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Has anyone had any experience with the Spark drink from Advocare? Cp's friend gave her two packets of a flavor she didn't like, the directions said she could have 3 packets in one day. She had one prior to school, and used the second packet at 3:00 PM (she did not drink her normal coffee), and by 4:00 PM her heart was racing, she was shaking horribly, vomiting, and had a horrible migraine. I know this stuff is supposedly just vitamin enhanced caffeine drink, but FYI parents/athletes, this stuff is no joke. The niacin, and also B6, content is way too high according to cp's hematologist and can cause severe liver damage.

if you looked at the upper intake levels (the level right below toxic level) of vitamins and then compared those levels to the content label of a regular multivitamin pill bottle, you'd be surprised at how many of the vitamins put you in the toxic level. i learned that back in 2008 after purchasing several nutrition university texts. it has been known for a very long time that healthy, normal people who take multivitamins actually develop pathologies at a greater rate and have shorter life expectancies than those people that don't take multivitamins.

so why do people take multivitamins and why is there such a multivitamin craze? why do people think its healthy or even makes one more healthy? where does it come from? it came from a fake phd/chiropractor who peddled pseudoscience to noble prize laureate, Linus Pauling, who then peddled it to the masses. goes to show that even brilliant people can become victim to misinformation. here's a well written article by Dr. Offit M.D. in The Atlantic that described how the vitamin craze arose: The Vitamin Myth: Why We Think We Need Supplements - The Atlantic

of course there are other who would argue against the article with their own article, such as those at the Linus Pauling Institute at the Oregon State Uni : Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University
Are you referring to the possibility that someone put sth in her drink or something like that? I don't want to speculate but from what i heard and read, whenever that happens another kind of drug is used. I doubt they'd use a Cocktail like that.

I was thinking more along the lines that maybe she was taking Xanax or adderall and then someone gave her the heroin without her knowing. I find it so hard to believe that an athlete who had to work so hard to achieve what she achieved would just throw it all away on drugs.
I was thinking more along the lines that maybe she was taking Xanax or adderall and then someone gave her the heroin without her knowing. I find it so hard to believe that an athlete who had to work so hard to achieve what she achieved would just throw it all away on drugs.
Believe it. You're naive to think that athletes don't do hard drugs. Heroin is very popular these days, even with people that don't fit the "mold" of a junkie. It's highly unlikely that someone slipped her heroin and she just happened to have 3 other drugs in her system that caused her to overdose.

I feel awful for her family and for those who suffer with addiction. But addiction may cause you to do drugs "without a choice," but you ALWAYS have the choice to do those drugs the first time. The sad thing is that she was probably had access to resources for healthy treatments of any mental health issues she may have been dealing with. Universities have psychologists for students and my university had more psychologists exclusively for student athletes.
Believe it. You're naive to think that athletes don't do hard drugs. Heroin is very popular these days, even with people that don't fit the "mold" of a junkie. It's highly unlikely that someone slipped her heroin and she just happened to have 3 other drugs in her system that caused her to overdose.

I feel awful for her family and for those who suffer with addiction. But addiction may cause you to do drugs "without a choice," but you ALWAYS have the choice to do those drugs the first time. The sad thing is that she was probably had access to resources for healthy treatments of any mental health issues she may have been dealing with. Universities have psychologists for students and my university had more psychologists exclusively for student athletes.

And you're naive for thinking that it's not a possibility. You're assuming an awful lot but that's your prerogative. Guess we will have to agree to disagree.
I was thinking more along the lines that maybe she was taking Xanax or adderall and then someone gave her the heroin without her knowing. I find it so hard to believe that an athlete who had to work so hard to achieve what she achieved would just throw it all away on drugs.

