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How about Hawaii?

Aaaahhhhh that would be perfect if I was going alone. But I need to be able to get my daughter to her dad's house and Hawaii would be too far.

I'm completely serious about moving though. My daughter loves Chicago, and doesn't want to leave. But I just don't know if I can stay here forever. I really hate it here.

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Upstate NY has a weird accent for sure. Mine still slips in every so often.

I have Minneapolis and Green Bay as cities I look at on my weather app because usually it helps me hate Chicago less (when I'm ready to cry about the weather I look at theirs and realize ours isn't so bad). So today I keep looking and ours is either the same or worse! :( :( :( What? Why?

-48 wind chill right now. :eek:

Sooooooo today I'm spending the day researching places to move. So far my list consists of: Scottsdale, Savannah, all of Florida. Any other suggestions? I'm COOOOOOLD.

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Are you guys out of school today? I hope so with that windchill!

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Aaaahhhhh that would be perfect if I was going alone. But I need to be able to get my daughter to her dad's house and Hawaii would be too far.

I'm completely serious about moving though. My daughter loves Chicago, and doesn't want to leave. But I just don't know if I can stay here forever. I really hate it here.

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I've been thinking about moving to Chicago after I graduate school and trying to get a job there. But then I remember that I absolutely hate the cold and would be better off going to California. Or Australia which is where I really want to go.
Are you guys out of school today? I hope so with that windchill!

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Yes. They said no all weekend, but after enough of an uprising they changed their minds last night. Chicago really does not close schools for any reason. This is only the 2nd time in 20 years.

My daughter is actually staying in VA (until tomorrow) with her dad. I didn't want her flying alone in the storm. So no school for her until Wednesday. Dance is canceled too. (both her dance class and the dance place I work at)

We're going to go outside in a few minutes, just so we can see what it feels like (and then we're going to run back inside lol). :eek: It was bad enough yesterday, shoveling in the -20 degrees. I wanted to cry. There is so much snow, and it's sooooooooooo windy and cold!

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Upstate NY has a weird accent for sure. Mine still slips in every so often.

I have Minneapolis and Green Bay as cities I look at on my weather app because usually it helps me hate Chicago less (when I'm ready to cry about the weather I look at theirs and realize ours isn't so bad). So today I keep looking and ours is either the same or worse! :( :( :( What? Why?

-48 wind chill right now. :eek:

Sooooooo today I'm spending the day researching places to move. So far my list consists of: Scottsdale, Savannah, all of Florida. Any other suggestions? I'm COOOOOOLD.

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I'm telling you, Boston :). It's currently in the 50's I think.

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attention everyone! I was out today (in NY) and someone asked if I was from NJ since I have an accent. PHEW! identity crisis over. (p.s. they have weird accents here... but I guess I'm actually the weird one since I'm the minority?)
When I was in Cali for vacation one year me and my family went out to eat and I asked for a sweet tea to drink, the waiter looked at me and chuckled and was like, "hunny this isn't texas" :eek: I was shocked she knew what state I was from lol. I guess i have an accent..
Windchill got to -45....I win. But the bright side is that the mayor declared an emergency shut down where we can't be on the roads unless we have to and that goes until tomorrow at noon, so no school tomorrow too??

The Fierce Board App! || iPhone || Android || Upgrade Your Accounting
Upstate NY has a weird accent for sure. Mine still slips in every so often.

I have Minneapolis and Green Bay as cities I look at on my weather app because usually it helps me hate Chicago less (when I'm ready to cry about the weather I look at theirs and realize ours isn't so bad). So today I keep looking and ours is either the same or worse! :( :( :( What? Why?

-48 wind chill right now. :eek:

Sooooooo today I'm spending the day researching places to move. So far my list consists of: Scottsdale, Savannah, all of Florida. Any other suggestions? I'm COOOOOOLD.

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Dallas :) I love it here, we don't really have a 'true' winter very often, but if you can stand 104+ in the summer, I'm sure you'd love it, and I'm here, lol just kiddin ;)
Windchill got to -45....I win. But the bright side is that the mayor declared an emergency shut down where we can't be on the roads unless we have to and that goes until tomorrow at noon, so no school tomorrow too??

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-48 here, so we win. :D Really I think anything colder than -20 is the same. Just too cold.

But we don't get any emergency shut down. We Get "Go to work!" Of course our mayor is on vacation so he can't do anything... :rolleyes:

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@GForce @LeahofthePack @BuegeSmalls

My mom started to talk about how dedicated Packers fans are since the weather is calling for single digit degrees and snow for the game tonight. I told her there are 3 girls on Fierce Board who cheer for the packers and she said good luck to you three :)

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I just saw this now, but thanks! It really wasn't too cold until the very end
YES! they remind me of Kitty from that 70's show. like kinda southern, but a hint of Canada? hard to explain.

edit - wait so i just googled her and she went to university of rochester. so that's that lol.
lol, love it.

when i lived in cali people always said a canadian accent was essentially a bad british one which i never got, apparently we say out like oat so theres that?

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