not even bashing the program. People simply wanted to know how many athletes on Emeralds are also on higher level teams (such as J3, J4, J5). We have still yet to receive an answer to this question. JAS teams are amazing and their kids sure do know how to perform and be tight, which is phenomenal and I love their routines and choreography. I was one of the people defending Wicked when people questioned their tumbling skills. However, the way this gym owner is reacting to this thread has me side-eyeing them now. At 25 (and especially as a business owner) one should have learned how to professionally react to criticism. That certainly doesn't mean start accusing everyone of being out to ruin your program or needing your mother to try to defend you...

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Thank you Amanda's mom for your post.
I pointed out I thought the team was amazing! I posted their video on facebook well before this blew up. Even on Facebook I mentioned they were amazing and nothing of there j5 crossovers.

Amanda said there is 1

You said there is a few.

I will say that by denying and dancing around the question it has drawn way more attention.

Also I remembered hearing about Eric Little coming, isn't he a choreographer? Did he not help choreograph any of the routines? You said they choreographed them all and they are definitely amazing at what they do but if Eric little did help maybe he should get credit where credit is due.

Nothing against choreographers, we bring in the best choreographers from Top Gun, World Cup, and even the guy that does a lot of Cheer Nfinity choreo I think that did bring it on choreo. So I'm not bashing people who hire choreographers.

I apologize if she felt I was attacking her program and she sure handed out dislikes to me for it. I think they are great and I as well as several people before me were wondering about the higher level crossovers im so sorry if that's not allowed. I would gladly disclose any and all crossover info from our gym if anyone ever wonders and I wouldn't feel bad if someone didn't agree with it. That's why we are here and they are there. It was really just a question! Sorry if I upset her since I know you came to her defense. I'm close to her age although my mom probably wouldn't come on here .. I do understand why you came to her defense!

Thanks for your time

And now you got a gossip rating! Girl, you're trying for some FB award, aren't you?

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