OT 25 Facts

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1. I'm 17 years old and gonna be a SENIORRR
2. I'm a level 5 cheerleader at Cheer Extreme
3. I've been named Best Dressed every year of highschool so far
4. My job is being Cinderella at a Princess Party company
5. It's natural for me to stay up until 3
6. I have a navy Mercedes ML 500
7. I'm DEATHLY afraid of horses...
8. I'm allergic to metal and soap
9. I'm 50% British because my dad was born and partially raised there
10. I want to be a Lawyer
11. I'm always getting in trouble
12. I go through phases where im OBSESSED with something, then move on real quickly
13. I enjoy creeping
14. I'm unhealthly addicted to shopping
15. Pretty Little Liars <3
16. I have a 21 year old sister, but people mistake us for twins?
17. I have long, straight, blonde hair, but I wish it was dark and curly
18. EVERYTHING I own is monogramed (bedroom wall, jeans, makeup bags, pillows, towels, car stickers, binders, sheets, jewelry, tshirts, etc,.)
19. I'm AWFUL at math...I repeated Algebra 1
20. I've been going to the same school since I was 5
21. I cry if I have to wakeup before 10
22. If it's in rasta colors, I will buy it
23. I'm the most unartistic person you'll ever meet, but my grandma & uncle are professional artists
24. Pictures are my life!
25. I started "Fratty Friday" at my school, where everyone wears their preppiest outfits on Fridays

