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Didn't plan on doing an update so soon but figured I would before I forgot. Still no nominations ceremony (it could be late this evening). The houseguests are on outside lockdown, they think they are finally going to get a smaller kitchen table.

Here is the real reason for my update. Dani and Jeff just had a talk. Sounds like Jeff is going to cover his butt and put up Porsche and Kalia. Pretty sure he is doing this because he wants Dani to think she isn't the target and will let Kalia and Porsche fight for the veto so she doesn't put a target on herself if she wins it. Jeff made Dani promise to not use the veto if she gets it and that if someone else got it she would be safe. If Jeff goes by his plan he was talking about last night he wants to backdoor Dani and is trying to do it so that she doesn't see it coming. Almost seems he is doing the exact same thing Dani did last week when getting out Brendon. Of course since nominations will probably be this evening things could change.
Dani basically told Jeff that she doesn't want to really win the veto because then she has to choose between Porsche and Kalia. This plan could work for Jeff. Also I was thinking that even if something happens and Dani stays and Kalia/Porsche goes, it could still work out that Dani leaves too since it will be a Double Eviction this week. If Kalia/Porsche goes home and then say Rachel wins HOH she can nominate Dani. I just really hope the plan works for Jeff and Dani doesn't screw him over.
I know it was already basically posted but nominations happened and Jeff nominated Kalia and Porsche. That means 7 people will be playing in the POV because Dani has to use her veto ticket this week or it is void. Nothing really happening on the feeds right now.
POV players are: Jeff/Kalia/Porsche/Shelly/Adam/Jordan/Dani
Rachel is the host and is upset because she wanted to play (I think she may be afraid of being backdoored)

Kalia is already crying because she knows she did horrible and that now Dani is going to go home. This week can only get better if Rachel and Dani get into a fight. Rachel taunted Dani last night and now that Dani probably knows she is going to go to jury she probably won't hold back. The game finally is getting exciting.
I am just going to warn everyone now that this eviction could not go the way everyone is wanting it to and here is why.

Not sure if anyone was a fan back during season 8 with ED and Dani, but there was controversy because the Diary Room (DR) interfered and told Jameka, Amber, and Jen to keep ED instead of evicting him (it has been admitted by these cast members many many times). As you know ED went on to win the show. Fast forwards to season 12, the same thing happened with Hayden in the DR. Hayden was pushed by the DR to keep Annie (she was placed on the show by CBS) and he actually mentioned it multiple times on the live feeds and got in trouble for it. NOW Jeff has mentioned a few times on the feeds that the DR are somewhat pushing for him to keep Dani. Of course when he says this the feeds cut. When Jordan was going into the DR this morning Jeff told her "don't let the man get to ya."

If the DR can get to Adam and Shelly there is a chance Dani will stay. It sucks because Dani has mentioned several times on the feeds that she has friends in production and in the DR. Many are speculating if they are trying to rig the game so that Dani walks away with the $500,000 or if they want her to stay on the show longer for the ratings. It will be interesting to see how this goes and if Dani does get evicted from the house. If she doesn't then I am throwing in my towel and giving up on CBS.
I am just going to warn everyone now that this eviction could not go the way everyone is wanting it to and here is why.

Not sure if anyone was a fan back during season 8 with ED and Dani, but there was controversy because the Diary Room (DR) interfered and told Jameka, Amber, and Jen to keep ED instead of evicting him (it has been admitted by these cast members many many times). As you know ED went on to win the show. Fast forwards to season 12, the same thing happened with Hayden in the DR. Hayden was pushed by the DR to keep Annie (she was placed on the show by CBS) and he actually mentioned it multiple times on the live feeds and got in trouble for it. NOW Jeff has mentioned a few times on the feeds that the DR are somewhat pushing for him to keep Dani. Of course when he says this the feeds cut. When Jordan was going into the DR this morning Jeff told her "don't let the man get to ya."

If the DR can get to Adam and Shelly there is a chance Dani will stay. It sucks because Dani has mentioned several times on the feeds that she has friends in production and in the DR. Many are speculating if they are trying to rig the game so that Dani walks away with the $500,000 or if they want her to stay on the show longer for the ratings. It will be interesting to see how this goes and if Dani does get evicted from the house. If she doesn't then I am throwing in my towel and giving up on CBS.
What other issues with production do you know about? I'm curious about other cases of them meddling with the game..
What other issues with production do you know about? I'm curious about other cases of them meddling with the game..

I am not sure about during other seasons, but 8 and 12 definitely had meddling going on. As far as this season many are speculating about production helping Dani out. Examples would be with the voting someone back in. She said for days that there is no way that it would be happening and then all of a sudden she knew it was going to happen, then with the double eviction this week she kept saying it was going to be not this week but the following but she was heard on the feeds saying how now she thinks it is this week. After she said she has friends in the DR when things like that happen it becomes very sketchy.
Of course there are also the infamous words of Chima who swears up and down production was screwing with the game and rigging it during her season. I always dismissed it when she talked about it, but with everything else it seems it may be true. Many are actually thinking CBS messed with the votes so Brendon would come back because it would boost ratings, which makes sense because the others were all boring as ever.

