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For example: I know when BlueCat posts it is usually accurate because she is wise woman with lot's of experience. I also know it comes from the perspective of a Mega Gym. A newbie could post the same exact message and my immediate reaction would be "Who the heck is that and why does she think she knows that?"

Nothing of real merit to add because I agree things have been crazy around here the past few days, but BlueCat is a man haha
Off topic...oh hey this is the random thread ;)

What is this under current of Newbie unhappiness I am sensing? Old timers getting special privileges like looking the other way when posting. I really don't see it like that at all but then again I am not a Newbie.

I think Newbies need to understand that the more you post on the board, the more you get to know people and more people in turn know and understand you. So there is a certain comfortableness when posting, knowing that people are going to "get you"...personality, sarcasm or opinions. Old timers have a history of reference to catalog through...I doubt it is even a conscious thing. For example: I know when BlueCat posts it is usually accurate because she is wise woman with lot's of experience. I also know it comes from the perspective of a Mega Gym. A newbie could post the same exact message and my immediate reaction would be "Who the heck is that and why does she think she knows that?" mstealtoyou is my go to person for all things CEA. I value and trust what she has to say. ACEDAD he is a trust worthy wise man on all things USASF and many other things. kingston knows all...(brownie points) no really he is a wealth of information. I really could list a bunch of people ...who I feel like I know, trust and understand where they are coming from like NJ Coach 12stepCheermom ufomom Just-a-Mom Mamarazzi kristenthegreat Mclovin Level5Mom...I really could go on forever. Doesn't mean I agree with them and I am sure they don't love everything I post but there is frame of reference.

When you are a Newbie and you post something sarcastic or off the wall...you are a little bit like a stranger who just called my mother fat. I can't tell if you are joking or if it is related to another post or your gym or yesterdays competition. So there is no context to put your comment into. So you probably are put in your place a little bit. Stick around pay your dues, let us get to know you. We really are an amiable bunch.

I actually have less than 1500 shimmies so I guess I am considered a newbie too...someone said that was the cut off. -1500 shimmies = newbie
+1500 shimmies=Old Timers here on out known as OT. So I can totally relate :cool:

BlueCat is a man.

Yep... I just blew your mind.
Well I followed and unfollowed you a few times until they let up. But it's your right, so keep on girl.
Hahaha I noticed! I got notification about you following me and I was like wait...didn't she start following me the other day? Hahah
Off topic...oh hey this is the random thread ;)

What is this under current of Newbie unhappiness I am sensing? Old timers getting special privileges like looking the other way when posting. I really don't see it like that at all but then again I am not a Newbie.

When you are a Newbie and you post something sarcastic or off the wall...you are a little bit like a stranger who just called my mother fat. I can't tell if you are joking or if it is related to another post or your gym or yesterdays competition. So there is no context to put your comment into. So you probably are put in your place a little bit. Stick around pay your dues, let us get to know you. We really are an amiable bunch.

I'd like to see an example of a veteran poster getting away with things that we jump down a newbie's throat for saying. I can maybe see it, you generally get to know posters who have been around longer, so you have more context for their comments - like whether or not they tend to be sarcastic, etc. But I also think that we know how to express our dislike by saying more than just "eww".
ugh politics make me wanna barf.
It'll be hard for a few days, then you'll realize that nothing really changed much, in terms of numbers. It's still a Dem Pres, a Dem Senate, and a Rep House. What I HOPE changed, is the quality of people in those last two places. The Reps REALLY shot themselves in the foot by essentially saying: 'We're NOT going to do our prescribed job, we're only going to oppose Obama.' Which in any real world job would get them a pink slip. I'm not saying you have to AGREE with your boss, but you need to do your job. I wish they could be unemployed like so many people so they could understand how utterly STUPID they were being. I don't care what side you're on, you're elected to DO things. Not sit around and throw a 4 year old's temper tantrum (I know what they are- I work in a restaurant) and whine about stuff. THAT hurts me more than anything.. Also by saying some of the most biologically insane things I've ever heard come out of an adult's mouth- to the point where doctors across America were like Qu'est-ce que TF??!- that didn't help either.

I will say I'm proud of Maine and what they did for marriage equality yesterday. I don't know if you agree, but I feel a bit more at peace with that. If anyone feels more inclined to vote Republican but wants to get away from the socially crazy agenda that the main party is spewing- check out the Log Cabin Republicans. Same shade of red, just a different flavor. Much more modern..I found them yesterday lol.
At least the discussion was brought over to the random thread.

Though I do think we're all a little quick to go after newbies. Once one person has said something to them, not everyone else has to jump in as well.
You poor darling. And they lost so they have to be LIVID. But seriously, nothing really changed. Numbers-wise, anyway. Hopefully the people who are new are a bit more together no matter WHAT team they play for..zealotry knows no reason, after all.

I'd like to take this time to indulge my self-centeredness by informing you all of my top poster/top shimmy position. I'm at the top of BOTH. That never happens unless there's a new newbie, and we had two today. Huzzah.

Livid is putting it mildly. There are death threats, threats of violent physical harm, horrific name calling....it's sad :(
Dumb question, but what exactly is BlueCat's affiliation with Cheer Athletics? Is he a coach? Ive never known and he knows everything about CA so I've always wondered. Totally stupid question, I know.
Dumb question, but what exactly is BlueCat's affiliation with Cheer Athletics? Is he a coach? Ive never known and he knows everything about CA so I've always wondered. Totally stupid question, I know.

Blue Cat is Jody Melton, one of the co-owners.

We should put titles under certain users. Like where it says Premium Support for me, it would say Jody Melton - Cheer Athletics, or Justin Carrier - NCA. VIP users ;)
It'll be hard for a few days, then you'll realize that nothing really changed much, in terms of numbers. It's still a Dem Pres, a Dem Senate, and a Rep House. What I HOPE changed, is the quality of people in those last two places. The Reps REALLY shot themselves in the foot by essentially saying: 'We're NOT going to do our prescribed job, we're only going to oppose Obama.' Which in any real world job would get them a pink slip. I'm not saying you have to AGREE with your boss, but you need to do your job. I wish they could be unemployed like so many people so they could understand how utterly STUPID they were being. I don't care what side you're on, you're elected to DO things. Not sit around and throw a 4 year old's temper tantrum (I know what they are- I work in a restaurant) and whine about stuff. THAT hurts me more than anything.. Also by saying some of the most biologically insane things I've ever heard come out of an adult's mouth- to the point where doctors across America were like Qu'est-ce que TF??!- that didn't help either.

I will say I'm proud of Maine and what they did for marriage equality yesterday. I don't know if you agree, but I feel a bit more at peace with that. If anyone feels more inclined to vote Republican but wants to get away from the socially crazy agenda that the main party is spewing- check out the Log Cabin Republicans. Same shade of red, just a different flavor. Much more modern..I found them yesterday lol.

I think the GOP bet the farm and spent 4 years trying to get Obama fired (over simplifying this). They also had fewer donors give larger portions and to super pacs (because of the Supreme Court Decision). What I like is that that strategy was defeated and I think people will start moving back to the center. Straying out that far just didn't pan out how they would like, and rich individuals cannot buy off an election. Regardless of if you like who won, how they won and what happened to the other party that was against them losing was a good thing for America. (basically that one party cant spend its entire political life dragging its feet and allowing nothing to happen and that people cant spend their way to a victory).

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