what part? my dad is from london!
1. I'm 16 and going to be a junior this year!
2. I really want to go to go to college out of state, but my mom thinks otherwise.
3. Olive Garden is my place. I wish I could eat there everyday.
4. I attend a middle college high school and I hate it. We are high school students who take college classes at the community college right next door. I miss being a regular high school kid, not having to worry about college classes on top of my high school classes..
5. If I have to draw a line, I have to use a ruler. You should really see my math notebook, it's practically perfect.
6. I'm the slowest writer.
7. If I write something I think looks ugly, I'll rewrite it.
8. I've had braces for 3 years now. I was only supposed to have them for two.. but they're coming off in three weeks!
9. I hate clutter. Everything has to be organized in my life.
10. I love sleep. I could sleep all day if you'd let me.
11. My favorite color is turquoise!
12. I got the lowest grade I've ever received in my entire life, a C+, in chemistry. I hate chemistry, like really.
13. I love to smile! I smile at anything, really!
14. I laugh all the time. There's never been a day where I haven't laughed at all.
15. I'm easily amused... easily, haha.
16. I have a yorkie, she is my life. I talk to her all the time. She's my baby!
17. I only have 1 brother. I always wished I had a sister!
18. I want a TV in my room! I really don't know why I don't have one in here.. there's one in practically in every room!
19. I really want to cheer for the California Allstars! My mom said senior year and that's next year! So happy if it comes true!
20. I'm only taking tumbling privates at a local gym.. I need to start working stunts!
21. I envy all you who get to drive! I'm barely starting classes this December for my permit, ugh!
22. I have an obsession with giraffes.
23. I hate seafood!
24. My biggest fear is spiders, I scream when I see one.
25. I'm getting the iPhone 4 from Verizon tomorrow! Yay!
1. My love of cheer started when I first saw Bring It On at around age 8.
2. I love allstar, but pretty much can't stand high school or college cheer.
3. My favorite color is black.
4. I like scary things, like horror movies and monsters.
5. Halloween is my favorite holiday and in my world EVERY DAY IS HALLOWEEN.
6. I love food.
7. My favorite person ever is my cat. If I had my own cheer gym, something would probably be named after her. :D
8. I'm really OCD.
9. I live 4 minutes from Iowa Allstars.
10. I'm obsessed with Finland.
11. My favorite American gyms are CEA, Rays, World Cup, and World of Cheer.
12. My favorite Finnish gyms are HAC, Golden Spirit, Northern Lights, Dream Team, and Jyväskylä Jaguars.
13. I am an artist in many different mediums.
14. I have a YouTube account under the same name as my Fierceboard account, StingraysExtremeWoC.
15. I am very different and most people can not handle my madness because they do not realize that there is method behind it.
16. For uniforms, I really like the colors gold, black, white, and purple together.
17. I wish I could have a pet tiger.
18. I hate getting my feet/socks wet.
19. I'm deathly afraid of spiders.
20. I always seem to hurt myself and never know how.
21. I love heavy metal music.
22. I'm a video game nerd.
23. Crayons are cool.
24. I love science.
25. I want to start telling people that my first name is Stingrays and my last name is Extreme and that WoC is my credentials. :D
1. My name is Emily
2. I'm going to be 18 in September
3. I will be a senior at a high school in upstate NY
4. I am originally from Western Kentucky
5. I have been cheering since I was 5 but when I moved from Kentucky to New York I stopped for almost 4 years (what was I thinking?!?!)
6. My grandpa was/is my hero
7. I have been thinking about college and what I am going to do with my life for the past 3 years.
8. Some of my college options are Viginia Commonwealth University, Ohio State, Towson University, UNC Chapel Hill, or Quinnipiac University.
9. I want to be a radiologist assistant.
10. I made varsity for my high school team when I was a freshman.
11. I love Nashville, TN. There is something about the atmosphere that keeps me coming back.
12. Every summer I visit my dad in Kentucky.
13. I want to cheer in college or be on an open team after I graduate.
14. I want to be part of NCA staff and go to camps.
15. When I am older I would love to work for a major competition company, I just don't know how to go about doing that.
16. Last cheer season I began all star again, however, I won't be doing it again for my senior year.
17. For some reason I have an obession with ACE Allstars, no idea why but I love them. I've gone so far as to make up routines (not actually use them for anything but hey, when you get bored and are a cheerleader there is nothing wrong with it) using their worlds music from 2010 and 2011...awkward.
18. I wish I lived in an area where I could drive 10 minutes down the road and do all stars but there isn't.
19. I am going to take private tumbling lessons and go to classes to get prepared for college.
20. People see me as a very shy person but trust me I am not, people just need to take the time to get to know me.
21. My mom and I are beginning to make bows and team flip flops. Our first project is to make bows for camp and flip flops for camp :)
22. I am determined to fly down to Disney and be there for worlds 2012.
23. My favorite competition from last season to be in was Battle at the Capital.
24. I love make up and doing people's make up for competitions.
25. I love playing with hydrogen peroxide when I have cuts...I like to watch it foam
26. ^ I thought that was a good way to end it :rolleyes:
1.My name is Melissa.

2.I have 3 daughters who cheer for Fame Allstars- Jaydah(j5 and senior3), Jordan (mini 1) and Jazmyn (tiny)

3. I have a son who plays baseball and football.

4. I had hoped for another boy but got 3 girls in a row so I gave up!

5.I hated cheerleaders when I was growing up.

6.I enjoy sitting in the parent lobby at the gym and listening to all the gossip!!!

7. I love watching cheer videos on youtube!

8. My cp is trying to get a whip arabian through to a double and it SCARES me!

9. I think Super Seniors are going to medal at Worlds this year!

10. I am praying that Coach Mike beats cancer!

11. My favorite cheer comp is Battle at the Capitol!

12. I am glad my daughter is not old enough to be on a worlds team yet!

13. I hate the spoiled kids who like to brag about EVERYTHING!

14. I was nervous when my cp made J5 this year because the team is ao amazing!!!

15. I wish I was a millionaire!

16. I want to stop driving a mini van someday!

17. I like hip hop, country and Elvis!

18.I am super excited to go to Cheersport this year!

19,I hope that my kids will love me forever!

20. I pray that all 3 of my cp's have a great season!

21. I hope to meet @ACEDAD, @SharkDad and @Just-a-Mom on day!

22. I can't wait for football season to start so I can see my son kick some butt!

23.I wish I did not have to do laundry!