School, homework, and cheer are a busy schedule in and of itself. Add to that kids wanting a social life, a possible part time job, friends, a boyfriend, parties, electronics and there just isn't enough time in their mind to fit all the "necessities of life" in. I remember kids in college looking for the wonder recipe that would allow them to do it all and survive on 2 hours of sleep. Code back in my college days was "coffee and a cocktail" and that was code for "Speed and Quaaludes". It breaks my heart, but the "coffee and a cocktail" mentality is popular with a good handful of athletes in high school and college just because of their schedule. Heroin today is to kids like Oxycodone is to middle age housewives, far more popular than it should be.
School, homework, and cheer are a busy schedule in and of itself. Add to that kids wanting a social life, a possible part time job, friends, a boyfriend, parties, electronics and there just isn't enough time in their mind to fit all the "necessities of life" in. I remember kids in college looking for the wonder recipe that would allow them to do it all and survive on 2 hours of sleep. Code back in my college days was "coffee and a cocktail" and that was code for "Speed and Quaaludes". It breaks my heart, but the "coffee and a cocktail" mentality is popular with a good handful of athletes in high school and college just because of their schedule. Heroin today is to kids like Oxycodone is to middle age housewives, far more popular than it should be.
Some people need to accept that they can't do everything.
Has anyone had any experience with the Spark drink from Advocare? Cp's friend gave her two packets of a flavor she didn't like, the directions said she could have 3 packets in one day. She had one prior to school, and used the second packet at 3:00 PM (she did not drink her normal coffee), and by 4:00 PM her heart was racing, she was shaking horribly, vomiting, and had a horrible migraine. I know this stuff is supposedly just vitamin enhanced caffeine drink, but FYI parents/athletes, this stuff is no joke. The niacin, and also B6, content is way too high according to cp's hematologist and can cause severe liver damage.
See you say Spark, and I keep thinking Sparks, which was a sorta energy drink alcoholic beverage they sold in cans at my bodega. I drank a ton freshman year- it was like the precursor to Four Loko. Which I also had while it was at the original levels of caffeine/alcohol. And that stuff ain't NOTHIN' to mess with..

Some people need to accept that they can't do everything.
I don't know who you should be telling- the kids or the parents who try to live through their kids. It's on both sides of the coin nowadays.
See you say Spark, and I keep thinking Sparks, which was a sorta energy drink alcoholic beverage they sold in cans at my bodega. I drank a ton freshman year- it was like the precursor to Four Loko. Which I also had while it was at the original levels of caffeine/alcohol. And that stuff ain't NOTHIN' to mess with..

I don't know who you should be telling- the kids or the parents who try to live through their kids. It's on both sides of the coin nowadays.

I had a Four Loko once and that was the first and last time. Holy moly that hangover was terrible. I smashed my phone that same night bending down to pet a cat. Not my finest night.
I had a Four Loko once and that was the first and last time. Holy moly that hangover was terrible. I smashed my phone that same night bending down to pet a cat. Not my finest night.
We had 4 Loko Thursday in college and would power hour with 4 Lokos while watching Jersey Shore. When I say we I mean my roommates and NOT me. I don't know how they didn't die.
We had 4 Loko Thursday in college and would power hour with 4 Lokos while watching Jersey Shore. When I say we I mean my roommates and NOT me. I don't know how they didn't die.

My friends drink the stuff like juice. I couldn't it smell horrific. I don't drink it taste disgusting and I don't see any joy in it, but I especially wouldn't be drinking a drink that has been banned.
I never understood how people got hangovers from 4 loko. I drank it a few times and didn't even feel tipsy. It was literally like juice. But I also can't taste the difference in the new one. And I'm also the person who will probably die after 1 shot
My mom always tells me this story of her best friend in HS's son. He started with weed, then moved onto meth. while he was all methed out (thats what i call it), one of his friends jokingly gave him heroin, without him knowing. He died very shortly, and those boys never got in trouble.... I refuse to believe Dani's death was purposeful. I feel as if theres part of the story we're missing... :/
I had a Four Loko once and that was the first and last time. Holy moly that hangover was terrible. I smashed my phone that same night bending down to pet a cat. Not my finest night.
The watermelon one was the only flavor I ever had- and I remember thinking 'Of course freshmen are dying drinking this stuff- it tastes like jolly ranchers. So you do what my lil bro did in HS- drink WAY more than you can handle because you can't taste the alcohol.'

Or in my bro's case- not understand what 'proof' means on a bottle of alcohol.
Years ago, when junior teams were allowed at Worlds, I wonder if they saw things to which they shouldn't have been exposed.

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