If I hear anything else on the feeds I will post it here.
Dani went up as the renom and is already trying to make sure she stays in the house.

To add to the posts I made last night about the DR meddling it seems it may have worked on Shelly. Reason I say this is Shelly told Jeff that Dani was the best choice to get out but after she got out of the DR today her mind has changed. She has been trying to get Adam to flip his vote and keep Dani for a good bit today since the POV ceremony. Adam is having nothing to do with it and told her no way that he is going ahead and voting out Dani. I hope that Adam tells Jeff and Jordan about it and that they confront Shelly for the liar that she is.
Dani went up as the renom and is already trying to make sure she stays in the house.

To add to the posts I made last night about the DR meddling it seems it may have worked on Shelly. Reason I say this is Shelly told Jeff that Dani was the best choice to get out but after she got out of the DR today her mind has changed. She has been trying to get Adam to flip his vote and keep Dani for a good bit today since the POV ceremony. Adam is having nothing to do with it and told her no way that he is going ahead and voting out Dani. I hope that Adam tells Jeff and Jordan about it and that they confront Shelly for the liar that she is.
how is the DR convincing Shelly to keep Dani? im confused haha
how is the DR convincing Shelly to keep Dani? im confused haha

If you read my post from yesterday it sort of explains it. The DR has been know to meddle in the game and make things happen the way they want them to. ED would not have won season 8 if it wasn't for production telling Jameka, Jen, and Amber to keep him. Jeff said on the feeds that the DR was trying to get him to not nominate Dani (she has friends in the DR). Of course he said he was going to anyway and did. Well Shelly has been telling Jeff for a few days that Dani is who they should get out because she is a huge threat, BUT after he DR session today following the POV ceremony she switched her tune and now has been campaigning to keep Dani and that she has to get Jeff and Jordan out. This idea was not in her head until she came out of the diary room, Dani hadn't even talked to her about it so it is becoming obvious what is happening.
To make things even more obvious Dani said after being named the renom that "Jeff and Natalie" will have to quit if she gets evicted, as soon as she said it the feeds were cut. Since she has mentioned before she has 2 friends in production everyone believes those are the people she is talking about. It all sounds crazy at first, but if you pay attention to comments made and the way things happen it becomes more and more obvious that CBS/BB is interfering in the DR sessions.

If Dani doesn't go home Thursday then it is pretty clear CBS isn't read to let her go. It will also mark the end of my BB obsession. I almost quit watching last season when Hayden talked about the DR trying to get him to keep Annie.
I just watched last night's episode. Oh I looove that Zingbot hahaha
And Jeff and Jordan watching Dani and Porshe on the TV.. hysterical.
It has been a CRAZY week. I don't even know where to begin because many don't know what the juicy details are since it just started a few days ok. I will try to cover it all.

- Shelly's game is about to come to an end because she screwed up BIG TIME. She plans on voting for Dani to STAY because she now wants to get Jeff out of the game, but is still try to stay on Jeff's side to cover her own butt. Problem is that without Adam's vote Dani will still be leaving. Adam has flat out told Dani since she got nominated that he was voting her out. It is frustrating her because she can't manage to get him to vote for her.

- Yesterday Shelly found the chess pieces and put them back. Well then fingers started getting pointed at Shelly for being the one who stole everything (she stole Rachel's stuffed puppy dog her mom gave her). Well she told Jordan that she was the one who found the pieces but has no idea who hid them. THEN she told Jordan that Brendon's turtle "fronklin" is in the tank of the toliet in the HOH room and that Porsche hid it there (she did do that). Well last night Jordan gave it back to Rachel and told her that Shelly told her Porsche hid it there. That pissed Rachel off big time. You will probably get to see this unfold on tonight's double eviction episode so I won't give it all away.

- Last night Dani tried to get Rachel on her side and it seems like Rachel is tricking Dani and Shelly into thinking that Rachel is going to keep Dani when in reality she went and told Jeff everything and they now know that Shelly is not to be trust. They decided to wait until Dani leaves the house before the confront Shelly and that she is basically the next target on their list. Shelly sank her ship just like Dani did and it will be interesting to see what happens after tonight.

- BB also gave the houseguest and game to practice on for tonight. It reminds you of that game "teeter" that andriod phones have (others may too) but they have to move a fall down a snake like thing and get it in a hole at the end but there are not sides on the thing so the ball can fall off. Rachel, Jordan, Jeff, and Adam are really good at it and can get the ball in the hole. Porsche and Kalia are not that good at all. People are speculating if it will be the first HOH of the night, the POV, or the second HOH. Many think it will be the second HOH because it could take a while because they move the ball kind of slow and that HOH probably will not be on the live show. Also Jeff made sure to practice incase this wasn't for the HOH but Dani did not. So if there is a change in things and she does stay she will have not practiced at all.

Hope everyone is excited for tonight's episode because it is an entire week in 1 episode. Can't wait to see Dani walk out the door.

**I apologize for any mistakes in the post I was typing it pretty fast and did not proof read it. **

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