OT Diet Diaries

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it's okay to eat a bit of cake, just keep it to a small piece, and make it one from the middle, not the outside. the outside pieces have the most frosting. but, before you eat the piece, ask yourself, "what will this do to me? what is the nutritional value? will i get anything from this 5 minutes of cake?" it makes me really question the food i put in my body, and usually, i'll make the choice to put the right things in, not the wrong ones.

i like to think of food as fuel. you put good fuel in, you get a good outcome. you put in crappy, sugary sweets and junky foods, you get a junky outcome.

Thank you!!
All good stuff on here :)
I'm very inconsistent with my diet/exercise routine. I do get bored and like to try new things. I have found some great plans (exercise and diet) that have worked I just have trouble sticking to it when something comes up.

I'm worried about camps this summer because when I that active all day I just want to eat and eat and there are not always healthy options. I am going to try my best to control portions and bring my own snacks!

When I am lounging around the house I am most likely to snack, therefore I have started wearing sportsbras. This is a great reminder not to over indulge and even get some working out in!
I'm portugese so its very hard for me not to eat a lot of my traiditional foods that I grew up on or just food in general. So far I am doing good with keeping away from fried food and things high in sugar but when I am rushing all day and have almost no sleep I have no idea what I could eat that will fill me and give me energy. I've tried fruit and nuts and it just makes me feel bloated and even more sleepy. I work out daily so that helps but food is just my biggest issue. I <3 IT! lol
I'm portugese so its very hard for me not to eat a lot of my traiditional foods that I grew up on or just food in general. So far I am doing good with keeping away from fried food and things high in sugar but when I am rushing all day and have almost no sleep I have no idea what I could eat that will fill me and give me energy. I've tried fruit and nuts and it just makes me feel bloated and even more sleepy. I work out daily so that helps but food is just my biggest issue. I <3 IT! lol

i have a similar problem with energy. unfortunately, i'm a caffeine addict, so i get sleepy really really easily. i've noticed that baked/grilled chicken gives me a good boost. also, bananas send my energy through the roof! and, if i'm looking for something sweet, apples with a teeny bit of peanut butter do the trick. just make sure to keep the pb to a minimum.
i have a similar problem with energy. unfortunately, i'm a caffeine addict, so i get sleepy really really easily. i've noticed that baked/grilled chicken gives me a good boost. also, bananas send my energy through the roof! and, if i'm looking for something sweet, apples with a teeny bit of peanut butter do the trick. just make sure to keep the pb to a minimum.

thanks I'll give it a shot and for caffeine I don't really like anything with caffeine in it so no luck there lol
Any diets that would help me lose 20 lbs?

diets aren't going to do much. first make the commitment to change your lifestyle. healthier lifestyle=healthier you.

eliminate the junky stuff from your household. i'd do a pantry clean out and get rid of chips, cookies, pastries, sodas etc. and then, fill the empty spaces with healthy alternatives- fruits and veggies, unsalted nuts(in moderation) and whole grains(in moderation), yogurt, non fat cottage cheese, grilled chicken and lean turkey. these all things i basically live off of.

and then make meal plans. i counted my calories extremely strictly for a couple weeks. it gave me ideas about proper portion sizes and how much i should be eating. now, i know how much i need, and i no longer count calories. but keep your calories to about 1500 per day. chances are, your BMR is around 1700-2000. eating 1500 will give you a 200 calorie deficit per day. you need to burn about 3500 cals to lose a pound. so, if you then add 300 calories of exercise each day, you'll lose on average, a pound a week.

this is basically what i'm trying to do, and so far i've lost 20 pounds. best of luck!
Also remember: if you're toning a LOT, you might be losing fat but gaining muscle, so it will distort your 'weight'. Sometimes I find it actually BETTER for me to go off how I look in the mirror as opposed to what's on the scale...I get a 'more' accurate picture of how I'm fairing..BMI is usually a better indicator as well..
I just got back from church camp, and in 5 days I went from 129-130, to 119-121. How? I didn't drink sodas at camp and I ate smaller portions and no snacks. :) So, I decided to try to bring it home with me. This morning, I had strawberries and bananas cut up for breakfast. (Okay fine, I added a little bit of sugar... baby steps..) haha. :)
I just got back from church camp, and in 5 days I went from 129-130, to 119-121. How? I didn't drink sodas at camp and I ate smaller portions and no snacks. :) So, I decided to try to bring it home with me. This morning, I had strawberries and bananas cut up for breakfast. (Okay fine, I added a little bit of sugar... baby steps..) haha. :)
Try bananas cut up in a bowl with milk and a bit of sugar (you don't need a lot if you've got decently sweet bananas)..I used to have it for breakfast all the time when I was little. SO YUMMY.
Yep! That's what they are :) Ummm yeah, just regular sauce haha. Or you can buy a bag of ramen and throw out the noodles and use the seasoning pack from that! Cheap. lol
when you take them out of the package, they smell fishy and theyre slimy. rinse them in a collander for 2-3 minutes and then boil them for 5.
seriously, if you don't, theyre disgusting.
Nothing like home summer cooking. My new food obsession: hummus. It's SO easy to make at home, you can make it however you'd like, and it's good on everything. I now eat it on hot dogs. Yes. HOT DOGS. Grill your hot dog, toast the roll, then slap on some hummus and top it with freshly chopped tomatoes. It's seriously delicious.
Try bananas cut up in a bowl with milk and a bit of sugar (you don't need a lot if you've got decently sweet bananas)..I used to have it for breakfast all the time when I was little. SO YUMMY.
Okay, thanks! :) Also, i love your siggy. Esp. the 'they creepin' on your facebook' part. :)
I started the Body-for-Life diet today.
its a diet plan, and you essentially eat healthy and excersize 6 days out of the week, and then you get a free day to eat whatever. (it prevents plateaus)
it teaches you how to create your own healthy meals.

1. choose a portion of protein (chicken breasts, fish, steak, ground turkey)
2. choose a complex carbohydrate (sweet potato, brown rice)
3. choose a vegtable.
no soda. at all, ever.
and you generally want to aim for 20 grams of protein and carbs per meal.

so for lunch, im having baked chicken breast, brown rice, broccoli/cauliflower, and water.

the workout plan looks like:
Day 1: Upper Body.
Day 2: Cardio
Day3:Lower Body/ Abs
Day 4: Cardio
Day 5: Upper Body
Day 6: Rest
and then you repeat
Nothing like home summer cooking. My new food obsession: hummus. It's SO easy to make at home, you can make it however you'd like, and it's good on everything. I now eat it on hot dogs. Yes. HOT DOGS. Grill your hot dog, toast the roll, then slap on some hummus and top it with freshly chopped tomatoes. It's seriously delicious.

just curious, how do you make hummus? (don't really feel like looking it up haha) and i LOVE hummus, especially from trader joe's yummy!

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