24.Wish I could be the relaxed mom at competitions!

25. It is tooooooo hot in VA!
1. My name is Erin. Apparently no one knows how to spell it because it is just that difficult.
2. I love Justin Bieber. Belieber since '09<3
3. I cheered for my high school for the first time last year and I loved it and hated it at the same time.
4. Adding onto fact 3, the girls on that team are some of my best friends now
5. I really want to be on SSX. That's no secret but if you didn't know, now you know
6. There is a shark commercial on right now, I see Shark dad.
7. Not only do I cheer but I ride horses competitively, had a small break this year but getting back into it.
8. I have no musical talent at all except singing horribly in the shower.
9. My mattress is this fo temperpedic cover thing. It is wonderful!
10. When I get excited for Ricky I start chanting Brandon's cheer:)
11. I'm always considered the baby because of my size, even though I was the oldest on the team.
12. North Carolina has gotten way too hot.
13. My room is the cleanest it has been since I moved into it, and has miraculously stayed that way for 2 weeks.
14. I want my belly button pierced
15. Is cheetahlicious LOL
16. My favorite color is blue
17. I wish I could stop here haha
18. I fall up stairs
19. I don't like flying objects through the air. Balls, pens, pencils, shoes, none of it.
20. I'm not afraid of planes and doesn't understand why anyone would be.
21. Every time I go to the beach I see at least one dolphin from my hotel room.
22. Toddlers and Tiaras is one of my favorite shows.
23. I watch cheer episodes of Made and Bring It On movies to critique them and say what's illegal
24. I love babies. They are just too cute
25. This was fun:)
1. My middle name is Nichelle
2. I LOVE road trips
3. My favorite show is .... wait I don't have one
4. I started dance. I did dance from age 3-12
5. I hate my school. Then I love it.
6. I got my iPhone with Verizon on July 8th! Woot Woot!
7. I cheer at Stingrays! Woot Woot!
8. A pet peeve of mine is people rubbing their ashy hands together. *shudder*
9. I HAVE to sleep with socks on
11. The first thing I do when I wake up is go back to sleep
12. My worst subject is math.. and science with math in it.
13. I've lost a lot of friends in high school.. but then again I could care less. *shrug*
14. I LOVE sushi and tacos.
15. oh, and movie theater popcorn.
16. I have the worst, fugliest, most messed up laptop EVARRR! (but I'm grateful for it)
17. I feel like I need to go to church more often
18. I haven't cursed in 5 days. Ha.
19. I can't stand tumbling. At all.
20. I sleep in all night and sleep all day.
21. I have the worst eating habits.
22. I'm addicted to original glazed donuts.
23. My natural hair is curly ... and puffy.
24. My mom is a healthnut.. I wish I could be like her.
25. BUT I do take at least 3 wheat grass shots a week.
1. My middle name is Nichelle
2. I LOVE road trips
3. My favorite show is .... wait I don't have one
4. I started dance. I did dance from age 3-12
5. I hate my school. Then I love it.
6. I got my iPhone with Verizon on July 8th! Woot Woot!
7. I cheer at Stingrays! Woot Woot!
8. A pet peeve of mine is people rubbing their ashy hands together. *shudder*
9. I HAVE to sleep with socks on
11. The first thing I do when I wake up is go back to sleep
12. My worst subject is math.. and science with math in it.
13. I've lost a lot of friends in high school.. but then again I could care less. *shrug*
14. I LOVE sushi and tacos.
15. oh, and movie theater popcorn.
16. I have the worst, fugliest, most messed up laptop EVARRR! (but I'm grateful for it)
17. I feel like I need to go to church more often
18. I haven't cursed in 5 days. Ha.
19. I can't stand tumbling. At all.
20. I sleep in all night and sleep all day.
21. I have the worst eating habits.
22. I'm addicted to original glazed donuts.
23. My natural hair is curly ... and puffy.
24. My mom is a healthnut.. I wish I could be like her.
25. BUT I do take at least 3 wheat grass shots a week.

Too funny! Btw, I have a friend named Nichelle, I never thought Id' find another one!
1. My name drives me absolutely nuts because it's so common. My last name especially.​
2. Music and cheerleading are my two biggest passions in life.​
3. I wish I could still cheer, but my body won't hold up.​
4. There are 4 guys in my life who are more family to me than most of my blood relatives, and I love them with all my heart.​
5. I have a 5, almost 6 year old little cousin, and he is my absolute best friend in the world.​
6. My little sister is starting her second year cheering, and just made a senior 4 team, and I'm not only prouder than heck of her, but continuing to live as a cheerleader vicariously through her.​
7. I think I've finally gotten my parents acceptance for what I want to do with my life...not that I needed it.​
8. Music and Tumbling are the two things that always put me in a better mood.​
9. I wish, more than anything, that I could have been a UNC Tarheel.​
10. I'm a tarheel fanatic, and will root for them even over my own school (which I did proudly my freshman year).​
11. My dad is from London, and I'm super proud of my British heritage.​
12. I love watching REAL football (soccer :p ) and my favorite team ever is Manchester United.​
13. I rooted for England over the US in last summer's Men's World Cup.​
14. I love tattoos and piercings. I have so many tattoos planned out that I want. and they all have a very deep meaning to me.​
15. My boyfriend drives me more than crazy, but I'd rather fight with him than be happy with anyone else.​
16. My nails are always painted either black or tarheel blue.​
17. I miss my 5 year old cousin more than anyone when I'm away at school, and he makes it super hard for me to leave when I have to come back. He is truly the reason I keep waking up every morning.​
18. I'm not coordinated in the slightest.​
19. I. hate. school. seriously, I'm over it, and can't wait to graduate.​
20. I want to be a music journalist for the AP (Alternative Press) magazine.​
21. Or, work for the organization To Write Love On Her Arms.​
22. I told myself that I wouldn't quit cheering until I won a jacket and could say my team and I performed to our highest potential, and my team this past season gave me that and more, so I could finally give my body a rest and end my career on a good note.​
23. I'm a really good listener. and I think I tend to give pretty good advice.​
24. I write a lot better than I speak. Writing is a much easier way for me to express my feelings and get my points across.​
25. Harry Potter defined my childhood. My mom used to have to take the books away from me as a punishment because I'd get so into reading them (over and over) and neglect to do any chores.​
1.My name is Melissa.

2.I have 3 daughters who cheer for Fame Allstars- Jaydah(j5 and senior3), Jordan (mini 1) and Jazmyn (tiny)

3. I have a son who plays baseball and football.

4. I had hoped for another boy but got 3 girls in a row so I gave up!

5.I hated cheerleaders when I was growing up.

6.I enjoy sitting in the parent lobby at the gym and listening to all the gossip!!!

7. I love watching cheer videos on youtube!

8. My cp is trying to get a whip arabian through to a double and it SCARES me!

9. I think Super Seniors are going to medal at Worlds this year!

10. I am praying that Coach Mike beats cancer!

11. My favorite cheer comp is Battle at the Capitol!

12. I am glad my daughter is not old enough to be on a worlds team yet!

13. I hate the spoiled kids who like to brag about EVERYTHING!

14. I was nervous when my cp made J5 this year because the team is ao amazing!!!

15. I wish I was a millionaire!

16. I want to stop driving a mini van someday!

17. I like hip hop, country and Elvis!

18.I am super excited to go to Cheersport this year!

19,I hope that my kids will love me forever!

20. I pray that all 3 of my cp's have a great season!

21. I hope to meet @ACEDAD, @SharkDad and @Just-a-Mom on day!

22. I can't wait for football season to start so I can see my son kick some butt!

23.I wish I did not have to do laundry!

24.Wish I could be the relaxed mom at competitions!

25. It is tooooooo hot in VA!

whaaat??? he has a cancer?

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